errand boys

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The soldiers started walking away as Elena just watched in disbelief. coughing, they were coughing, they were still alive. Somehow, someway, Andri and Raff had managed to survive that beating. ("Well ill be dammed. Isabella, heal them") The knight exclaimed. ("Yes sir Rafael.") A female soldier responded as she walked over to the two of them. The female soldiers hands started glowing when she touched Raff and Andri and their wounds were slowly healing. ("This might take a while, you dont mind if we relax here while we wait for her to finish do you?") Rafael, the commanding soldier asked. Elena didnt answer, she just sat there in disbelief and confusion over what had just happened.

Hours pass by and in the dead of night, Raff and Andri finally woke up and were fully healed. ("What the fuck?") Andri exclaimed in confusion as he slowly sat up. ("Morning, sleep well?") Rafael asked tauntingly. ("You little bitch!") Andri yelled as he got ready to shoot ice at him. But then, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around and saw two soldiers holding swords to the necks of Elena and Raff. ("Dont even try, unless you want their blood on your hands.") One of the soldiers exclaimed, pointing at a tied up Raff and Elena. 

("You should be thanking us little brat. If i didnt tell Isabella to heal you than you would be dead.") Rafael exclaimed tauntingly. ("If you didnt come here, we wouldnt be injured in the first place jackass.") Raff responded. ("Yeah yeah, stop being little bitches over it and calm down. So about your mission, what i want you to do, is kill a earth dragon in northern Spain, in the Galicia region to be exact. And the reason i cant do it myself is because it used to be the kings pet until it escaped. And the reason i want it dead is because all the king does is waste our soldiers on taking care of it and to bring it back. It would go way faster if i was just allowed to kill it. But when i said that to the king, i was banned from doing anything. But that fucking dragon makes the king weak as he wont stop wasting time and soldiers on it. So i need it dead.") Rafael exclaimed.

("And how do you know we wont just escape once you send us to do this mission?") Raff asked. ("Because i will be holding Elena here hostage while you do your mission. You have two weeks to complete it understand? Otherwise i will chop Elena into little pieces and feed them to some animal or something.") Raff and Andri grew even more enraged than before. ("Oh for fuck sakes. You kill our wolves, you beat the shit out of us until we almost die, you make us do your dirty work and now you threatan to kill our friend? Your more of a fucking monster than i am, and im a werewolf.") Raff exclaimed in an enraged tone. 

("Oh i know, its what makes me great at my job. Now be good little shits and do my work for me. Hurry up before i get bored and Kill Elena anyways.") Rafael responded. ("You little bitch.") Andri muttered as he got up and started walking towards Rafael. Raff got up and stopped Andri. ("Hold on, i know your angry as fuck and so am i. But we cant kill this guy. We just tried and he beat the fucking shit out of us. Lets just, do this okay? There is no scenario were we both fight him and win.") Raff exclaimed.

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