attempt at escape

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Andri grew more scales and also claws as he got ready to fight. When suddenly, a drop fell on Their heads, it had started raining. The king grew a look of slight worry on his face but refused to show it. The king also grew more careful and became cautious as he took a fighting stance. Andri shot an icicle but the kings armor stopped him from getting hurt. The king tried to stab Andri but Andri used his scales to block and then used his right hand to break the sword. However the king simy picked him up and slammed him back down on the ground. Then he picked him up again and threw him through the wall before charging at him. Andri managed to dodge and shot at him with a barrage of icicles but the kings armor stopped any of them from hurting him. The king jumped towards Andri and kicked him to the ground. However Andri managed to push him away by creating a large peice of ice the size of a house. However the king simply punched through it before grabbing g Andri and throwing him through another house. However Andri was determined, he knew that his friend wouldn't abandon him, he just needed to last until he showed up. Determined to survive, Andri breathed out a cold air, his breath turned visible thanks to the cold and Andrj created mist to hide himself. The king walked into, thinking that Andri can't hide in such a of mist. However as soon as he walked in he heared a noucs from. Above him. He looked up only to be stabbed in the eye with ice. Andri had turned a drop of rain into ice and it landed in the kings eye.

The king became pist and his ego was hurt because he got injured by somebody much weaker than him. He let out a loud scream that blew away the mist, making Andri visible. The king tackled Andri and started to pummel him. Andri managed to kick him off put the king grabbed his foot and slammed him on the ground before throwing him away again. He then got on top of Andri and started beating him. Hope Andri only let out a  sadistic laugh, his breath turning cold enough to turn all the rain drops onto ice. Fearing he would get stabbed in his head by the ice, the king tried to cover his head by using his body. Andri used his opertunity and started to rip his armor to shreds, leaving his body exposed. The king, now loosing his armor, got up and tackled Andri through the wall of a 2 story house.

Andri managed to kick him off but the king was given a knife from the owner of the house. The two of them glared at echover while waiting to see what the other person would do. The king made the first move, jumping on Andri and wrapping his legs around him to prevent himself from falling. The king then used the knife to try and stab Andri. Andri used the scales on his left hand to block while trying to claw at him with the other hand. The king used his remaining hand to stop Andri from clawing at him. The king saw that his trick wasn't working so he got of and took some distance from Andri. Andrj noticed that he was way better at fighting with a weapon than without one, and he was also a little cocky. Before he could think about it more, the king lunged at him. Andri managed to block with his claws and dodge when the king tried to slice his neck.

The king tried to slash him again but Andri blocked and tried to cut him but the king also blocked. The king made it look like he was going to stab but then faked it and slashed Andrj across the chest instead. The tried a few more slashed but Andri managed to dodge them. Andri let out a barrage of slashes but the king managed to block every single one. The king tried to counter with a slash but Andri grabbed the blade, his scales preventing him from. Getting cut. Then Andri tried to use his other hand to claw at him but the king grabbed it. Instead of trying to wrestling his arm free, Andri started to bite his shoulder. The king yelled out in pain and kicked away Andrj before slicing him across the stomach, however not deep enough to kill him. Then out of nowhere the king started to laugh. He yelled out some things in a language Andri didn't understand before his eyes turned slit and he grew scales all over his body. Then he spouted wings and started to spit out boiling water the same way a water dragon would. The scotish king had killed a water dragon and eaten its special organ to gain its powers.

Andri did his best to dodge but the king was on a hole nother level. It was like the king was toying with him for that entire fight and now decided to let loose. The king grabbed him and slammed him against one of the archer towers on the city walls, making the top of the tower collapse. Then he shot boiling water at Andri again. Andri tried to turn it into ice but it was to hot. Now Andri wasn't so sure if he still wanted to sell him or just kill him right now. As Andri fought for his life, a loud howl was heared. Andri had been so determined to win that he didn't even realize that it had turned to night and it was a full moon. As Andri looked to the source of the howl he saw a werewolf, but this one wasn't the same one he had befriended. Its fur was dark as the night sky and it had no pupils in its eyes and it was also twice the size of his friend.

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