The Battle of the Midnight Howl

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The wolves circled the knights, their movements fluid and calculated. The clash began when the Alpha Wolf lunged at the knights,  jaws snapping shut just inches from the soldiers helmets. The knights fought valiantly, their swords glinting in the moonlight as they parried the wolves' ferocious attacks. Some of the Wolves darted in and out, making quick strikes, while the other Wolves defended the pack's flanks. 

As the battle raged on, the wolves displayed a terrifying coordination. Their eerie howls filled the night, unnerving the knights and echoing through the battlefield. The wolves were relentless. The Alpha Wolf, despite suffering a wound, continued to strategize, guiding his pack with cunning precision. With each passing moment, the knights found themselves at a disadvantage. They were tired, outnumbered, and outmatched by the wolves' primal power.

As the night wore on, the knights' battle cries grew weaker, and the wolves closed in for the final assault. But then, a loud howl was heard. A howl louder than any wolf could create. The black werewolf came running out off the forest, except it had a muzzle on its face. The scotish knights took the muzzle of and then sprinted away as fast as they could, fearing the black werewolf would kill them even though it was on their side. 

The confrontation began when the alpha wolf, with a low growl and a commanding glare, challenged the werewolf, circling him warily. The werewolf, driven by his own primal instincts, accepted the challenge with a menacing snarl. The confrontation began when the alpha wolf, with a low growl and a commanding glare, challenged the werewolf, circling him warily. The werewolf, driven by his own primal instincts, accepted the challenge with a menacing snarl.

The battle raged on, a flurry of slashing claws, bared teeth, and desperate lunges. The werewolf's supernatural strength and resilience made him a formidable opponent, but the pack fought with unyielding determination and a unity forged over generations. The battlefield was filled with eerie howls and growls, and the moon seemed to shine brighter as if bearing witness to the fierce struggle. Blood was shed on both sides, and the pack's ranks thinned as the battle wore on.

One by one, the wolves started to pass out from blood loss. The werewolf let out a howl in victory, but it was interrupted by loud footsteps. Raff in his albino werewolf form walked towards the black one. Raff was carrying a severed head in his right hand and holding a severed arm in his mouth. Raff dropped them once he spotted the injured wolves on the ground. The black werewolf laughed at him, teasing him for not being able to help his family.

Raff snarled at him and got ready to attack. They started to circle each other, checking who would attack first. The moonlight accentuated their dramatic differences. Raff moved with an eerie grace, his red eyes locked onto her opponent. The melanistic werewolf's massive frame exuded a menacing presence as he snarled, ready to strike. The battle was a clash of contrasting styles. Raff relied on his agility, darting in and out with precision, his silvery claws glistening in the moonlight. The melanistic werewolf, on the other hand, launched brutal, calculated attacks, his massive claws tearing through the earth and underbrush.

The battlefield resonated with bone-chilling howls and roars, a cacophony of supernatural fury. Moonlight filtered through the forest canopy, casting eerie, shifting patterns that danced across their forms as they fought. Fur and flesh were torn, the ground churned beneath their colossal struggle. Raff tackled the black werewolf. They started roalling around, trying to get on top off each other. Raff got on top but the melanistic werewolf grabbed a rock and smashed it against Raffs head, making him fall over. 

The black werewolf looks around and spots a very sharp rock behind Raff. The black werewolf charges into Raff and tackles him right into the sharp rock. The rock pierced Raff right in the kidney, completely destroying the organ. Raff started to bite the black werewolf in the shoulder but it didnt seem to affect him at all. Raff kicked him in the legs, making him stumble but not fall over. Raff pulled out the rock and then fell over, pretending to pass out. The black werewolf slowly walked over and once he was close enough, Raff clawed at his chest, leaving a big scar.

The black werewolf only laughed at this. The black werewolf jumped on Raff and starts clawing right were the rock pierced him. Raff roared out in pain and kicked the black werewolf off him.  The black werewolf stumbled a bit before one of the wolves jumped on his back and tried to bite him. The black werewolf grabbed him and slammed him against the ground. Raff tried to help but his vision was getting blurry from loosing blood. Raff stumbled a bit before falling over. The black werewolf held the wolf up in the air and laughed. Then he brought his claws up to the wolves throat and was about to kill it.

Raff saw red, one moment he was on the ground, the next he was standing over the black werewolf who was laying on the ground with blood covering his face. The black werewolf got up and wiped the blood of its face, revealing a large scar across its forehead. The black werewolf looked down at Raff and snarled before letting out a loud howl. Raff let out an even louder howl and they started to circle each other again. Then running was heard. Raff looked behind him and saw english soldiers coming to help. Among them was the english general named Henry. The black werewolf let out a snarl out off frustration before running away.

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