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("Alright, i will take down their captain. All i need from you is that you two and my daughter hold off the others. Can you do that?") The dragon asked. ("Well, we can try. Whats your name by the way?") Andri asked. ("Dracharix, and the girls name is Bryono. Now, are you ready?") Dracharix responded. Andri looked at his brother before looking back at Dracharix. ("yeah") He exclaimed. They then got on the big dragons back as it started flying. Once they reached Elenas house, Andri sprouted his wings and picked up the others and landed. Dracharix then crashed down at the ground, aiming for Rafael. Andri, Radd and Bryono walked over to the other soldeirs. However they noticed that there were only about 5 soldeirs this time instead of the 20 they saw when they first saw them. ("Dumb move") One of them said. ("Wheres Elena?") Raff asked. ("You really think ill tell you? Oh whatever, your gonna die now anyways. She is being sold as a slave for the roman empire.") One of the soldeirs asked.

("And the others are escorting her i assume") Raff exclaimed. ("Your going to die for that") He continued. ("Oh please, two of you couldnt put a scratch on our captain, and now we outnumber you") Another guard said. ("Yeah well, you are weaker than Rafael") Andri exclaimed as he grew his scales and claws again. Bryono also grew scales, even more than Andri. Her claws were also massive however she didnt have any wings. ("Ugh, we dont have time for this. You deal with these kids, well go help the captain with that dragon") A few of the souldiers said as they rushed to help their captain, leaving one single soldier to kill Raff, Andri and Bryono. ("tsk, of course im on baby sitting duty") The soldier muttered in annoyance.

They all got in their fighting stances. ("Ill kill you, for killing my wolves:") Raff exclaimed. ("HAH! Your funny. Like you could take me on.") The soldier exclaimed. Andri leaped towards the soldier and smashed his fist against the soldiers metal helmet, putting a dent in it. ("Oh, this will be more fun than i thought") The soldier exclaimed. Raff managed to sneak behind the soldier and tried to strike him with a sword. However the sword only broke on the soldiers armor. ("You however, your weak") The soldier exclaimed while looking at Raff. Bryono then tackled the knight a few feet away. ("Well, maybe i wont be completely bored. I mean atleast two of you have some power in your attacks.") The knight exclaimed.

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