United brothers

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Andri ravaged the battlefield. Several vikings tried to stop him but he would freeze them all in place while waiting for them to die of frostbite. But then, it started getting warmer. Andri was sitting on a frozen corpse and heat was coming from behind him. He turned around and saw a man who looked only a few years older than him walking towards him. Ice was melting all around the man and then turning into steam. This man must have eaten some kind of fire creature. Andri stood up and grew scales on his legs, arms, neck and a little on the rest of his body. The man did the same.

Standing at an imposing height, he boasts a strong, well-built physique with broad shoulders and powerful arms, a testament to his physical prowess. His blond hair, tied back in a warrior's braid, catches the sunlight, glistening like molten gold. His piercing blue eyes reveal an unwavering spirit and hint at a fierce determination.  His skin, tanned by the harsh Nordic climate and countless hours spent outdoors, bears the marks of a life spent under the open sky and fierce sun. He's dressed in a combination of leather and fur garments, designed to protect him from the biting cold and unforgiving elements of the North. A fur-lined cloak drapes over his shoulders.

His outfit is adorned with iron and steel, from the belt fastening his weapons to the intricately designed brooches that secure his clothing. His attire is adorned with runic inscriptions and symbols, both for protection and to honor the old gods. Andri and the man walked towards each other slowly before stopping about 10 meters away from each other. The man rushed towards Andri with his scales and claws. Andri dodged but the man was relentless. Their claws clashed against each other as both of them blocked each others attacks. Eventually, Andri managed to cut the man under his eye.

Andri then leaped in the air and kicked the man in the face, making him stumble back. The two of them dashed towards each other and both managed to slash each other across the chest. Their claws continued clashing. Andri got down on all fours to dodge the mans claws. Then he jumped up and used the momentum from the jump to uppercut the man.  The man was dazed so Andri slashed him all over. Andri reached for the mans face and tried to cut it. However the man opened his mouth and shot out a large blast of fire. Andri stumbled back and his shirt was burning so he had to take it off, revealing his muscular physique. 

("Pretty muscular for a kid") The man said in Andris native language. The man sprouted wings and flew towards Andri with great speed. Andri created a big wall of ice to stop him or at least slow him down. However the ice melted so Andri has no choice but to dodge. The man shot fire at him but Andri shot ice back. The ice melted and turned into water but the water put out the mans fire. The man dashed towards him. Andri created a wall of ice to block him but the man went right through it and stabbed Andri in the chest with his claws. 

Andri held the man in place now that he was so close. Andri tried to shoot the man with ice but the mans body temperature was so hot that the ice melted in Andris mouth. Andri kicked the man in the stomach instead and pushed him away. Andri then created a ice wall with spikes and tried to ram it into the man. However the man melted it all. But since the battlefield and the man were wet from all the melting ice, the man wouldnt be able to use his fire. However his body temperature could still melt it.

("Well, i have something to explain to you little brother.") The man exclaimed. Andri was confused, he did not remember having a brother. ("You come from a village in Greenland that was attacked by a juvenile dragon who got lost while looking for fish to eat in the ocean. Then a lokal ice dragon came, killed it and kidnapped you. However it didnt manage to find me. So i ate the dragon that attacked our village and gained its powers before leaving. After a day or two, i joined these hunters that have now united the nordic countries under them. But the point is, you and i were both children of the chieftain, the leader of our village. So we were both going to grow up and become leaders. But then a dragon took that away from us. The thing im trying to say is, you leave these little shits and come join me. A dragon took away everything from us so how about we both kill them all together? And bond like true brother! I mean you were also kidnapped by a dragon.") The man exclaimed.

("Huh?") Andri just looked at him like he was stupid. ("Dont give me that look! Mythical beasts took everything away from us! I say its only fair we kill them all. Oh wait, i havent even told you my name! My name is bjorn and your birth name is Arne, but i asume you dont know that since people call you Andri for some reason. So what do you say? Will you join the only family you have left?") The man asked with a kind look in his eyes.

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