reptilian trubbles

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A loud roar was heard from the shore. It was so loud that everyone on the battlefield turned to look. An adult ocean dragon burst through the water. The  ocean dragon is of colossal proportions, with a body that can stretch for hundreds of feet. It dwarfs even the largest of ships and sea creatures. Its serpentine form is covered in shimmering, iridescent scales that glisten like the surface of the sea under the sun. However, the dragon Andri saw that ate an entire armada was still at least 500 times bigger.

The dragon's body is perfectly adapted for life in the ocean. It has powerful, fin-like limbs that allow it to glide gracefully through the water. Its tail ends in a massive, fan-shaped fin that propels it through the depths. The scales of an adult ocean dragon come in a breathtaking range of oceanic hues, from deep blues and greens to silvery whites, mimicking the colors of the sea. Its scales change colors and patterns, allowing it to blend with its surroundings or signal its emotional state.  Along its back, there are several dorsal fins that provide stability in the water. Its webbed claws, adapted for swimming and grasping, are a beautiful blend of form and function.

The dragon's head is elongated and sleek, with a mouth filled with sharp, iridescent teeth. Its eyes are large and intelligent. It roared into the sky as it climbed on the english beaches. It then shot out a stream of boiling hot water that was so hot it melted the skin of all the english soldiers that dared attack it.  However then the dragon paused for a moment and looked around it. In its peripheral vision, it saw something white dart around it. It shot boiling water all around it to try and attack whatever it saw. However the white creature moved out of the way.

A spike from ice seemingly came out of nowhere and hit its neck. However the dragons scales were to strong to bet pierced. It started breaking everything around it to try and kill the little annoying creature that was attacking it. A spear of ice suddenly went into its ear. It roared out in pain and finally saw what little annoying creature attacked it. It was Andri who had rushed towards it as soon as he saw it burst out of the water. Andri suddenly flew up in the air and started taunting the ocean dragon. It grew angry and chased after him. Andri however was smaller and hard to spot while flying around so Andri quickly disappeared again.

The dragon looked all around but could not find him.  It thought that Andri had taken cover up in the clouds so it flew up. But then it felt a cold feeling in its behind that was quickly replaced by pain. It roared out in pain and looked behind itself to see that Andri had shoved a giant ice spike up its ass. It roared again and started thrashing around, hoping that if it attacked all around itself it would hit Andri. Soon, it felt something touch its tail. It looked over and saw that it had smacked Andri with its tail. As Andri was plummeting down, The dragon shot boiling water at it. 

Andri screamed out in pain as the water melted the first layer of his skin. The dragon charged down at him, trying to ram itself into him with its entire body and crush him. However Andri quickly moved out of the way. The dragon crashed down on the grounded, leaving a crater  on it. It soon felt two creatures moving up its back and then to its neck. It thrashed around, trying to shake them off but then felt something trying to pierce its scales. However dragon scales were extremely hard to break or even leave a small dent on. It rolled on its back and managed to shake them off it. 

It looked down and saw prince Arthur and the werewolf Raff. It was about to crush them but saw something moving towards its eye. It quickly moved out of the way and saw Andri shooting ice at it. It then felt something sharp hit one of its claws. It looked down and saw Arthur trying to cut its claws with his giant sword. However Raff was also nowhere to bee seen. The dragon quickly shook Arthur of it and looked around. It spotted Andri carrying Raff in the air towards the dragon. The dragon was about to shoot boiling water but its mouth was quickly forced closed by Andri shooting ice at it. Andri dropped Raff on the dragons head as it broke the ice and tried to shoot Andri. The dragon missed and fel Raff moving towards its eye.

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