sibling conflict

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The two of them had been walking for a little while, trying to kill the earth dragon. ("Hurry up.") Andri exclaimed casually like nothing had happened. However Raff was more sad. He had a gloomy look on his face, walked slower and looked down as he walked. Raff gloomily looked up at Andri who just kept casually walking. ("What is your problem?") Andri stopped and looked at him confused. ("Excuse me?") Raff grew a slightly angry look on his face. ("You know what i mean. This casual bullshit! When Arthur chased us out of England you got over it after only a few seconds! When the king died you didnt care and he looked after us like he was our father! And now that the wolves are dead you also dont care!")

Andri got an annoyed look. ("What are you talk about?") Raff grew even angrier and shouted at Andri. ("You know exactly what im talking about! You dont care about anyone except yourself! You dont have the human emotion of compassion do you!? Tell me, are you even human!?")  He shouted. ("Shut up! Stop talking! You dont know anything! Say that again and i-") Andri was cut off by Raff ("And youll do what!? Kill me! Do it! You would only prove me right! Do it right here and prove that you have no sympathy for anyone! Prove that your not human!") Andri grows his claws and gets ready to maul Raff, but stops, and brings his claws back.

("Just, shut up. We dont have time for this. If we dont go now we might not make it in time to save Elena.") Andri exclaimed, trying to calm himself down. ("Pfft, like you even care about her you emotionless freak.") Raff responded. Andri grew enraged and smacked Raff so hard that Raff fell on his back. ("I said shut up!") Andri jumped on top of Raff and got ready to punch him again, but hesitated. Raff punched Andri in the face, Andri fell on his side but quickly got up. Raff also got up and the two glared at each other. 

("Dont, dont you dare touch me again! You know what you just did!? You proved me right! By attacking me, your own brother, you proved that you have no sympathy for anyone except yourself! You dont have any human emotions do you!? Go on hit me again! Since you clearly dont care about anyone you shouldnt have a problem with that right!?") Raff yelled.

("Raff, shut up.") Andri exclaimed. ("No you shut up! You just attacked your own brother! And ive never seen you sad or anything like that ever! Even when we loose everything we care about! You only care about yourself! Your pride is so big that it makes it impossible for you to care about anyone except yourself!") Raff yelled, only getting angrier and angrier.

("SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY!!! YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT!!!") Andri yelled back. ("OR WHAT!? WILL YOU ATTACK ME AGAIN!?") Raff yelled. Andri tried his best to calm down and let out a loud sigh. Then he started walking away. ("Stop shouting already. Ill prove to you, that i care about people, even that you dont believe me") He exclaimed. ("Thats right walk away! And dont come back asshole!") Raff yelled one last time before walking away as well. 

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