Cherish | Dvir x Austin

163 6 4

[Requested by fennkoo]

OMG the two angry bois I missed them
They both stick together and be angry together

Anyways, hope you enjoy this! :D

Sorry I didn't entirely stick to the original prompt, I just tried adding some
details and it turned into this-

Funny enough, I should try to write more prompts with the characters already being lovers haha

⚠️ TW: mentions of blood and lovey-dovey dudes
(Because Murder game go brr)


[Incorrect Quote]

Jean-Claude: Charlotte gave me a get better soon card.

Viola: Aww, that's so sweet!

Jean-Claude: I wasn't sick, she just thinks I can do better.

Viola: Oh.



I'm trapped in the murderous place called Flicker.

If you don't have a clue what that is, it's supposedly a "fun game" that you either survive or die like everyone else.

It's a man versus man (or whatever you would call it) world we live in, and gives no exceptions to anybody.

My role? I'm only a survivor and everyone else gets all the good roles. I'm stuck doing nothing and just barely hoping to live.

I'm not alone here however. I dragged along my best friend and lover, Austin, into the game, thinking it was going to be fun. Now I realize my mistakes, and wish to go back to where I didn't know about this place.

Should've seen all the signs that something was off, but I ignored them all. What an idiot I was to think they were nothing.



"It says we could get to know some new people! Doesn't that sound like fun, dude?" I said with a wide smile.

I was looking through the unsorted mail on the couch and had found an invite to a gathering happening that day. It seemed like fun, and I was intrigued to go.

"I don't know...," he responded, a slight frown on his face, skeptic about the decision. "I've never seen that place or even heard about it once. Shouldn't you just play it safe and not go?"

"Aww, come on, Austin! I bet it'll be fun with the both of us! Don't make me go alone!" I said, pulling him onto the couch beside me to read the invitation. He looked it over a last time.

"Okay! I'll come, I'll come," he said, a small sigh escaping his lips as he laid on the couch with me.

I happily cheered, pecking a small kiss on his cheek. "That's the spirit! We're going then!"

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