family issues

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("Sorry, i cant. The dragon d-did not kidnapped me. Dragon Adopted me") Andri said, struggling to form the words as he still wasnt that good at speaking. ("Im sorry, what? You think the dragon adopted you? Dragons dont do that! They are evil creatures! I mean our home was literally destroyed by one! You cant be serious! You can actually want to help out these mythical little shits! If you do, then im gonna be forced to kill you! And i warn you, ive been holding back the entire time since i wanted to see what you can do, and also because your my brother. But if you do this, then you mean nothing to me! I survived without you until now! I dont need you! So if you say no to my request, i will kill you here and now!") The man yelled. ("Well, i rather help one who raise me than person i meet 2 minutes ago") Andri replied.

("Sorry little bro, this is were you die") The man said with a pissed off look on his face. The man created a spiky wall of ice to push his brother away. Then Andri shot a barrage of ice at Bjorn. Bjorn flew into the air to try and avoid the ice melting and him getting wet. Andri created a large hill of ice to hit his brother but Bjorn simply used it as something to stand on. Andri shot more ice but Bjorn dug a tunnel through the ice hill. He came out the other side and tackled Andri. Andri pushed him off and flew into the air with his wings. Andri tried to use his claws but before he could even realize what was happening, several large cuts appeared on his body. Andri got dizzy from blood loss and fell to the ground.

Bjorn landed next to him and started kicking Andri while he was down and could barely move since he had lost a lot of blood. ("Stupid baby brother. We could have been a family! You were all i had until now! Now all i have is myself! And i refuse to believe that you were adopted by that fucking dragon! Mythical beasts are evil! They dont adopt little kids! They eat them! I need to go now. Rest up in valhalla, i will meet you there eventually.") Bjorn exclaimed before walking away.

As Andri layed there dying, his life flashed before his eyes. Memories flooded his mind of before he was adopted by the dragon. He lived a happy life with his mother, brother, father and three tripplet sister. They all died thanks to that dam fire dragon. Then he started getting memories that were not his, or the ice dragons that adopted him. He was a man with white hair and blue eyes fighting a fire dragon. Then in the memory, he saw a baby version of himself. These were his fathers memories. Then he got another memory of his mother hiding inside a house along with him, his brother and sisters. He remembers his mother looking through the window and seeing his father getting eaten. Then the dragon spotted them and crushed the building, killing everyone except for Andri and Bjorn. Bjorn managed to grab Andri and run. Then bjorn would hide Andri and try to distract the fire dragon.

But then the ice dragon that adopted him killed the fire dragon and took Andri away. Everything started getting darker as he realized that he had inherited his mothers and fathers memories somehow. A warm feeling came over him as he started to enjoy the sweet release of death. crying, there was crying, so much crying. Andri slowly opened his eyes and saw that there were vikings everywhere that were destroying everything. And the ones who had been crying, were a small boy and girl around 4 and 3 years old. Andri also spotted his brother walking away, seemingly not caring about the families that were being ruined thanks to Bjorns soldiers.

Wings flapping, thats what Bjorn heard behind him. He turned around confused and saw Andri in the air. All the soldiers had been turned into ice and the children were running away. Andri had also turned his blood into ice so that his bleeding would stop. ("Your alive?") Bjorn asked confused. Before Bjorn could do anything else, a large boulder of ice hit him. Even though the ice melted, it was replaced by even more ice. Bjorn managed to get the boulder off him. He stared at Andri with a smile. ("Oh yeah! I knew you had to have some more fight in you! You are my brother after all!") Bjorn yelled in excitement.

Bjorn dashed towards his younger brother. Andri responded by punching Bjorn in the stomach so hard that he collapsed on the ground and puked out blood. ("What? Oh i know! Your life flashing before your eyes must have reminded you of how our home was destroyed and your having a mental breakdown! Yeah thats it.") Bjorn exclaimed. ("No, you letting these soldiers destroy innocent families pisses me off. And we cant forget the mythical creatures you killed even though only one single dragon destroyed our home. It was one dragon and you blame all mythical creatures. I cant believe im related to someone so pathetic.") Andri responded, somehow speaking his native language perfectly

("Since when can you speak so good?") Bjorn asked. ("I inherited mom and dads memories, i learned our language from there. Now brother, please die") Andri responded. Bjorn just looked at him in surprise as Andri. Andri used his claws to both slash and stab Bjorn all over. bjorn fell to one knee as Andri placed his foot on Bjorns face and used it as a foot rest. Bjorn tried to attack Andri with his claws but Andri dodged like he had been doing this his entire life, even though he had started trying to get revenge only a few months ago. 

All of a sudden, Andri went behind Bjorn so fast that it took him a few seconds to realize. Bjorn turned around and saw that Andri had ripped open a viking and frozen his blood into a frozen blood spear. Andri threw it at his brother. It hit him right in the scales and launched Bjron back. ("Wow! Me getting revenge made you this emotional!? Pathetic!") Bjorn yelled as he tried attacking Andri again. Andri simply grabbed his arms and twisted them until they were broken. Andri them created a giant block of ice the size of a mansion and trapped Bjorn under it. ("I wont kill you brother, but i want you to fuck off") Andri exclaimed before walking away

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