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Two of them try to get close but Arthur cuts them down instantly. He picks up the weapon of a fallen soldier and throws it at them before slamming his sword into one so hard he flies away. He thrusts his sword and feels himself kill 2 of them at the same time. He cuts the neck of another one but still feels the sword getting heavier. ("alright then, if the sword is too heavy, then i will kill you all with my bair hands!") Arthur yells as he puts his sword on the ground. He punches one if the face and then grabs them by the legs, and throws them at another soldier.

He then punches another one so hard, he gets knocked out instantly. He then uses both his hands to grab a soldiers head and crushes it. He uses his elbow to hit another one so hard that the soldiers jaw flew off his face. He punches a hole through another ones armor, through the chest and rips out the soldiers heart. ("Thats right assholes! Swinging this dumbass sword around aswell as having this heavy ass armor, gives me the strenght to rip people to shreds!") He yells as he rips a soldier in half.

He punches a hole though a soldiers face and then breaks the neck of another one. Then he rips the head of another Soldier and throws it so hard that when it hit a soldier in the face, both the heads exploded. One of them tried hitting him with a hammer but he simply grabbed it, ripped the soldiers head of, and then threw both the head and hammer at 2 more soldiers, killing them. 

Then he picks up a soldier and slammed him against 3 more, killing all of them. ("Round two assholes!") Arthur yells as he grabs his sword again.  He swings it around and kills 5 soldiers at the same time. Then he stabs 2, cuts 4 in half and hits one more so hard he goes flying. Then he brought his sword in the air and slammed it back down, killing 3 more soldiers.

Two more come towards him but he cuts them in half. 8 more soldier come towards him but he stabs one, cuts three in half, uses the blunt part of his sword to smack one so hard he flies into another one and then he cuts the heads off 2 more. Even more start coming towards him. ("Im not done assholes!") He yells as he cuts 4 in half. He cuts the head off one and then swings his sword up and slammed it back down, killing another one.

Then he uses the blunt side of his sword to hit one so hard that their entire body explodes. He cuts the head of one and then cuts the legs off another one. He spins around and kills 5 more. He thrusts his sword into the face off another soldier and uses the momentum to cut another soldier in half. He swings around and 7 more soldiers. ("just a little more, some of them have already ran away, i just need to kill the brave ones.") Arthur thinks to himself.

He slammed his sword into a soldier but then he felt a sharp pain in his back. He realized that a soldier had managed to sneak up behind him and stab him in the back. Arthur turns around and cuts off the head of the soldier. He turns around and stabs one but then another one throws his axe at him. Arthur didnt manage to move in time and the axe stabbed him right in the chest. However it had been stobbed by the ribs and didnt do serious damage.

He stabs another one and then uses the handel of his sword to knock out another soldier. Then he jumps at the soldier that threw an axe at him and stabs him in the face. Arthur realizes that he had finally killed them all and opens his remaining eye. He sits down on a corpse to rest while the crying baby gets picked up by its mother and taken away. ("Why did she show up now? Did the soldiers get in the way? Why not take the baby with you when you ran?") He thinks to himself.

Then seemingly out of nowhere, The french king appears in front of him. Arthur didnt even have time to react before his right hand was suddenly seperated from his body. Arthur yells out in pain. The french king grabs him by the throat but before he could do anything, Arthurs father came and tackled the french king. ("Arthur! Get out of here!") He screamed. Arthur knew that he would only slow his father down so he did what he was told, he ran away.

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