spark of vengeance

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There was a town burning down. All the way att the top of Greenland and one of the dragons from Europe had gotten lost hunting fish in the ocean and ended up there. The people of the town had panicked and began to throw spears at the dragon witch inraged it. Even tho the people of this town were experienced vikings, they still had no chance. However then a norse dragon arrive from a nearby mountain. The norse dragon used the horns on its head to ram into the other dragon. Then it used its claws to cut its eye. The European dragon responded by shooting fire at the norse one but it missed. The norse dragon started to breath ice to shut the European dragons mouth. It then used its claws to rip the European dragons throat open. The norse dragon looked around the burning town, it was sure that almost nobody would survive. However one sound would peirce its ears, the sound of a screaming baby. The dragon followed the sound and saw a little baby surrounded by fire. The dragon could have left the baby to die, but it didn't. The norse dragon picked up the baby and took him to the top of the mountain. In the middle of the mountain there was what looked like a giant sinkhole that hadn't closed in years. At the bottom there was a nest, a river and a few plants.

The dragon flew down and placed the baby in the nest. The dragon then flew back to the town and started to rip the dead dragon to shreds like it was looking for a specific organ. When it was done, the dragon looked annoyed and flew back.


Years had passed and the dragon had grown bigger and stronger. The baby was now 5 years old as he was 1 by the time his town burned down. However he was mutch bigger and stronger then a normal human would be by his age. However neither of them had seen any other human since  the town was burned down. Well that was until one day. There was a storm outside making it hard to fly. However that didn't stop people from trying. Three people made it to the top of the mountain. They looked down  the sinkhole and they all started smiling. The norse dragon saw their weapons and instantly knew that they came to kill the dragon. The dragon charged at them but they managed to dodge. The dragon  roared at them and shot ice at them. It also used ice to close the sinkhole. However one of the men who was holding a spear managed to get on the dragons back, move to its head and stab it. It didn't go deep enough to kill the dragon but it did hurt.

The dragon slammed its head into the mountain, crushing the human but not killing him. The dragon then uses its ice breath to keep the human in place. However right before he would close his mouth, another human with a sword jumped in and started to stab it from the inside. The dragon forced him out with its ice breath tho. The dragon ripped out a chunk of the mountain with its claws and threw it at them. However one of tgen who was holding a sword and shield blocked it. The shield took no damage meaning that it was made from some special and rare material. The one with the spear got out of the ice and threw the spear into the dragons eye, it roared in pain. The dragon hit him with its tail and sent him flying off the mountain. It then shot ice at tge others but they dodged. It used its claws to attack them but tge one with the sword cut off one of its fingers. The dragon tackled him but then the one with the shield threw it at the dragon.

Then the one with the sword climed onto the dragons head and started to stab it. The dragon tried to get him off but the one with the shield would stop him by hitting it with the shield or stabbing it with his sword. Finally the dragon managed to grab them both and flew up into the sky. The one with the sword dropped it as the dragon planned to drop them from the sky. However they would hang on and then the one with the spear somehow climbed back up the mountain, picked up the sword, and threw it at the dragon, hitting it in the right wing. The other two jumped off as the dragon fell down through the ice and back into the sinkhole. It knew that it didn't have mutch time. It ripped out one of its organs and forced the boy to eat it before dying. Right then, the three attackers came down. (Do you know what you just did boy!?!? Dragons have a special organ that let's them do things like breath ice and fire among other things! If a human eats it it will gain the powers of a dragon! AND THIS ONE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE MINE!!!!) One of them yelled while holding the boy by the throat. However the boy didn't know how to speak since he was raised by a dragon. So all that he understood was that these three had killed his parent.

The boy started to have a mental breakdown and he grew scales on his body. His eyes turned white except for the pupils who as dark as the night sky. His pupils also turned slit like a dragons eyes. He grew two big horns on his head and two even bigger wings. He started to get giant claws aswell. The boy screamed in agony as his transformation hurt like hell before he covered the entire mountain in ice. The three attackers had to run away as the boy was causing the sinkhole to collapse in his mental breakdown. He tried to run after them but the one with the shield threw his sword at him and it hit him right in tge face. However it didn't go deep enough to kill him. The boy rilled out the sword but he still couldn't see as blood was covering his eyes. He tried to wipe it away but there was to much. Then the boy felt something hard hit him. Then he heared the voices of those same men. The boy started to try and escape as he was only 5 years old. They tried to catch him but he flew right up into the storm above them. He did manage to escape but not even 3 minutes later he ended up crashing back down on the ground as the storm was to hard to fly in.

He ended up running away on foot instead. Eventually he managed to find a cave and covered the entrance with snow so that nobody could find him. His attackers were very close to finding him but gave up before they actually did. He waited for an hour before he starts to transform back into his normal human version. Then he just sat there and cried.

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