A new home

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5 more years had passed. The boy was 10 years old but was so big and strong that he had the strength of a 20 year old. And that's without using his dragon powers. He had also not been able to fully transform since he was attacked. He also doesn't know since he is a little stupid as he never went to school. However what he lacked in intelligence he made up for in determination. He had been searching for his attackers for the past 5 years without a break. However he had not gotten close to finding them at all. It was like they just disappeared. He had even gotten himself arrested just to check if they were in prison. He was also currently in a prison but he hadn't found who he was looking for. So it was time for him to break out. He kicked the door so hard that it broke the lock and swung open. He walked around and knocked out every guard he saw. Eventually he managed to find his way up through some stairs that led out of the underground prison. All the guards pulled out their weapons but the boy just froze them all in place.

He then started walking in a random direction until he found a village. It had a lot of signs but he didn't know how to read so he ignored them. He walked into a place were there were a lot of adults who were drinking something. One of them came and shouted at him. (What are you doing here brat!? This ain't a place for kids!) The man shouted. The boy still didn't understand anything they said so he ignored him. However then the man placed his hand on his shoulder and started to drag him out. The boy thought that he was attacking him so he grabbed the man by the arm and flipped him over his head and slammed him into a table. The other people then got mad and the boy couldn't be bothered with beating all of them so he left. The people followed him however and one of them even threw a bottle at him. The boy then turned around and blasted all of them with ice. Everyone around him became frightened but he didn't understand why. He didn't care either so he looked around the town before leaving.

He walked around for a while in the snowy and cold wilderness of Greenland when a woman ran up to him. She seemed worried and scared but the boy didn't understand a single word. She was shouting something about a massive bear and to run away. The boy got tired of her yelling and walked in the direction of were she came from to see why she was so worried. But then he saw a polar bear the size of a house. Infront of the bear was a corpse of a man holding a spear. The boy instantly thought back to one of the men who attacked him. He sprinted towards the bear and punched it right in the face as it was in the way. He then looked down at the man but it wasn't the same one who attacked him. The one who attacked him was tall and muscular with clothes made from wolf fur and he also had brown hair. That man also had a helmet.. This one was blond and short and had normal clothes.

While the boy was looking, the bear hit him with his giant paw. The boy went flying but then he got back up. He shot ice at the bear and froze it in place. However the boy broke the ice and charged towards him. The boy dodged and the bear stumbled and fell down the hill they were fighting on. The boy jumped at it while growing claws on his hands. He clawed at its face and managed to slice one of its eyes. However the bear bit his hand and threw him into the house. He went flying through the walls but inside he saw something. He saw the corpse of a baby that had half of it crushed. It looked like the bear had stepped on it on axident and killed it. Then tons of memories came flooding back to him. But they weren't his memories. In these memories he was a dragon with a baby dragon. They lived in the same mountain he lived in before he got attacked. But then one day when the two dragons were flying around, multiple arrows had hit them. The baby dragon fell out of the sky and the parent followed. They landed outside a town full of humans. The parent checked on its baby and it had already died when it hit the ground. The remaining dragon got inraged and looked over at the humans. There were a lot of them but in the middle were the same three that had attacked the boy. However they were much younger. The dragon got inraged and killed all of them except for the three who attacked the boy as they escaped.

Then the boy got more memories of the same dragon but older killing another dragon, finding a human baby and adopting it. After a few seconds the boy realized that not only were these memories belonging to somebody else, but they belonged to the same dragon that had adopted him. The boy became filled with emotion and started to grow scales and his eyes turned slit just like before. However he did not have time to transform before the bear rushed towards him. The boy responded by grabbing its face and ripping it off with his claws. He then  ripped off the head and started beating the corpse. Then the woman came and saw her dead husband and baby. The boy tried to comfort her while switching back to his human form so he wouldn't scare her. However he was not able to comfort her at all and she was ballistic her eyes out. She was crying for several hours without break. The boy saw that he couldn't comfort her so he decided to leave. He got the corpse off the polar bear and went to a nearby cave. He then ate the polar bear but then the woman showed up. The boy looked at her confused.

(You ate a dragon didn't you? I'm assuming you're the boy on the wanted posters.) She exclaimed. The boy didn't understand a single word. (I assume that means you have nowhere to stay? I mean you are in a cave after all.) She continued. (I wanted to thank you for helping me. So how about you stay with me for a few days as a thanks?) The woman asked. The boy had no idea what she was saying. The woman gestured for him to follow her so he did. She took him to her house were there were two graves and the walls had are been rebuilt. She gave him food that was actually cooked witch was something he had never eaten. She took care of him for a few days. Then days turned to weeks and then to months. She had never told him.to leave and then boy didn't really want to leave as she gave him good food and was nice. She even taught him how to speak atleast a little and she also gave him a name. The name she decided to give him was Andri.

She would also learn of why Andri was wanted. She told him that the people he were looking for were three brothers who were also leaders of a group of vikings that hunt mythical beasts. However they had moved from Greenland to iceland a month after Andri escaped from them as they had killed almost every mythical beast there. And the ones who were still alive would die by themselves as they only left disabled ones or children. Andri planned to kill them but he wanted to stay with this women a little longer as she was like his parent and he enjoyed spending time with her. So instead of leaving her here he would take her with him to iceland.

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