terrible events

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Andri quickly sprouted wings and charged towards the knight. However the knight dodged like it was nothing. Raff tried kicking him but the knight dodged so easily that it looked like he was fighting toddlers. Andri shot ice at the knight. However, with the flick of a finger, the ice had been shattered. Raff jumped on the knights back and tried choking him while Andri got down and held his legs in place. However, the Knight just grabbed them both with one hand each and slammed them against each other before slamming them against the wall, shattering it.

Blood flew from their heads as they tried to get up. ("Come on, i expected more from the two who managed to make entire kingdoms want to kill them. You couldnt even protect your precious little wolves from me!") The knight exclaimed tauntingly.  ("SHUT UP!") Andri yelled as he ran up and tried clawing at him. However, the knight simply grabbed him by the wrist and twisted it until his hand was broken. Andri yelled out in pain ad tried kicking the knight away but the kick had no effect.

Raff ran up and tried punching the knight, but the knight back handed him so hard it send a shock wave through the entire house and shattered all the windows. Raff collapsed on the ground, unconscious. Andri used his remaining hand to slam the knights head against the ground. However the knight just got back up like nothing happened and used his foot to pin Andri to the ground. The knight then grabbed both of Andris arms and dislocated them like it was nothing. 

Andri yelled out in pain and tried shooting ice at the knight but he just brushed it off like it was nothing. Raff finally woke up and tried to tackle the knight but the knight didnt even move a centimeter. ("Really fucking pathetic") The knight muttered as he smacked Raff across his face so hard that his jaw broke. Andri tried shooting more ice but the knight once again just brushed it off like it was nothing. ("You really are a pain in my ass you know? Here i was hoping for a good fight but you really just are a weak little child.") The knight exclaimed as he stomped on Andris face so hard it caved in and broke his skull. Raff tried getting up but the knight punched him in the chest so hard his ribs shattered and pierced one of his lungs.

The two of them both stopped moving and their bodies were limp but they were both still barely breathing.("Hmm, maybe you will do after all. I didnt expect you two to survive those last two attacks, well see if you survive the rest though, i am still not done.") The knight muttered. The knight then grabbed Andris leg and twisted it until it broke. Andri just laid there, limp and not fighting back, but still somehow breathing and still staying alive.  The knight then grabbed his long sword and walked over to Raff. However instead of stabbing him, the knight used the handle of the sword to smash Raffs face three times.

Raffs face caved in and his skull had shattered but he was still somehow breathing. ("Please stop! Please dont do this!") Elena yelled but the soldier holding her down simply covered her mouth to shut her up. The knight kicked Andri in the ribs and shattered them, making them pierce one of his lungs as well. The knight then kicked the two of them. Elena didnt know how long he was kicking them but it was enough time for their bodies to be completely destroyed. Their bones were broken and they had blood coming from every part of ther bodies. 

("Well, lets check if they are breathing.") The knight exclaimed as he kneeled down to check their breath. ("Too bad, they are both dead as fuck.") The knight exclaimed. ("Lets get out, let the girl go:")

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