sorrowful escape

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Andri, Raff and Arthur woke up to the sound of a loud boom. They looked over and saw the castle was collapsing and everyone that was left that had attacked england were running away as fast as they could. The three of them immediately got up and went to check on the generals and the kings even though the building was collapsing and crushing everyone around it. The building almost killed the three of them but Andri managed to move them all out of the way. Dust and debris filled the air as they searched all around. After what seemed like hours, they managed to find the king. He was bleeding from everywhere and his armor had been crushed to bits. His arms and legs had been cut off and he had debris stuck inside his body from the collapsing castle.

Arthur immediately burst into tears when he saw his father in this condition. ("Arthur.") The king exclaimed while coughing up blood. ("You need to listen. I have very little time left. There are 235 soldiers left in our army. All the generals have been killed. However they are running away as they are also badly injured and even though we only have a little over 200 soldiers left including you three, its enough to kill them. Arthur, 1032 civilians are left alive. You need to become king now. And as for Raff and Andri, they cant stay here. I dont blame them for this but, if they stay, we will be attacked and crushed again. They need to leave.") He continued, his eyes slowly turning more lifeless. The sun came up, putting Raff back in his human form.

("Dad please, dont go") Arthur replied but his father had already died. Arthur let out a loud scream filled with emotions before turning to Raff and Anrdi. ("You! You killed him! You killed everyone! If you just didnt come here than none of this would happen! Get out! Go!") Arthur screamed. Raff reached out his hand to try and comfort Arthur-. ("Arthur we,") Raff was cut of by Arthur smacking away his hand. ("Shut the fuck up! Get out of here! I hope the kraken kills you while you leave! Fuck off! Ill kill you both if you dont leave in the next 10 seconds!") Arthur screamed out in despair. ("Arthur we,") Andri tried to speak but was cut off by Arthur counting. 

("10 9 8") He counted. ("Wait you,") Raff tried to say something but could not for the words. ("7, 6") He continued counting. Andri realized that Arthur was reaching for his sword and actually planned to kill them if they didnt leave. Andri grabbed Raff by the arm and started dragging him away. Andri quickly flew to the wolves that were hiding in the nearby forest. They heard loud footsteps behind them and realized that Arthur had finished counting and was now chasing after them. Andri created ice walls to keep him away but Arthur smashed threw every single one. Eventually, they managed to make it to a nearby boat and sailed away while Arthur tried swimming after them while screaming.

("You wont survive! Either the kraken will kill you or the ones hunting you will! And if they dont than you can be dam sure that i will! You fuckers! I will make sure you die for this!") Raff just looked at him in disbelief along with the wolves. Andri however was less affected and froze the water behind the boat so that Arthur would have a harder time following them. Raff simply sat down in disbelief with his face in his hands. Andri only had a small sad look on his face but didnt seem affected other than that. The wolves tried their best to make Raff feel better however Andri was only looking out for the kraken.

("You do not care? Our family, gone") Raff exclaimed. ("I lost so much, i do not care as much as you.") Andri replied. ("Like what? I also lost stuff but i still care!") Raff yelled, angry that Andri didnt seem to care that much. However before Andri could reply, the water around them turned black. ("Get ready!") Andri yelled before a large tentacle burst out of the waters and slammed into the large boat, almost making it tip over.

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