Ocean disaster

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The old man brought Andri upstairs and gave him a few harpoons. (you got a good throwing arm? cause were going to be chucking these bad boys at the sucker! you only need to hit him a few times as these things are covered in poison! Now lets get on my ship and kill the fucker!) the old man exclaimed with excitement. They got on the same big boat that Andri had tried to get on before and started sailing towards deeper waters. it only took about 5 minuts for the water around them to turn black. (get ready its here! you se that in the water? its the ink from the bastard!) the old man yelled. Without skipping a beat, a giant tentacle burst out of the water. the old man threw a harpoon at the tentacle and it recoiled in pain. a few more tentacles burst out of the water and one of them almost grabbed the old man but Andri stabbed it with a harpoon. 3 more tentacles appeared behind Andri ad one of them grabbed him. Andri managed to get his arm free from its grasp and started to tear it to shreds. then he looked over to see how the old man was doing and saw that he was getting attacked by several tentacles. Andri threw a harpoon at one of them and then used his ice breath to freeze the others in place, giving the old man some time to get away from them. the tentacles got free and then they started to try and drag the boat under water.

However Andri froze all of the water that was about to overwhelm the boat. they were dragged to the bottom of the ocean floor but Andri froze all of the water around them, making a tunnel of ice from the surphase to the ocean floor and also stopping any water from spilling on to the boat. behind the ice they saw the ugly face of the kraken. it charged towards them, planning to break all the ice and drown them. However before it could break the ice, it died. the poison had killed it. The old man started yelling and jumping around out of happiness. Andri flew him back to his house were he partied like never before. He partied so much that he ended up black out drunk and passed out on the floor. Andri took him over to his bed and then left. he decided to steal one of the boats while everyone was alseep as it was the middle of the night. He stole a boat and made sure to go around the ice that he had created. Andri sailed for a little bit until morning. He had heared a few strange noises while sailing but thought nothing off it. He was almost on iceland but then he saw the water under him turn black. much more of the water had turned black then when he fought the kraken. Andri started to ponder.

was it the kraken? no Andri had killed it. Maybe a new kraken? no it would have been killed if it was still close to island. the only way that a kraken this close to the people hunting these creatures, would be if it just got there. Then it clicked. the strange noises, the large amount of ink in the waters, this beast still being alive, it was the krakens mother. Its mother must have found the dead body of its child and followed Andri all the way to the cost of iceland. and the reason it didnt kill him when it was night time is because it didnt know if it was him or not as krakens already has terrible eye sight so it couldnt be sure. so instead it decided to wait until daytime when it could see better. And now it was out for revenge.

A giant tentacle burst out of the water and destroyed the boat with one hit. Andri was sent flying into the air and landed into the water. and while he was under, he saw the kraken. He felt chills down his spine as the giant glowing yellow eyes glared at him. His body filled with fear as his eyes adjusted to the dark waters and he saw that this new kraken what atleast 10 times larger then the other one he had killed. The kraken moved its mouth closer to Andri as it was about to swallow him whole with its giant beak. Andri sprouted his wings and used them to propel himslef away from the giant monster. He bairly made it to the surface without getting eaten alive. he started to fly to the sky, trying to escape as thunder clouds started to roll in as a storm apeared. A tentacle burst out of the waters and started to drag him back down. But then, a large ship, much larger then the one he used to kill the baby kraken appeared. It was the old man coming to help him, and he had brought a few of the villigers to help him. 

(OH YEAH!!!!!!!! I STOLE THIS BABY FROM THOSE FUCKING MONSTER HUNTERS!!!!!! AND NOW IM GONNA RAM IT RIGHT INTO THAT FAT UGLY OCTOPUS BASTARD!!!) The old man screamed at he rammed the boat right into the tentacle that was holding Andri. The front of the boat had been made to work as a large spear so it destroyed the top part of the tentacle as soon as the old man rammed the kraken. The kraken let go of Andri and roared out of pain. However then another tentacle burst out of the waters and smacked the large ship, splitting it in half. And just to make things worse, it seamed like all the noise had attracted some unwanted attention. In the distance, Andri saw battle ships making their way towards them. However, Andri came up with a plan. He flew down to the destroyed boat and picked up as many survivors as he possibly could. Then he flew towards the battle ships while leading the kraken towards them.

The battle ships started to shoot harpoons and arrows at Andri but then quickly turned their attention to the giant kraken that was about to ram into their ships. Andri kept flying but more ships would show up. it didnt take him long to realise that he didnt just attract a few battle ships, but an entire armada of battle ships. The high bounty he had on his head after escaping from the people that killed his adoptive mother, and also killing many of their souldiers combined with the giant monster he had brought with him had attracted every single person that was a part of this group that would hunt these beasts. As the realisation hit him, they started to shoot at him with arrows and harpoons. Andri looked over and saw that they had already trapped the kraken in a giant fish net. All the people he was carrying, including the old man were killed by the arrows and harpoons. the only reason Andri survived was because of his scaled

Andri was mad, now the people who had killed both of his adoptive parents had killed  even more innocent people. Andri then spotted the same three people that had attacked him. Andri felt an overwhelming feeling off pure malice so strong that he took over every cell off his body. Andri had another mental breakdown as he started to grow even larger claws, teeth and wings. Scales covered his body as he charged down at the ships. He froze a few of them with his ice and then rammed into one of them with such force that it sent it flying into another ship and also  breaking in two pieces. They tried to catch him with a giant fish net but Andri went under the water and used his wings to propel himself away.

Andri then created a mountain of ice that destroyed even more ships. Then he felt a sharp pain in his back. He turned to see a spear sticking out of his back. He took a closer look and saw that it had been thrown by one of the people who killed his adoptive dragon mother. He ripped it out and threw it right back at him. He managed to catch it but the sheer force of the through made sure that the spear was still flying even after he caught it. he flew through 28 ships before finally stopping it. Everyone was distracted so the kraken took his opportunity and broke out of the net before running away. Before Andri and his three attackers could finish what they started, a large shadow appeared in the water. However it wasnt the kraken, this was much bigger. They all looked up to see where the shadow came from but nothing besides the storm was in the sky. Then they all realized that it was coming from under the water. Everyone instantly filled with fear as a creature this big wasnt supposed to exist. Everyone did their best to run away but only Andri, 5 ships and the three leaders of the beast hunters managed to get away in time. A giant oceon dragon the size of a mountain burst out of the waters and swallowed the entire armada whole before going back down into the waters, disapearing just as fast as it had showed up. A giant wave was created from the dragon splashing its giant head down after eating the armada.

The wave went in all directions and whoever survived the dragons feast was overwhelmed by the wave and taken to who knows were. Andri was swept around by the wave. He had snapped out off his little meltdown as he was more focused on not getting killed by the wave. this resulted in his wings, claws and teeth getting smaller again to their normal size and his scales turning back to skin. Andri was swept under the water and hit his head on a large rock, knocking him out. When Andri woke up he was on a beach with blood pouring down his head, giving another large scar on his face. Andri heard people coming towards him but he couldnt understand what they were saying. And this time it was not because of him barely knowing how to speak his native language, it was because they spoke a different language. Andri tried to get away from them but the wave had thrown him into the rock so hard that he could barely move.

The people managed to find him and surrounded him and started to frantikly speak. Andri was going in and out of conciusnes because of all the blood he head lost from slamming his head on a rock. They picked him up and took him onto a cart being pulled by two horses. Andri passed out again and when he woke up he was laying on a bed in a strange room with a bandage on his head.

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