cant catch a damn break

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There was a knocking on the door. ("I got it") Elena exclaimed as she walked over to the door. When she opened it, she saw not one, not two but around 20 soldiers for the Spanish army. ("Is your name Elena Gaudí?") They asked. ("Uh, Yeah?") Elena replied with a confused look on her face. Without another word, they barged in and started searching the place. ("Wait a damn minut! You cant just barge in to my home! What do you want?") Elena shouted. One of them turned to face her as he started to speak. ("Are you hiding any dangerous criminals? Ones that go by the names Andri and Raff?") Elena grew a worried look on her face. ("What? What did they do?") She asked.

("We found them!") A soldier shouted from somewhere in the house. Elena heard things get pushed around and Raff yell something as all the soldiers rushed towards the noise. Elena followed them only to see that the wolves had been brutally massacred and that they were pinning down Andri and Raff. ("Get off them!") Elena shouted as she ran towards them. However a soldier hiding behind the door managed to sneak behind her and pin her down before she could get to them.

Another soldier walked up to Andri and Raff while holding a long sword. This soldiers armor was more fancy and he was not only taller than the others but also more muscular. ("I apologize for the intrusion. But, Spain has recently formed an alliance with France. You know what that means right? It means that Spain will now join the hunt for these two right here. But that is no easy task right? So, they sent me, one of the countries top commanders here to deal with them.") The soldier exclaimed.

("Andri and Raff, the two of you will be executed by my hand.") The commanding soldier continues as he lifts his sword up, ready to cut their heads off. ("Get off me!") Raff and Andri yelled as they tried their best to get away. ("You seriously think you can get away? These soldiers pinning you down right now have been hand selected by the king himself to form a group of soldiers to complete tasks  that normal soldiers cant, and i was selected to lead these soldiers. So in other words, were just better than all other soldiers you have dealt with.") He exclaimed confidently.

("Wait please! Isnt there something we can do!? Please dont kill them!") Elena yelled. ("Hmm, now that i think about it, there is one thing i want that i cant legally get, but i need to know that your tough enough to deal with it. Tell you what, i will beat the two of you without mercy and if you manage to survive the beating, i will have you complete a special task for me that i cant do myself as it isnt exactly legal. And if you complete the task i will have my soldiers fake your deaths and send the two of you off to another country or something. However, if the two of you die during this beating or during your little mission, then your dead and my mission will be complete. But just so you know, i wont be holding back.") The commanding soldier responded.

("Fuck that,") Andri exclaimed as he tried to shoot ice at the soldiers. However one of them smashed and pressed his head against the floor so that he couldnt use it to harm anyone. ("Oh its fine, let them go, they wont be a threat at all. Just make sure they dont run. And if they do, kill them instantly. But do hold the girl still as she has nothing to do with this.") The commanding soldier exclaimed in a calm and casual tone. The soldiers let Andri and Raff go but instead of attacking, they rushed to the bloody and dead wolves lying on the floor.

("You-you piece of shit. Ill fucking kill you for this.") Raff muttered. ("You wont make it home tonight asshole") Andri exclaimed. ("Oh yes wow im so scared!") The commanding soldier responded tauntingly. The other soldiers burst out with laughter but it only fueled Raffs and Andris rage even more. The two of them got up and slowly started walking towards the commanding solider.

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