Elenas murder

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Caius slowly walked over to Elena who was paralyzed with fear. ("W-wait! Please!") Elena shouted. But, the gladiator still brought his blade in the air. ("Wait no!") She shouted as Caius brought his blade down, aiming to kill her. She managed to dodge out of the way. ("Hold on! I dont want to fight!") Elena shouted. ("Then you die!") Caius shouted back as he swung his blade again but still missing. The crowd roared in excitement. ("Your fast") <caius exclaimed. ("your ugly") Elena responded, refering to the scar on his right eye. ("You call me ugly when two of your friends have more scars then i do.") He exclaimed while smiling in excitement. ("Well they pull it off. It doesent suit you though") Elena responded.

("Whatever you say is doesent matter. Your going to die here anyway") Caius exclaimed as he rushed towards her and swung his sword again. Elena dodged again. ("If your not gonna fight back then atleast let me kill you!") Caius yelled, starting to get annoyed. ("Fine, ill fight back.") She said before using her fast speed to punch him in the face. However Caius didnt even flinch. ("Aw, you call that a punch? How cute. Let me show you how to really punch.") He said stepping on her foot to prevent her from moving. He then dropped his sword, grabbed her by the hair with his left hand and slammed his fist into her face with his right hand.

Elena passed out but only for a few seconds. When she woke up Caius had his foot pinning her down and his fist, clenching his sword raised in the air. ("Wait no! Get off!") She yelled as she kicked him in the balls. He grunted in pain and fell down to his knees. ("You little bitch. Ill kill you for that.") He said but while he was distracted, Elena broke free and grabbed his sword and took it away from him. Caius only chuckled., ("Do you even know how to use that thing? Even if you do, youll still die. I knocked you out for a few seconds with just one punch. Your dying here today.") Caius said with a smile on his face.

("Your a sick psychopath. Im just a kid.") Elena exclaimed. ("I couldnt care less. Your still going to die here. Azrael might have tooken pitty on you for your age but i sure as hell wont!") Caius yelled as he spread his arms, leaving himself wide open. ("Come on then! Kill me if you can!") He yelled. 

Elena just stood there for a moment, her hands shaking. But then, she sprinted towards him and jabbed the sword in his stomach. However he just flexed his muscles to make it harder for her to land a fatal blow. ("Aw, to weak to even have the blade reach anything. All you did was just pierce a little muscle. Your weak") He said as he let his knee fly into her stomach, knocking the wind out of her. She fell to her knees and Caius grabbed her by the hair again and liften her into the air. ("Die!") He shouted as he punched her in the stomach, making her fall over and start vomiting blood. ("Disgusting!") He shouted as he started kicking her while she was down.

Meanwhile Andri got fed up and starting breathing in to shoot an ice blast at Caius. But Raff stopped him. ("Dont, you will just make it worse. He looks tough. Hed probably just shrugg it off and kill her anyways. And then the guards will kill us. You gotta have faith okay? She can do it just watch.") Raff exclaimed. Andri hesitantly stopped preparing his attack. ("Fine but if it keeps going i attack.") Andri exclaimed. Caius kept kicking her over and over, eventually breaking her ribs and making her start crying. ("Aw is the poor littloe baby crying? How sad!") Caius yelled as he kept kicking.

("Im not crying because it hurts.") She mumbled. Caius stopped for a moment. ("What was that? Speak up! I want the crowd to hear how pathetic you are!") Caius yelled. Elena slowly stood up. ("I said im not crying because it hurts. Im crying because i dont want to kill anyone.") She said, wiping blood from her mouth. Caius and the crowd burst into a fit of laughter. ("You think you can kill me!? How outra-") Caius was cut off by Elena suddenly sprouting claws just like el cucuy and slicing Caius across the stomach, spilling his guts out on the ground. ("W-what?") Caius said before falling over and slowly bleeding out and dying. ("See what i mean?") Elena muttered while wiping away her tears.

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