partial furry

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Andri leaped towards the knight and smashed both fists into his helmet again. ("More!") The knight yelled in excitement. Andri then tried slashing at the knight but it barely scraped his armor. ("I said, MORE!") The knight yelled before grabbing Andri by the face and throwing him so hard he went crashing into what was left of Elenas house. The knight then punched Bryono right in the stomach, making her fall on her knees. Raff ran towards the knight. ("You bas-") He was cut out by the knight punching him in the face so hard he  got launched several feet back. ("Dont talk to me your weak") The knight exclaimed.  ("DIE!") Andri yelled as he threw a spear made of ice at the soldier. However he just grabbed the spear and crushed it like its nothing.

("So your an ice dragon?") The knight exclaimed. However, just then, he realized that there was a hole where Bryono was just a few moments ago. ("Wait, where did the little bitch go!?") He said to himself. Bryono then burst out of the ground and smashed her massive claws on the knights helmet. ("Not bad at all") The knight said before smacking her to the ground. ("FUCK OFF") Andri yelled as he created a large pillar of ice that slammed into the knight, sending him back a few feat. ("Thats what im talking about! Show me more kid!") The knight yelled in excitement. Raff then suddenly appeared behind the knight and tried to stab him. However his sword just broke even more on impact.

("You cant hope to cut me with a sword THAT shitty") The knight exclaimed. ("I aint trying to stab through it.") Raff exclaimed. He then grabbed a small dagger from his pocket and jammed it between the plates on the knights armor. ("Huh?") The knight exclaimed in confusion. Raff then used all his strength to pry a big plate of armor right of the knights back. ("HAHA! I GUESS YOU ARENT USELESS!") The knight yelled as me smacked Raff so hard a few teeth fell out. ("DONT TOUCH HIM!") Andri yelled as he created a massive mace out of ice and smashed it against the knights armors opening.

The knight stumbled back a bit. ("Oh, you hit hard. I guess i maybe should take you a bit more seriously now.") The knight exclaimed. ("Shut up!") Andri yelled before shooting several small shards of ice at the knight. However the knight blocked it all without breaking a sweat. The knight then suddenly dashed towards them so fast Andri and Raff thought he was teleporting. However Bryono burst out of the ground again and grabbed the knights legs. ("Get of bitch") The knight exclaimed as he kicked the air so hard Bryono was sent flying. The knight then pulled a sword from his back and leaped towards Raff, trying to stab him. However Andri pushed Raff out of the way, taking the hit instead.

("Andri!") Raff yelled in a panicked tone as the sword went through Andris scales and into his chest. Andri roared in pain as the knight twisted the blade, causing more pain. ("Stop it!") Raff yelled as he tried to push the knight away. However he only got kicked in response. Then the air was filled with some kind of, hatred. Pure rage was fellt amongst everyone on the battlefield as Raff started growing furr all over. ("I said, STOP IT!") He yelled as he punched the knight so hard that he wasnt only sent flying but his helmet was shattered. ("What the fuck!? Your a werewolf? Hang on, your not fully transformed, only partially transformed. I didnt know werewolves could do that.") The knight exclaimed

("ALL RIGHT! THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME!") The knight continued. ("Shut up,") Raff yelled as he got on all fours like an animal. He also grew larger, his nails turned into claws and his teeth turned giant. He was also drooling like a crazy animal or something. ("I am going to kill you") Raff said in a tone so malicious that even the battle hungry knight felt shivers in his spine. ("Well,") The knight exclaimed as he stood up. ("Come at me then") He continued tauntingly. 

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