what a mess

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Andri, Raff, Bryono and Elena both walked over to the gladiator called Azrael who was casually relaxing against the wall, his eyes closed. ("What do you want brats?") Azrael said  in an annoyed tone. All other gladiators stopped what they were doing and looked at them like they had a deathwish. ("We need your help") Elena exclaimed. Azrael lazily opened one eye to look at them. ("Dont care. Save me the trouble and just go kill yourself already.") He said. Elena was slightly surprised at his rudeness. ("B-but what if i told you that-") Azrael cut her off. ("Tell me what? That your gonna get me out of here? Not gonna happen. Im the strongest gladiator alive. And ive been stuck here for two whole years.") He said

("But we really need to get out of here.") Elena muttered. ("Not my problem. Your only hope is too hope someone kills you quickly so you can die relatively peacfully. Or as peacfully as you can atleast. Now piss off.") Azrael responded as he closed his eye again. ("But if your so strong then why are you still here?") Elena asked. Azrael emediatly opened his eyes in anger. The wall next to them shattered and crumbled, leaving a way for them to go outside.") Do not ask me that. Ill spare ypu because your kids but if you say that again youll become just like that wall.") Azrael exclaimed.

Elena looked at him confused and looked at the broken wall. ("Dont. The guards will kill you as soon as you take a step out. There actually hoping you try to run so they have something to do.") Azrael exclaimed. ("Now fuck off") He muttered. Suddenly, Elena started bleeding from her head. Elena quickly took Raff, Bryono and Andri and went to the other side of the room. The other gladiators looked at Azrael in confusion. ("What are you looking at?") He said before snapping one of their necks so quickly they didnt even see him move. 

One moment he was sittint and the next he was just standing over a corpse. They all turned away from him and went back to what they were doing. ("What was that?") Raff asked in confusion as Raff and Andri dont speak the language. ("He wont help us.") Elena exlaimed. ("Why you bleeding?") Andri asked. ("I dont know. Maybe he did it but i didnt even see him move.") Elena responded.  But before they could speak more, they heard the anouncer yelling outside.

("And now! We present one of the newest members! Hailing from the Galecia region of northern spain! Lets hear you all chear for Elena!") The anouncer yelled as the gate opened. ("Wait what?") Elena said in confusion. ("Im gonna fight?") She said, her voice shaky with fear. Reluctently she stood up and walked through the gate, entering the arena. The crowd roared in excitement, hoping for a slaughter. 

("And now! Lets make some noice for the brutal, furius and hateful warrior hailing from the northern regions of Rome in the town of Manarola! Ladies and gentlemen! Make some noice for none other then Caius the bloody!") The anouncer yelled as the gate at the other side of the arena opened and a tall, muscular man carrying a sword walked in. He looked to be in his thriteis and around 6 feet tall. The crowd roars in excitement as the man raised his fist in the air. Elena saw his fist clenching a sword and realized, that this was a slaughter waiting to happen.

A tall muscular and experianced warrior was going to take on a small young little child girl who had been in very few fight.  And just to make it worse, Elena had no weapons on her. The only thing she had going for her was that she had eaten the organ of a mythical creature that gave her unnatural abilities but she had just gotten them recently and didnt know how to use them.

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