magma lizard

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("Stupid, stupid stupid STUPID!") Andri yelled out in frustration while walking around, looking for signs of a dragon. Out of frustration, he kicked a rock as hard as he could. ("Ow fuck!") He yelled out in pain. ("Rock hurt!") He let out an annoyed grunt before he kept walking again. But after a few minutes he stopped in his tracks. Smoke, he smelled smoke, and a lot of it. He rushed towards tge source of the smell, eager to find the dragon. CRASH! The sound of destruction filled his ears. Finally, he reached the edge of the forest he was in. Standing at the end of the forest on top of a cliff overlooking a small village, he saw a massive earth dragon with lava spewing from its mouth causing havoc. The dragon was larg, larger than any other dragon he had seen before but still not large enough to be one of the great dragons that swallowed several war ships.

The dragon chewed up some of the ground and then swallow it. But only seconds later it puked it all out again. Except, the ground it ate had melted down into hot lava. The lava hit a building and quickly set it on fire. Andri took a deep breath. And his cold breath created frost on the grass when he exhaled. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, he took deeper and deeper breaths, colder and colder breaths, all to prepare for one big attack. With one last deep breath, he let out a giant ice attack that completely covered the massive dragon in ice. Andri walked up to the dragons frozen face. ("Sorry dragon, need to save friend") Andri exclaimed. ("How do me bring it back?") Andri pondered to himself. But as soon as he said that, the ice cracked. ("Oh... fuck") The ice shattered, freeing tha earth dragon as it let out a loud roar. The dragon looked down at Andri, almost as if he was a small pest.

("Hehe, sorry") Andri muttered. The dragon let out a low growl before swatting Andri away as if he was a flie. The sheer force from the strike send Andri flying into the cliff he stood upon earlier, causing it to cave in and collapse on top of him. Andri slowly managed to crawl out of the rubble, his scales and claws slowly growing. Andri had blood dripping from his nose and mouth, he felt his ribs broke when he was swatted away and he had a large bleeding wound on his head  from all the rubble falling on him. ("Well, this is more hard then I expect") Andri exclaimed as he wiped the blood of his face.

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