sweet sweet revenge

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They all walked towards Cucuy. Cucuy felt several menacing presences behind it and turned around to see that the ones he had almost killed, were up and past their limits. The wolves, being slightly faster, rushed in first and tried biting and clawing at Cucuy, forcing it to dodge and move away from the young woman. The wolves circled Cucuy and started attacking from all directions, some of them managing to bite it and latching on with their teeth. Cucuy slammed itslef against trees to try and get them off and eventually succeeded. 

Andri shot icicles at Cucuy, few of them managing to barely cut it as it dodged most of it. Raff came behind it and kicked it right in its ribs where its lungs are, temporarily making it loose its breath. Andri covered his fist in ice to make his punches hurt more, then he landed a massive uppercut right on its chin, making it dizzy and stumble around. The wolves started biting its legs and held them in place, preventing it from dashing around and dodging. Andri landed a punch right in the chest were the lungs are, making Cucuy loose its breath once again.

Raff tried punching it in its back but Cucuy started flailing its arms around, using its claws to slash everything around it including the wolves. However, they did not let go. The wolves stayed strong and kept holding it in place, knowing that if its legs are free, it will be very hard to hit because of its speed. Andri started growing scales to get ready but Raff beat him too it. Raff walked right into the barrage of slashes with no hesitation. Blood splattered everywhere as Cucuy slashed him and the wolves all over. The wolves were close to giving out and collapsing but Raff kept going. Seeing his wolves, his most important family getting so injured filled him with determination. Such determination that no pain could stop him. So when it came to his family, its not just that Raff refuses to stop, its that every part of his body forces him to keep going so he can protect his family.

Raff managed to grab onto one of the arms and snapped off the claws. Cucuy roared in as it started slashing even faster with its remaining arm. Andri rushed towards it, latching onto the remaining arm and pinning it down not just ice but also all the strength he had available. However, Cucuy had managed to stab him right in the stomach. Even so, Andri kept holding on with all of his streanth. The woman slowly got up, seeing Cucuy being restrained, she knew it was either now or never. Staring at the creature, no, staring at the monster, that had taken everything from her, she was filled with an overwhelming rage that forced her past her limit, forced her up to 115 percent of her strength. With one final dash and slice with her dagger, she had managed to cut the head off Cucuy. 

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