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While out hunting, they stumbled apon a farm. They looked around but didnt find anyone near by. However it was filled to the brim with farm animals. They decided to sit back, relax and stuff their faces. However while they were relaxing, an arrow peirced one of the wolves. The other wolves including the were wolf rush towards him however Andri looked around, trying to find where the arrow came from. Another arrow came from the woods but Andri created a big wall of ice all around them. Andri took a look at the injured wolf. He ripped out the arrow and ripped off a part of his legs to use it as a bandage for the wolf. With a closer look, he noticed that the arrow was poisoned.

Andri and the werewolf leave the wall of ice to go and fight whoever attacked them. The werewolf pulled out his bow as he could not transform on command. A barrage of arrows came from all sides. Andri created another wall of ice and motioned for the werewolf to stay. Andri grew scales on his arms and neck and got out of the ice wall. More arrows shot at Andri but it couldnt get through the scales on his arms that he used to block. (Annoying.) Andri muttered to himself. However then the arrows stopped. There was a long pause until a flaming boulder got launched from the forest. Andri dodged and started to wonder what was going on. (Hunter? No, then already dead. Scotland army? Maybe, kill lot animal.) Andri said to himself in his broken mix of danish and greenlandic.

(Where rock from? Cabalabult? How i say it? Capobilt?) Andri said to himself. The word he wanted to say was catapult byt he only stayed with his second mother for a month so he still had a hard time speaking. Andri makes his own catapult out of ice and shoots back at them. However more and more boulders were shot at him and it was starting to break through the ice walls he had made. Andri had two options, make a run for the forest and try to kill them by getting up close and personal, or staying with the wolves and werewolf. If he went to the forest then his freinds would be unprotected, but if he stays then they will pelt him with arrows and boulders.

While he was deciding, a man snuck up behind him. Andri only noticed thanks to the warnings of his freinds. However when he turned around he was to late. The man wearing heavy armor, a crown and holding a large sword stabbed him right in his back, aiming for his lung. Andri managed to manouver slightly so that the man missed his lung thanks to his freinds. However the sword still went right through him. The man tried to pull out the sword but Andri grabbed the blade and held it in place. Then Andri ripped it to shredds. However the man pulled out a large dagger instead and got ready to stab him again. Andri sprouted wings and managed to dodge. Andri flew a little bit away from him and waited to see what hes going to do next. He also got a better look at the man. He had short black hair and his eyes were blue and also slit like a dragon. The man jumped back into the forest with such speed that Andri was left in shock. However Andri snapped out of it and looked to see where he went. He noticed the man sitting on top of a tree so Andri shot ice at him. The man dodged and charged at him.

The man got ready to stab him but Andri managed to grab his arm, spin him around and throw him into a tree, breaking it. Meanwhile, the werewolf was pondering if he should join in the fight or not. If he leaves the ice wall then he will get shot with poison arrows but if he stays then Andri will be in big trouble and he might get crushed by big rocks. He was about to go and help Andri but then noticed that the wolf that had been poisoned could bairly move. If one arrow was enough to mostly paralize an adult wolf then what would happen if a kid like him gets shot with one. Or if they get shot with multiple. Thinking of that, he decided to stay behind the walls and do his best to avoid the rocks.

Andri looked over but the man had jumped away from the tree so fast that Andri couldnt tell where he went. To prevent the man from getting at him again, Andri made another wall of ice around him. However then he heared the sound of splashing, he looked over and saw that somebody has used boiling water to melt through his ice wall and get to him. However he didnt see anybody. (Where? Wait, many attack behind as suprise!) Andri thought to himself in his broken language. He turned around but again he didnt see anybody. Then he heared his freinds calling out to him. But it was to late. Andri couldnt react in time and he felt the man stab him multiple times with the large dagger. He fell to the ground and felt sick. His head was spinning to the point that he could bairly see and he felt like he was going to puke.

The last thing he saw was the man running towards his scared freinds. Andri filled up with rage, he couldnt let the man kill them, he wouldnt allow it. He felt the adrenalin pumping through his body as his mind filled with only one thought. Protect. He had lost both of his parents and also the town he was born in, he was not going to loose his freinds aswell. He felt his brain enter some kind of state were he could only focus on one thing. However he also felt all of the rage coming out from him and his mind filling with an urge to do things that i cant right down here because it will be to gory and i might get banned or this might get taken down.

At that moment Andri only felt three things. Adrenalin, the flow state, and bloodlust. He used his claws to rip himself open and let lots of blood pour out of him in order to get rid of the poison. Then he charged at the man while screaming at the top of his lungs for his freinds to get away. His freinds didnt understand the words but they understood what he ment and started running. Andri threw the man into the air and started to pelt him with ice. However the man cut through every single peice of ice Andri threw at him.

Andri lunged at him but the man managed to dodge. Andri kept shooting ice but the man kept dodging. Even with the heavy armor he had, he was still way faster than Andri. They both charged at echover and the man managed to slice Andri a little bit in his gut but not enough to mortaly wound him. Andri made his claws bigger and tried to cut the man but he blocked everything. The man tried to cut off Andri's fingers to get rid of the claws but hes scales were to strong to cut through. Instead the man decided to slash Andri multiple times across his chest. Andri collapsed on the floor from loosing an extream amount of blood and passed out. The man thought of killing him right then and there, but decided that Andri would be more useful alive and took him back to a castle instead.

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