beaten and battered

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The earth shook with every step the dragon took. It slowly walked towards Andri, letting out a low growl. ("Bring it bitch!") Andri yelled at the dragon. The earth dragon couldnt help but smirk, as it reared its claw back in preparation for a large slam. Andri managed to just barely dodge the attack as the dragon slammed its claws down at Andri. The dragon ate more of the ground before quickly spitting it out as a hot lava instead of solid ground. Andri managed to create a wall of ice to block the attack however the dragon quickly slammed its fist through the ice and at Andri, sending him crashing into a small house. ("Fuck, pain") Andri muttered under his breath as he struggled to get up.

However before he could even stand, the dragon shot more lava at him. He quickly hid behind a wall before clawing his way through it in order to get out. The dragon grinned and laughed at him, amused that Andri was so pathetic. Andri shot icicles at the dragon but it just swatted them away like it was nothing. Andri took a deep breath and shot a big blast of ice at the dragon, freezing it in place. Andri took his opportunity and flew at the dragon, landing on its head. The dragon broke the ice and started thrashing around and slamming into things, trying to shake Andri off.

Andri stated shooting its head with ice and tried shooting it in its eyes. However the dragon grabbed him with its claw and threw him against another house before shooting more lava at him. Andri didnt manage to dodge and the lava hit him right in the torso, arms and legs and also a little on his neck. Andri let out a loud scream of pain as the dragon laughed at him before using its very large claws like excavators to dig into the ground. Andir stood up and tried taking away the lava but only ended up burning his hands even more. He grunted in pain but then the ground started shaking, almost as if an earthquake had started. But it was no earthquake, it was the earth dragon digging around under him. And then, it burst out under Andri, launching him into the air.

The dragon then used its large claws to slam him down, making him crash into the ground. ("Fuck, he hurts") Andri muttered as he struggle to get up. The dragon swallowed more ground and got ready to shoot Andri with more lava but stopped. ("Heh? Stopped? What! You scared bitch!?") Andri yelled with confidence, knowing damn well that he would not survive another attack. He had several broken bones and very bad burn scar as well as several open wounds leaking out blood at an alarming rate. The dragon ignored him and looked up at the cliff were Andri stood earlier. Andri followed its gaze, seeing that Raff, now stood there, holding a spear in one hand and a crossbow in the other.

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