ass kicking boogeyman

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Cucuy turned its attention to Raff and didnt notice the wolves rushing towards it. They started biting Cucuy all over who started ramming into trees to shake them off.  Andri created a spear from ice and threw it at Cucuy who dodged with ease once again. However Raff snucked up behind it with another big rock and smashed it against its head once again. The cucuy stumbled before dashing away where they couldnt see it. ("Where it go!?") Andri asked. However, Raff didnt respond. He just heared blood splatter and a thud. Andri turned around and saw that his brother had a giant scar on his back with blood pouring out. The wolves had also been badly scared and before he knew it, he would also feel a sharp pain in his back before falling over and getting dizzy.

The Cucuy stood over them with another sadistic grin as it brought up its remaining claws, ready to finish them off. But then, a look of panic came across its face as something fast darted towards it, forcing it to block. It was the young woman who was somehow moving at rapid speeds. ("Wait what? Dont tell me, did you eat its organ to gain its power?") Raff asked. The woman only nodded as her and Cucuy glared at each other. Cucuy struck first, swiping at her with its remaining claws. However she pulled out a dagger and blocked the attack before quickly dashing away. She then dashed back, kicked Cucuy in the face and sliced its chest with her dagger. 

She tried slicing again but Cucuy dodged and thrust its claws into her stomach. However, she managed to grab its hand and stop it right before it could stab anything vital. She used her other hand that was holding the dagger to slice Cucuy across the chest once again and then kick it in its tiny little balls. Cucuy roared in anger and slammed her against a tree before throwing her towards another tree. She hit the tree with a hard thud and tried to get up as Cucuy intimidatingly walked towards her with the same sadistic smile.

It dashed towards her, trying to slice her. However she climbed up the tree to dodge. Cucuy followed her up and clawed at her feet as she struggled to climb. Eventually, she managed to kick it in the face so hard it fell off the tree. She then jumped down and tried stabbing it while it was getting up but it dodged.  Cucuy then sliced her across her chest so deep that Raff and Andri could see her ribs. Cucuy then grabbed her and slammed her face against a nearby rock until she stopped moving. Blood covered the rock as she stopped fighting back and soon stopped moving completely. 

Then, a memory flashed into Andris mind, a memory that was not his. It was a memory of a young version of his biological father fighting 8 other people who were robbing his biological mother. But what did this mean? Was it god telling him to protect her? No, it was his own desire to save her and not let another person die while he watched hopelessly, that unlocked more of his biological parents memories. But what would he do? He had already reached his limit, already reached 100 percent of what he can do. He remembered when he fought the king of scotland, he was so focused he entered a state were he felt like he was doing everything as a reflex, he entered a state called the flow state. And he had adrenalin pumping through his veins, and he was so angry that Raff and the wolves were in danger that he became bloodlusted. To save this girl, he would need to do that again.

But how? He didnt know how to do that again. Simple, he would simply need to push past his limit, go beyond 100% of what he can do. Andri forced himself to get up. He hurt like hell from the deep slashes he got from Cucuy but he forced himself to go beyond that pain. He forced himself to go at 112 percent of his power, 12 percent beyond his limit. Raff looked at him in awe, unable to understand how he could still keep going. Although, Andri had always been stronger and Raff knew it. Raff was a handful while a werewolf but he could only transform during a full moon. Even though he trained so he could transform during every night instead of just a full moon, he was still useless during the day. Would he really be left behind by his brother when it comes to strenght? Will he be so useless that his brother will need to protect him for ever? No. He too, needed to go beyond his limit.

Ignore the pain, ignore the want to give up. He needed to draw out more power than what he had. He needed to surpass his limit. Raff forced himself past the pain as he got up as well. Raff, the normally useless kid during the day, is now forcing himself to use 120 percent of his power, 20 percent more than his limit. The wolves, seeing Raff and Andri surpass their limits, got inspired. They had always been protected by Raff and later Andri. And now that they needed them the most, they could only lay down like little weaklings. No, They too needed to surpass their limits, to force themselves through the pain, to force out, 50 percent past their limit, to fight at 150 percent of their strength

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