Andri the gladiator

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A day had gone by and they had asked multiple gladiators but most if not all of them just ignored their questions. So, feeling hopeless, Elena just gave up. And because she was the only one who spoke the language the others had to give up as well. They heard the announcer yelling something, but the only word they were able to make out was Andri. The gate opened and Andri knew that he had to fight. He walked through the gate to the spectators cheering. The gladiator he was fighting was already waiting for him. It was a tall muscular man holding a pitchfork clenched in both hands. Andri just cracked his fingers and waited for the gladiator to make the first move. 

The gladiator paused for a second, before charging at Andri. Scales grew on parts of Andris body and his nails turned into claws like a dragon. The gladiator paused at seeing this but Andri just smirked as he leaped into the air. Andri landed on the gladiators head, clawing out one of his eyes and making him fall over. The gladiator screamed out in pain and threw Andri off of him. Andri laughed at the man struggling to get up, fuling the anger of the gladiator. The gladiator roared in anger as he threw the pitchfork at Andri who easily dodged.

Andri ran towards the gladiator and dug his claws into the gladiators stomach. However, the gladiator didnt try to stop him. He just let Andri stab him. And as soon as he did, the gladiator pulled a knife from his pocket. Realising that Andri was wide open as his claws were somehow stuck in the gladiators stomach, he couldnt help but grin. The gladiator had a look of utter shock and fear as the knife crumbled to pieces as soon as it touched Andri.

Andri managed to get his claws free and pulled up his shirt, revealing that the gladiator had just stabbed the scales on his stomach.  The gladiator didnt stop though, he just punched Andri in the face, again and again. But Andri just laughed. Blood was spilling from his mouth but he was still laughing. Andri then opened his mouth and stuck his toung out, revealing that the blood wasnt from the punches but that he just bit himself on accident. ("Weak") Andri said, still grinning as he kicked the gladiator right in the stomach were he had stabbed him erlier.

The gladiator fell on one knee, clenching his stomach. Andri grabbed his face, pulled it up so he was facing the sky, and used his remaining hand to slice his throat. Blood squirted on to Andri as he just stood there, smiling and watching. The crowd roared out of excitement and started chanting Andris name as he calmly walked back through the gate, still a smile on his face.

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