new land, ner opportunity

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After a while of sailing and a lot of fishing, they finally made it somewhere on the coast of north Spain The beach they landed on had a rugged and wild beauty. The coastline had a rugged and wild beauty. The beach is framed by towering cliffs, weathered by centuries of wind and sea spray. Moss-covered rocks and ancient, twisted trees line the edges, creating a sense of mystery and enchantment. ("Well, this looks nice") Raff exclaimed as he started walking more into the mainland along with his wolves. ("Yeah, pretty nature") Andri replies as he joins them. However after only a few seconds of walking, they were met with cliffs, more and more cliffs. "(Here, me carry") Andri muttered as he sprouted wings and started flying his friends up.

("Hey look! Its a house!") Raff yelled out in excitement before running towards it. The house was constructed primarily of local stone and sturdy timber, this two-story dwelling exudes an air of both simplicity and fortitude. The exterior of the house features a combination of whitewashed walls, adorned with colorful, hand-painted tiles that depict intricate geometric patterns. The roof is made of clay tiles, arranged in a distinctive herringbone pattern, providing protection against the relentless Iberian sun and occasional rain. The windows are small and narrow, fitted with wooden shutters that can be closed tightly for security or opened to invite in the warm Mediterranean breeze.

("Wait!") Andri yelled as he flew after him. However Raff didnt stop running. Raff barged in through the door and was met face to face with an elderly lady. ("Huh?") Raff muttered in confusion. Then he was wacked in the head by something hard. He fell to the ground and tried to get a look at what hit him. There, he saw a Spanish woman holding a chair and shouting something in Spanish. The woman wears a long, flowing gown made of rich, earth-toned fabrics, the sleeves adorned with delicate embroidery that tells tales of local folklore. A modest veil drapes over her dark hair, and a simple circlet of silver rests upon her brow. Just then, one of the wolves peeked its head through the door. The woman screams out in fear and throws the chair at the wolf who dodges like it was nothing.

("Raff! What you doing? Dont run to house that not yours dumb, uh du, dum, DUMBASS! This word") The woman just looks at Andri in fear. Andri glanced over at her and realized that her eyes were fixated on his wings. ("Oh shit!") Andri yells in realization that he forgot to retract his wings. ("Devil! Its the devil! Get away from me!") The woman yells as she rushes to the elderly lady and tries to help her up in haste. ("Hold on! Were not devils! I didnt mean to scare you its just that we have been sailing for a long time and i was sick of it so i got excited when i saw civilization so close to the beach!") Raff yells, trying to calm her down but failing miserably.

("Shut up! I know your devils! One of you has wings and your controlling the wolves! Thats why they are not attacking you!") She yells as she runs upstairs. ("Leave me and my grandma alone!") She yelled before disappearing up the stairs. ("Well just like all women, this one is terrified of me") Raff mutters to himself. ("What?") Andri asked in a confused tone. Then, the woman rushed back downstairs with a crossbow, pointing it at them. ("Woah hold on!") Raff yells in panic. She ignores his plead for her to stop and shoots at him. However Andri pushed Raff out of the way and blocked the arrow with his scales. ("I knew it! Your devils!") She yells as she reloads. ("Not devils. Why dont you listen?") Andri responded in an annoyed tone. ("Besides, if we were devils we would already kill you!") Raff yells in a panicked tone.

Just then, a dark, shadowy figure in dark black robes with glowing eyes and both fur and scales. El Coco had giant and sharp claws and fangs burst through the window. Suddenly the old lady burst with life. ("EL COCO!") She yelled and did her best to get away. Andri, Raff and the wolves look at the creature, wondering what the hell it is. The woman that had also smacked Raff with a chair also backed up in fear. The wolves growled at it as it crawled along the roof and walls very quickly in a terrifying and an animalistic way. Coco then crawled on the floor and stopped right in front of them. It then stood up, revealing its very tall stature. It was so tall that it needed to bend its head so that it didnt smack its head on the roof. The wolves instantly grew an oh shit look on their faces and backed up in fear.

Even Raff got scared and backed up to the other side of the room. ("Andri! Get over here!") Raff whisper yelled. However, Andri just stood there and glared at the creature known as el coco, sizing it up. Andris eyes darted across its body, looking for weaknesses. Then he noticed how small the window was in comparison to el coco, meaning that for it to burst through, it would need to be skinny and and not have a lot of muscle. Andri grew his scales and walked up to the creature.

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