new kings

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A look of surprise grew on everyone's face. The king had a annoyed look on his face, like he was contemplating continuing going for Andi or killing the were wolf. However this new werewolf wasn't going to give him enough time to decide. The werewolf started ripping civilians to shreds. Then he started killing the soldiers. The king rushed off and left Andri. Andri flew away as fast as he could. However ballistas had started to shoot at him. Andri got down on the ground and started running, taking cover under the trees. He then heard another howl, but this one was infront of him. Then he heared another, and another. He heared several and then he heared running. A pack of wolves came running towards him, the same ones he had befriended. Then an albino werewolf came running. The same albino he had befriended. It tackled him to the ground. Andri and the other wolves tried to get him under control. But then even more footsteps were heared. They all looked up and horror filled their hearts. It was the black werewolf, and his was holding a severed hand in its mouth. It spit out the hand. (You, ill finish the job this time.) The black werewolf said in a dark growly voice.

Andris friend froze. Memories started flooding his head. This werewolf talking to him, was the same one who had turned him into the albino werewolf he was today. He didn't give it a second thought, he just ran away as fast as possible. The black werewolf started walking after him but Andri and the wolves stood in his way. However before a fight could start, the scotish king jumped on his back and stabbed him with a sword. The kings left hand had also been severed. Andri and the wolves decided that they would rather live then get killed by either the werewolf or the king. They started running in the same direction their friend ran. They managed to catch up to their friend. However he kept running. They had never seen him this scared before. He ran for miles and miles, until the the morning and the sun was on the brink of rising. All of a sudden, arrows started to rain from the sky. Andri blocked them all by creating a roof of ice. They all took a good look and saw an army coming towards them. Theh were carrying flags but they weren't scotish flags.

They marched towards them while raining down even more arrows. And just to make things worse, the sun started rising and the albino werewolf turned back into his human form, he then passed out from running so much. The army grew closer and closer. Andri started to fear the end of his and his friends lives. They had been running for miles and Andri had also just been in a fight with the king of scotland. The army kept walking closer but then stopped right infront of them. A tall man with brown hair, hazel eyes and gold armor walked infront of them along with another teenage man with blond hair, blue eyes, carrying a giant sword on his back and he had gold armor aswell. (Good morning!) The adult in the hold armor exclaimed. (Tell me, whats your name?) He continued. (Huh? Uh, Andri.) Andri replied. (Andri, nice name. And him?) The man asked. (Dont know, who is you?) Andri asked.

(I am the king of England. My name is Henry and this is my child Aurthor.) He exclaimed. (Are you running from Scotland? Is it because your friend is a werewolf? It wouldn't be surprising, they have made a alliance with the hunters guild that has now tooken over several countries. Come with me, I don't mind mythical creatures.) Henry exclaimed as he gestured them to follow him. Andri picked up his friend as him and the wolves started to follow Aurthor and Henry.

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