dragons rage

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The dragon planned to roll on the ground to shake Raff away but then, Raff moved even quicker and started tearing the dragons eye to shreds before it could do anything. The dragon roared in pain and slammed its head on the ground. Raff fell down and the dragon was about to stomp on him. However then Arthur suddenly appeared in the air while being carried by Andri. Andri threw Arthur on the dragons face. Arthur stabbed the dragon in its nose before being blasted by boiling water. Arthur fell down but used the speed he gained from the fall to cut off one of the dragons claws.

Andri created a hammer from ice and smashed it on the dragons now scared nose. The dragon started smashing everything around it, hoping it would kill Arthur and Raff so that only Andri was left. It felt its hand smash into something and looked down too see that it had smacked away Arthur. Arthur got smacked so hard that he got flung into a house a little bit away from them that had been lit on fire by the french. Raff and Andri quickly ran to check if he was okay. The dragon took advantage of this and waited until they were all together. Then it sprayed them with lots of boiling water.

The fire was put out and covered them so that the dragon coudlnt see them but it knew it hit them. It waited a little before going to drink. However then it heard screaming. It looked over and saw around 200 english soldiers sprinting towards it while letting out battle cries. The dragon walked quicker to drink as he was almost out of water too shoot. However as it walked closer, Andri rushed passed him and turned the water into ice. Then a catapult started to pelt the dragon with flaming boulders.

The dragon broke the ice and tried to drink the water under the ice but Andri had frozen that as well. The dragon smacked Andri away out of annoyance but the another burning boulder was launched at him. The fire was making the dragon dry and it started running towards the water that Andri didnt have time to freeze. But then it felt something go in between its scales. It looked on its back and saw Arthur shoving his sword in between the scales and prying them open instead of breaking them. Then Arthur stabbed his sword into the dragon. It roared out in pain and another flaming boulder hit it.

It fell over and so did Arthur as the soldiers didnt see him on its back. However Raff was also climbing on the dragon and started digging into the dragons new scar. Raff ripped it open and crawled inside off the dragon. The dragon roared out in pain and made its own blood start to boil. Raff started howling in pain and the dragon started shooting its own boiling blood at the soldiers who had now set up even more catapults. Along with blood, Raff was also launched out of its mouth. Raff came crashing down on one of the catapults and was knocked out.

The dragon fell to the floor and was tired from loosing so much blood. Andri landed on top of it and planned to stab it right in the eye with an ice spike to finish it of. However the dragon quickly bit down on Andris leg and threw him away. Luckly for Andri, the dragon bit him right on his scales. However Andri still was knocked out from being thrown away and landing in another house. The dragon crawled towards the water that had not been frozen yet and started drinking.

It got back up and marched towards the castle. Arthur ran towards it and tried to stop it. The dragon just looked at him like he was stupid and shot more boiling water at him. Arthur fell to the floor and started to pass out as well. The dragon continued marching towards the castle, destroying houses as it walked. Suddenly, a single man walked towards the dragon. The man had silver armor and a red cape. The man held a spear in his hands and had a trail of corpses behind him. It was then the dragon realized, this was one of the 8 generals of england. These generals were so strong that they could even overthrow the king himself if they felt like it.

The dragon grew a oh shit look on its face and tried to run away. However the general threw a spear that went clean through its head and killed it instantly before it could even turn around. The general then turned around like nothing happened and walked towards the other generals who were locked in a battle alongside the king against the black werewolf, the scotish king, the french king, and the three brothers who were hunting Andri and had also united the northern nations under them.

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