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A strange woman walked in the room, her face filler with shock as soon as she saw Andri awake. Andri got up and threw the bed at her as he didnt know where he was or who the woman was. Then a man ran into the room and looked like he was trying to calm Andri down. However Andri didnt trust him at all. (who are you?) Andri asked. He didnt get a response, they just looked at him confused before calling out to somebody. then a man came into the room. (Hello there.) The man said calmly. (You are from denmark right? or is it iceland? perhaps greenland? Those three are the only places that speak your language, so witch is it?) The man asked. (Where is i?) Andri asked. (Do you not know how to speak correctly boy? Your supposed to say where am i not where is i. And to answer your cuestion, you are in a hospital in the city off Clachtoll. So in other words you are in north Scotland.) The man responded.

(Scotland?) Andri said confused. (Yes Scotland. Now why are you here? Did you get washed ashore by the tsunami? If so then im impressed as almost nobody can survive that.) The man responded. (Now please stop destroying the room. You need to rest. a few of your bones are broken and you might have permanent brain damage, you dont have a choise if you want to live as going out with those injuries will kill you. Not only that, there is a werewolf running loose that has been killing people left and right, And tomorrow will be a full moon. If you go out then it will find and kill you. Now please relax, if you need anything you ca tell me and i will work as a translator and get you everything you need.) The man continued. (Where is three men with spear, shield and sword?) Andri asked. (We didnt find anyone else, are they your friends? Im sorry but they were probably washed away somewhere else.) The man responded. 

Andri got really annoyed hearing these news and walked out of the hospital. (Sir wait! Going out in your condition is a death wish! Even more so with a werewolf on the loose!) The man yelled. Andri got a nearby rock and threw it at the man to shut him up. Andri walked around for a bit and looked for something to eat. He found a small shop and went in. he picked up some beef and was about to leave when the owner stopped him. The owner started to yell at him but Andri didnt understand a word. Andri responded by slamming his head against the wall, breaking it. Andri walked into the forest were he thought that nobody would be able to annoy him. He sat there and relaxed while eating the beef. However then a pack of wolves showed up.

They growled at him and tried to scare him. However Andri just sat there and ate his food. When he was done he grabbed the biggest of the wolves and was about to kill it but then an arrow was shot and landed between them. Andri looked over and saw a kid about his age with long white hair, white eyes and torn clothes that looked like some giant had tried to wear them but broke them instead. The boy had long nails that looked slightly like claws and his teeth looked slightly sharper then a normal person. The boy walked towards Andri and pointed at some of the left over beef that Andri had. (want you?) Andri asked, barely managing to speak a simple sentance.

The boy looked at him confused but also didnt try to say anything. it was like the boy didnt know how to speak. Andri pointed towards the wolves with a confused look on his face, wondering why the boy was helping them. The boy then turned around and hugged the wolf, Showing that it wasnt dangerous. Then the boy pointed at the direction of the city with a confused look on his face, wondering if Andri was working with the humans. Andri shook his head and gave the boy his left over food. The boy smiled as he and his wolves ate it all in the matter of seconds. They then started to walk away as the boy gestured for Andri to follow them.

They walked for around 20 minuts until they arrived at a farm that was away from the city. The farm had lots of animals and only three dogs to stand guard. All they had to do was scare the dogs and then it was a giant buffet. However they had the worst timing possible. A few soldiers were visiting the farm to collect taxes and walked out right when they were about to scare away the dogs. The dogs felt more confident now that soldiers were there and the owners of the farm also stepped out to help. However Andri was to tired for an all out brawl and just froze them all in place and left them to die of hyperthermia while him, the boy and the wolves ate all of the farm animals. The boy looked at him in amazement as he realised that Andri was rased by animals just like he was.

When they were done eating, they walked over to a cave where they all relaxed until the night. When the night arrived, the boy started to transform. he grew taller and much ore muscular. He grew large claws and teeth and also fur. Then Andri realised that this boy was the werewolf the doctor spoke off. However he was not a normal one, he was an albino werewolf. Andri didnt think much of it as he was now friends with the boy, however the boy attacked him. The boy jumped on him but Andri managed to get him off. Andri started to think of ideas as to why the boy was now attacking him. He came up with one explination witch was that he was similar to when Andri has a mental breakdown. But instead he transforms once a month and looses control and attacks everything thats not a wolf.

The boy charged at Andri but Andri froze his leg in place to stop him. The boy broke the ice and jumped towards him. However Andri grew scales on his hands to make him punch harder. Then he punched the boy right in the face and sent him flying back a little. They then both tackled echover. They both hit echover at the same time. However Andri recovered more quicly and grew claws before slicing the boys chest. The boy then tried to bite him but Andri managed to dodge. However then the boy used its claws to slice Andri across the chest. Andri respondedn by kicking him away. They both charged at echover at the same time but the boy managed to dodge Andri and counter by slaching his back and then his chest again. However then Andri punched the boy right on his chest in the area his lungs are. The boy lost his breath long enough for Andri to hold him in place. The wolves joined in as they didnt want the boy to kill their new freind. They all managed to hold him down long enough for it to become morning.

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