The zone

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Raff ran on all fours towards the knight who only stood there smiling. However when Raff got close, the knight threw his sword towards him. Raff dodged but was not fast enough too dodge the knight punching him in the face. The knight tried to kick Raff but he managed to dodge. Raff tried to throw a punch but the knight dodged. Raff tried another punch but the knight dodged again. Raff then leaped towards the knight, grabbed him by the face and smashed his fists into the knights face over and over. ("MORE!") The knight yelled as he grabbed Raff and slammed him on the ground. The knight tried to stomp him but he rolled out of the way. Raff then grabbed the knight and slammed him into a nearby stone in a way that made the knights exposed back land right on the stone.

("HAHA! IVE NEVER MET ACTUAL KIDS AS STRONG AS THIS!") The knight yelled. ("YOUR GOING TO MAKE FINE KILLERS ONE DAY!") He continued. Raff coldly looked down at the knight. ("I will kill you, for stabbing my brother. And i will kill your captain and commrads, for killing my wolves.") The knight only laughed at this but was quickly cut of by Raff stomping his foot on the knights face over and over and over. However once Raff was done, the knight quickly stood up. ("Aw, done already?") The knight asked with a crazed smile on his face.

("The hell is wrong with you?") Raff asked in confusion.  However before he could get an answer, a rain of ice suddenly fell on the knight who quickly dodged. ("You good?") Andri asked as he walked over to Raff. ("You shouldnt stand.") Raff exclaimed. ("Relax, didnt break ribs.") Andri responded. ("Oh, your ribs stopped it? Good to hear.") Raff exclaimed. Bryono then suddenly burst out of the ground again and tried to dig her claws into the knights waist. However the knight grabbed her arm and threw her at Andri before she could pierce him.

The three of them went in close and all tried to strike the knight, just to land one single hit. However the knight somehow got faster and dodged it all. ("Oh my, your actually making me somewhat struggle now. Very impressive as i am a member of spains finest group of soldiers.") The knight exclaimed. ("Shut up, nobody cares") Andri responded as he trapped the knight in a massive block of ice.  The knight then smashed through the ice like it was a thin sheat of paper. ("Gonna have to try harder than that.") He exclaimed. Bryono then tried to claw at him again but got swatted away as if she was a bug.

("Hey Raff. Remember when we fight cucuy?") Andri asked. ("Yeah why?") Raff responded. ("We need that again.") Andri exclaimed. ("What do you mean? Oh, that, when we pushed beyond our limits you mean?") Raff asked. ("Yeah, that") Andri responded. ("Got it:") Raff exclaimed. Raff then suddenly went calm, really calm. It was almost as if he was dead or something. ("Huh? Did you just die standing?") The knight asked. ("Sometimes when your doing something you focus so hard that nothing else exists for you except for that one goal. This is mostly experianced by people in the army so im sure your aware. This state makes you completely focused on one object to the point where your body knows what to do before your brain does, as if it is acting on instict rather than on brain power. This state is called the zone by many athletes and soldeirs.") Raff exclaimed.

("Oh that old thing! Yeah, i know it. However a lot of people cant do it on their own, im surprised that you can.") The knight exclaimed.

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