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The dragon shot Lava at Raff but he dodged and shot an arrow with his crossbow. The arrow only bounced of and the dragon looked at him as if he was stupid. Raff started running while shooting more arrows at the dragon, annoying it. The dragon followed him and slammed its claw into the cliff, making it unstable and a portion of it fall of. However Raff managed to avoid it and kept running while shooting arrows. The dragon kept following him, curious if he had a plan or if he was just plain stupid. Raff then ran into the forest and out of view. The dragon simply shrugged and couldn't be bothered to chase after him. It turned back to Andri and started walking towards him. But then, a spear hit the dragon right in the eye. The spear came from the forest and was covered in some kind of poison. The dragon roared in pain and charged into the forest. However its vision became blurry and it lost its sense of taste and smell and almost its hearing.

The dragon roared and started smashing everything around it, hoping it would kill Raff. But it still felt arrows bounce of its scales, meaning that Raff was still alive. The dragon charged towards the source of the arrows, only to fall through solid ground. And into a net of some kind. Raff looked down at the captured dragon as the poison slowly took away its strength. ("Looks like it fell into my trap. The poison worked better than I expected, it didn't even notice the big hole in the ground covered in a net.") Raff said to himself. ("Now, how do i kill you? I ain't got anything than can break the scales and it won't let me get close.") Raff muttered to himself. Andri stood up from the rubble, curious to where Raff and the dragon went. He flew into the air and followed the path of destruction the dragonbhad left until he found them.

("You caught it?") Andri asked in surprise. ("Yeah, while you were sitting there like a little baby I actually caught the damn thing.") Raff responded in an angry tone. But just then, a girl who looked only a few years older than them walked towards them. She had a worried look on her face and her hair was messy and dirty. Her clothes were torn and here eyes were the eyes of a dragon. ("Oh fuck,") Andri muttered. ("Hmm? You know her?") Raff asked. Just then, the girl grew scales and massive claws, just like an earth dragon. ("Run!") Andri yelled. But Raff didn't listen. ("Hes running? Wow, i almost thought he actually cared. I mean why else would he attack the dragon in the first place. But I guess I was wrong. There's two of us against one girl and he still runs like a little bitch") Raff though to himself. The girl then leaped at him, pinning him to the ground. ("Wait a minute, scales, big ass claws, those eyes, she is just like Andri, but with an earth dragon instead of an ice dragon!") Raff though to himself while he struggled not to get torn to bits.

Andri, seeing Raff being pinned down, flew back and kicked the girl away. ("She is just like me.") Andri though to himself. He looked over at the captured dragon. ("Did she get adopted by a dragon too?") His thoughts continued. The girl roared and charged at them again. But this time Raff kicked her in the legs, making her fall. Andri tried to trap her in ice but she used her massive claws to dig underground. The girl surfaced next to the captured dragon. She then made noises that sounded just like dragons do. ("She was adopted by the dragon! She can't even speak so she has not been around humans!") Andri though to himself.

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