big boy boogeyman

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("I think this is it.") Raff exclaimed while looking into a cave. ("Well, we go") Andri exclaimed as he carelessly walked right into the cave without a care in the world. ("The hells the matter with you? Why are you acting so calm and like your enjoying yourself even though we have just lost our adoptive brother, father and entire country. The fuck is wrong with you Andri?") Raff asked. Andri only looked at him with a happy smile but a depressed look in his eyes like he had secretly given up on life. ("I have lost all tears to cry") Andri calmly replied before turning around and walking deeper into the cave. Raff just stood there, speechless for a few seconds before quietly walking after him. After about 5 minutes, they reach an opening in the cave that was covered in skeletons. There were so many that no matter where they walked, they would step on a skull or a bone. ("found nest") Andri exclaimed as he looks deeply into several glowing eyes that were staring right back at him.

As soon as Raff looked up, the wolves started growling. However, the eyes disappeared in an instant, all except one pair of eyes that was bigger than the others. Raff, the wolves and even Andri were paralyzed in fear as the larger set of eyes stared back at them. Snapping out of it, Andri shouted to his brother and the wolves. ("RUN!") He yelled as he sprinted as fast as he could along with Raff and the wolves. However, they were not fast enough. They felt the Cucuy dig its giant and sharp claws into them. They all fell to the ground in pain. Andri made an ice wall behind them, blocking the Cucuy from getting too them before he kept running along with the others. However, they all heard the ice wall break and the Cucuy sprint towards them as fast as possible.

But in the distance, they saw the daylight. Knowing that they needed more time, Andri grew scales and claws, turned around and prepared to buy time for Raff and the wolves. Raff, not realizing what his brother was doing, made it out of the cave. Once Raff and the wolves made it out, Andri quickly grew wings and flew out as fast as possible. The brothers and the wolves stood at the entrance at the cave, staring back at the glowing eyes that had paused and were now staring back at them when suddenly, it backed up. ("Is it leaving?") Raff muttered in confusion. Then, in seemingly an instant, the Cucuy appeared right infront of them, taking them by surprise and making them all fall backwards.

Andri quickly made an ice wall to stop if from getting closer. The Cucuy broke it with ease and a sadistic smile grew on its face as it looked down at them. ("Die!") Andri yelled as he brought his hands together, compressed ice between them and shot it out at high speeds through a small opening he made in his hands. The ice scratched Cucuy on the cheek and it barely managed to dodge, not expecting the ice blast to be that fast. Andri, Raff and the wolves took their chance and started running again. However the Cucuy moved infront of them at such high speeds that they didnt even realize it was there. It slashed Raff across the face, making him bleed all over the ground and falling over. Andri looked down at his brother who was clenching his face in pain. 

A feeling of rage and hatred washed over him and he shot an ice spike so big it was the size of a boulder at Cucuy. Cucuy dodged with ease once again. Andri tried clawing at it but the Cucuy simply blocked with its own claws. But at the last moment, Andri switched from clawing to grabbing its claws, getting a hold of two of them and snapping them off. It roared out in pain and kicked Andri away as it rolled on the ground in pain. Raff them got up, picked up a big rock and smashed it on the Cucuys head who was so busy rolling around in pain, it didnt notice Raff had gotten up. Andris face lit up as he saw Raff was still okay but quickly grew concerned once he saw the giant new scar on Raffs face. 

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