finally defeated

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 Raff leaped towards the knight and kicked him in the head, making him stumble slightly. Raff then uppercut him so hard a few teeth fell out. The knight tried punching Raff but he simply dodged. ("Damn, you really are in the zone!") The knight yelled in excitement. The knight then tried to strike him several times but Raff dodged all of it. ("Alright then, if your gonna go all out so am i!") The knight yelled. ("Amazing, a kid has never made me actually go all out before!") He yelled with such excitement he looked like a kid at a festival. However before he could do anything, Bryono finally managed to smash her claws into the knights exposed back. The knight stumbled a bit and actually fell on one knee for a second. ("Not bad, though it dosent look like you or ice boy can enter the zone at will. What a shame.") The knight exclaimed as he rushed towards the three of them.

The knight threw several punches but Raff blocked all of them while Bryono and Andri went in from the sides. They then tackled him to the ground and Bryono spit out melted stone and minerals from her mouth right on the knights neck. The knight yelled out in pain and threw them off him. ("You little bitch!") He yelled but before he could do anything, Andri froze his foot in place. Raff then kicked the knight right in the head while Andri picked up the knight several meters into the air and then slammed him right back down. ("Hes getting tired!") Raff yelled.

("Whos tired!? Not me thats for sure!") The knight yelled as he rushed towards Raff. The knight tried to tackle Raff but he dodged and Andri shot several shards of ice in the back of the knights head. However they were stopped by the skull. ("Ill end you brat!") The knight yelled as he leaped into the air after Andri. However Bryono grabbed his leg and slammed him back down to the ground. Raff then leap towards him and punched him so hard he passed out for a few seconds. However he quickly stood up again. All three of them charged at the knight and quickly ganged up on him. However the knight was starting to block their attacks.

("Is he starting to predict our moves?") Raff thought to himself. However the knight quickly elbowed Raff right in the jaw, making him spit out blood. The knight then smashed his knee into Raffs face before slamming his elbow into his back. Raff grunted loudly in pain and fell to the ground. ("DONT TOUCH HIM!") Andri yelled as he charged down from the sky at the knight to deliver a punch so hard that even Andri himself was surprised at its strength. ("Get off me!") The knight yelled as he grabbed Andri and slammed him into the ground. Bryono shot molten lava at the knights armor, melting it and forcing the knight to quickly take it off.

Bryono then tried to slash the knight with her massive claws but the knight simply grabbed her arms and threw her against the stone he was at before.  Andri leaped towards the knight but the knight punched him right in the ribs where he got started erlier. Andri fel on one knee but quickly stood up and glared the knight in the eyes. ("We are going to kill you") Andri exclaimed coldly. ("Bitch please. I would have killed you very quickly erlier if i felt like it. I just wanted to have fun. But now, your starting to actually become a problem. So i gotta kill you now.") The knight exclaimed. ("I would love to see you try.") Andri exclaimed in a tone so angry, the knight felt his knees shake.

Then, Andri focused so much on killing this knight, that he entered the zone. Andri punched him right in the face before following up with a slash to the chest. The knight tried to punch back but Andri just bit down on his hand and ripped it off. Andri then punched, kicked, bit and slashed the knight again and again and again and again. But the knight was too tired to do anything about it. By the end of the barrage of attacks, the knight was on his knees. ("Fuck, i should have killed you, before you actually started doing damage.") The knight exclaimed. ("Yeah, you should have:") Andri exclaimed as he twisted the knights neck so that his head was facing backwards. Andri then bit down on his skull with such force his skull cracked and his brain was exposed. Andri then yanked out the brain and started eating it.

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