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Andri then heard a crash behind him. He turned around and saw Dracharix eating captain Rafael and the corpses of the other knights on the ground. Andri, Raff and Bryono had been so busy with their fight they completely forgot about everything else. Once Rafael and the others had finally been defeated, Dracharix collapsed on the ground. His wings had been cut off, one of his legs had been cut off and he had new wounds all over. Even one of his eyes had been ripped out. ("Fuck are you okay!?") Andri asked. ("you need to go. They sent a messenger bird calling for reinforcements. They will be here soon.") Dracharix exclaimed. ("What about you?") Andri asked. ("Look at my wounds. Im bractically a waterfall of blood. Even if i could move im bleeding so much it would basically be leaving a trail. You need to take Bryono and go.") Dracharix responded.

However before Andri could even respond, he felt an arrow pierce his waist. ("Fuck!") Andri yelled. ("GO!") Dracharix commanded as he roared at the spanish soldiers that had just arrived. However Andri just fell to the ground. His head was dizzy and he couldnt mvoe. ("Shit, its poison. Its poison arrows. I-i cant move.") Andri muttered as he slowly lost consciousness. The last thing he heared before passing out was the sound of soldiers charging and frantic screaming. When he finally woke, he was in some sort dungeon. There were multiple people in the dungeon, all looked depressed and covered in battle scars. He looked around and saw not only Elena but also Raff and Bryono. Raff and Bryono were passed out but Elena was awake. ("You finally woke up huh?") Elena asked. 

("Where are we?") Andri asked. ("Were in the roman colosseum, we have been sold as slaves to fight as gladiators.") Elena responded. ("How?") Andri asked. ("Spain and rome are very buddy buddy so they trade pretty often. And it just so happens that not only are you and Raff terrorists in several kingdoms but your also strong fighters, perfect candidates for gladiators. And me and whoever that girl is are hear because we are all buddy buddy with you two. So in other words we are fucked.") Elena responded. ("How do we escape?") Andri asked. ("I dont know.") There was a long pause after that, until they heared someone yelling from outside. ("Look though that hole in the wall, its the only interesting stuff going on here. 

Andri looked over and saw that there was indeed a hole in the wall. He peeked though and saw several chearing spectators while a man who looked kind of rich yelled loudly. However Andri didnt understand the language. ("Here ill translate for you") Elena exclaimed. ("Its time! To present! One of the most evil, menacing and cunning fighters, in gladiator history! Born in the enemy nation of carthage! Ladies and gentlemen! Lets make some noice! For the raining, undisputed, angel of death! The strongest! The angel born in hell! The disgraced cannibal! Ladies and gentlemen! Azrael Meier!") The annaouncer yelled while Elena translated for Andri. ("How many languages do you know?") Andri asked. ("A lot") Elena responded. ("Hmm, i wish i have announcement like him. 

As soon as the announcer had finished speaking, a large gate opened and a man who looked to be in his late teens or early twenties walked out. He was muscular but also lean in the same time. He had no armor and only wore some old dusty pants. He didnt even have any weapons and yet everyone cheered when they saw him. At the other end of the arena a massive man with lots of armor adorned in gold and a large battle axe stepped out. However nobody cheered for the bigger man. The smaller young man walked over to the larger one. ("Bow") The young man commanded. The larger one didnt listen and swung his axe instead. However, in the blink of an eye, the younger man had his foot on the massive mans head, and the massive gladiator was suddenly bowing with blood spilling from his stomach. ("Hes fast. I didnt even see what happened.") Elena exclaimed.

Then the young man grabbed the massive man by the head, ripped of the helmet and with a single look, the massive gladiator was so terrified he picked up the axe and cut his own head off. ("Did, did he jsut kill himself out of fear for that young man? He only looks around 5 to 8 years older then the two of us, that other guy was massive.") Elena exclaimed in surprise. The young man then calmy walked back through the gate, his black hair moving in the wind, his gold eyes staring into the spectators eyes with hatred. His muscles relaxed yet still large. As soon as he went back through the gate, more than half of the specttors left, almost as if they all only showed up to see that one man.

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