mothers revenge

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The kraken unleashes all of its tentacles as Raff goes and looks for weapons on the large boat. The kraken's tentacles lash out, striking with astonishing speed and accuracy, but Andri manages to evade most of the attacks, using its agility to dart between the tentacles and freeze them in place. Andri shoots the kraken with sharp ice spikes, making it roar out in pain but also in rage. Undeterred, the kraken counters with a powerful surge of water, attempting to disorient Andri. It then employs its tentacles to create a whirlpool, pulling them closer and attempting to ensnare them.

Raff and the wolves stumble around but Andri is not faced by the whirlpool. However Raff manages to find a ballista on the large boat and realizes that this isnt just a big boat but also a war ship. Andri, quick on its feet, unleashes another icy breath attack, creating a wall of ice that obstructs the kraken's tentacles and temporarily blunts its assault as well as whirlpool. Raff brings the ballista in view of the kraken and shoots at the tentacles. It roars in pain as the large ballista bolts almost cut of the tentacles. His movements are precise and calculated, and he exudes the confidence of someone who has trained for this moment as he had been trained to use all kinds of weapons.

The projectile strikes true, piercing the kraken's flesh and causing it to recoil in pain. Andri takes flight with a powerful flap of his wings, hovering above the boat. He shoots so much ice that it could easily be mistaken for a blizzard.The ice shards pierce onto the kraken's exposed flesh, causing it to writhe in agony. The kraken retaliates, lashing out with its tentacles, Andri defends the boat with his incredible agility, deflecting the kraken's blows with his diamond-sharp claws and icy barriers. The kraken shows its ugly face and beak, planning to eat the boat.

Raff reloads with remarkable speed, firing another harpoon bolt that strikes the kraken squarely in one of its enormous, cyclopean eyes. The beast bellows in anguish, writhing in the water. Andri descends with grace, touching down on the boat's deck. He channels his icy into a colossal ice spear and drives it deep into the kraken's vulnerable eye, delivering a massive blow. The kraken shrieks and roars in agony. It is forced to run away to live and fight another day now that it only has one working eye and has very injured tentacles.

Raff looks at Andri confused. ("That thing wishes to kill you?") Raff asked. Andri nods. ("Thanks, if you not here, i die") Andri responds in his broken english. ("Sorry for me not care much about us forced to leave. I already have family killed so not affect me much") Andri exclaims in his very broken english. ("Its fine, i was just a little surprised is all.") Raff responded as the two of them share a hug. ("Oh and you do know where to go right? because it would be really bad if we end up in france or like denmark or something.") Raff asked. ("I know. We go to spain") Andri responded.

("Spain? Why not ireland or wales? That is way closer and also spain is right next to france and they kinda wanna kill us. Wait actually now that i think about it, spain makes sense. Germany is at war with the romans and the netherlands and belgium are close to both germany and france and also england who also wants to kill us now. Wales and ireland are also kinda close to almost everyone who wants to kill us so thats a no go. And we cant really go to the nations that want to kill us now that they are weak because they probably left a few soldiers home to protect thee country. And we cant hide from them in england. Its true that they wont attack england because they are not sure how many soldiers they have left but Arthur wants us dead. Yeah spain sounds good. Lets go to spain") Raff exclaimed. ("Wait wont the kraken come back?") Raff asked.

("No, needs at least a weak so it heal. It didnt kill me when i was unconscious and floating to scotland so i think kraiken, kro, kre KRAKEN thats how say it! Think it need round one week so ir heal") Andri responded in his very broken english. ("Jesus, you have been in england as long as me and yet, i can speak it fluently and you can barely say the word kraken.") Raff says jokingly as they set sail to spain.

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