Arthur at war

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Andri and his werwolf friend had moved in with the king and prince of england. His werewolf friend had also finally gotten a name. His new name was Raff. France had, scotland and the hunters guild had a common enamy now. Scotland wanted more land, france just didnt like thr english because they have had several wars in the past and the hunters guild wanted to kill Andri. So they all teamed up and waged war on england.

It was a cold winter. England was short on food and was already struggeling a little. They couldnt go fishing since there was a kraken sinking ships off the coast. In the dead of night, when england was already weak, the alliance attacked. scotland from the north, france from the south, the hunters guild from the west and the vengeful kraken from the east. England was being attacked from all sides.

BOOM! Andri, Arthur and Raff were woken up by a loud noise. They all rushed towards it and saw that a boulder had hit the castle. The three of them looked through the hole that was made by the boulder and saw several armies rushing towards them. The three of them rushed to get their armor, weapons and the wolves before going to the front lines. ("We should split up! There are three of us and three armies! We dont need to worry about the kraken yet since it cant go on land!") Arthur yelled

("Ill take the French!") He continued. ("I go for hunter.") Andri replied in his broken english. Him and Raff had only been in england for three months so they werent the best at speaking the language. ("I take scotish!") Raff exclaimed before they all went over to their seperate battles. Arthur rushed straight towards the french army. He had a personal vendetta against them since their countries had been at war for a long time.

He came to a stop in front of over 100 french soldiers. ("sorry guys, this is were you die.") He said to them as he pulled out a sword that was bigger than he was. He swung it down at one of them but he blocked it with an axe.  Another one with a sword rushed towards him but Arthur cut the mans arm off.  Then he did the same with the first soldier that had blocked his attack. Another soldier with a hammer came towards him but Arthur cut that mans arm off as well and then proceeded to cut the man in half. 

He then cut another mans head off and kicked it towards the remaining soldiers. ("What, scared? I dont blame you.") He said before cutting another one in half. ("your armor does not fair well against my giant sword huh? understandable.") Arthur exclaimed as he spins around and kills several more soldiers. He then cuts another one in half and kicks the upper body towards them again.

Then he picks up his sword with both hands and thrusts it at another soldier. A few soldiers jump at him but he spins his sword around and cuts them all down. One sneaks up behind him but Arthur thrusts his sword straight into the soldiers face. He then uses the blunt side of his sword to smack a soldier as hard as he could multiple times. Then he turns around and cuts down another soldier.

He brings his sword up in the air and then slamms it back down, hitting two soldiers and killing them. He cuts a soldiers legs of and kicks him in the face. Then he thrusts his sword through the chest of another soldier. But then, he starts breathing hevaly. ("Dammit! The sword is starting to feel heavy. Not sure how long i can keep going.") He thinks to himself. He uses all his might to slam his sword into a soldier, sending him flying. Then he uses the left over momentum to bring his sword in the air and then slam it on a soldiers head. 

Then he cuts down 2 soldiers. Another one tried to sneak up behind him but Arthur cut him in half. Then he slices one soldier right across the chest. Arthur swings his sword around and cuts down 6 of them at the same time. He slams his sword against one of them but the soldier managed to block it. ("Its getting heavier.") His thoughts go through his head as he cuts down the one who blocked his sword.

He then punches one in the face before cutting of their legs. Arthur swings his sword around and kills 2 more soldiers. Then he picks his sword up with both hands and thrust it agianst another soldier. Arthur starts breathing even more heavily and the soldiers start to take notice. He slams his sword into two more soldiers. He swings at another one but missed and the soldier cuts him across the face, blinding him in his left eye.

Arthur backs up a bit. One of them tries to get close but Arthur cuts his head of. ("Shit! I cant go on much longer! These guys might actually kill me!") Arthur thinks to himself.  ("Im getting more and more tired.") His thoughts continue as he cuts 2 more soldiers in half. his vision starts getting blurry from exhaustion and another soldier stabs him in the chest. Arthur managed to grab the blade before it could pierce his organs. Then he cuts the head right off the soldier.

He swings his sword around, not being able to see very well but he feels himself cut down two soldiers. He feels himself getting more tired as his vision gets even more blurry. He swings his sword around but cant see if he is cutting them down or not. However he does feel the sword hit them. ("Yeah no, i cant do this, im to tired from this heavy ass sword.") He thinks to himself.

But then he hears a child crying from somewhere around him. ("No, what am i thinking? I cant give up! I have a kingdom to protect!") He thinks to himself. Adrenalin starts pumping through his body. ("Well if i cant see, i might as well close my eyes. if i shut off one of my senses then the others will become stronger.") His thoughts continue. He shuts his eyes and can not only hear them, but he can also feel the vibrations coming from their movements, he can also smell them. 

Arthur rushes towards the crying baby and stands ready to protect it with his life as the soldiers make their way towards him

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