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He ran and he ran, trying to get away from the man who had attacked Andri. He ran while carrying the wolf who had been poisoned. For a long time he just ran. Even he collapsed on the ground, he went towards the wolf and pondered on how to get rid of the poison. He could try to suck out the poison but then the poison would enter his bloodstream. Although if he simply cut himself until he started bleeding then he could get rid of the poison in his blood, so thats what he did. When he was done he wanted to continue leaving Scotland as he knew that he would get hunted if he stayed. But the wolves refused. They didn't want to simply leave Andri. However the boy thought that he was just another human, just another human who was going to betray him eventually. He remembered his parents, a werewolf came into their home when he was only 4 months old. It tried to eat him but his father stopped it by stabbing it with a sword. The werewolf only got the chance to slightly bite him how it was still enough to turn him into a werewolf.

The werewolf killed his father and then left as it was soon morning. His mother fell into a deep depression and when she found out that her own son was also a werewolves, she dragged him into the forest and left him in a wolf infested area, hoping the wolves would eat him alive. But instead, they adopted him. And he learned never to trust a human, and thats exactly what Andri was, human. No, Andri was something else. The way he was, there was something animalistic about him. Even the way he walked, he would be slightly hunched over like he was ready to crawl on all fours at any second. He didn't cook his food and preferred to eat it raw like an animal would. Even the way he would fight, he clawed and bit his enemies like an animal. Andri might have been human, but he was clearly raised by some kind of animal just like he was. He only felt stupid for not realizing this sooner as he started to wander back to help Andri.

Andri woke up in a room were his feet and mouth were chained to the wall. They also overed his mouth with a peice of metal to prevent him from breathing ice. The room had no furniture and there was only a door leading to who knows were. After a while, the same man who attacked him aswell as a total stranger walked in. (I am a translater and I will translate what my king here is saying.) The man exclaimed. The so called king started talking in a language Andri didn't understand. When he was done, the translater started translating. (I am the king of scotland and to put it simply, you have a bounty put on you by three brothers who are rulers of a new empire. They have unified Greenland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, iceland and Finland under their leadership. And I'm also tired of you and your friend killing our farm animals. So I captured you and I'm going to turn you over to tge three brothers. Then I will find your friend and kill him. This information is useless to you as your going to die, but it doesn't feel right not telling you this so here you go.) He said before they both left.

Andri nearly shit himself out of panick. He can't go over to them, then his new friend will be killed. And so will Andri. Even tho Andri wanted his revenge, he wasn't willing to let his new friend die because of it. Not now that he had already lost his parents. Andri started to rage and tried to break out. The metal on his mouth was keeping his mouth shut so he couldn't even scream. However Andri felt the adrenaline pump through his veins. He was inraged and felt pure malicious intent overcome him as he started to become bloodlusted. He was also so determined that all he could think about was killing his kidnapper and helping his friend before going over north and getting his revenge. He was so determined that it was as if nothing else existed except for those thoughts. He kept trying to break out as he entered the flow state. He managed to open his mouth and break the metal keeping it closed. He let out a primal scream as he broke the chains keeping him stuck to the wall. He heared footsteps so I stead of going through the door he broke a hole in the wall and jumped out.

He grew wings and started flying up. He was planning on killing the scotish king here and now because if he didn't, his friends were going to get killed. He took a closer look and saw that he wasn't in any normal prison, he was dead center in the capital of scotland. Then he felt confused. Should he kill the king? If yes then he would need to do it here and the fight would be hard to control and people were most lively going to get in the way and get killed. These people had families, he saw mothers and their children looking up at him. Should he rest do this now? But if he doesn't then his friend will die. But that's just one life and also theife of a few wolves, were tgey really worth more then an entire castle, no an entire city's worth of people? These thoughts rushed through his mind as he powdered on what to do. He saw spear being thrown by their king, he grew scales to try and make the impact not as bad but he still took a lot of damage.

He fell down to the ground and landed on a house. He went crashing through the house and ended up on the first floor were he saw a family eating their dinner. As he saw the young children, he felt guilty. There was no way this would turn out good. If he fights then innocent people will die but if he runs his friend will die. He looked up and saw the king above him holding a sword, ready to stab him. Was this it? Was he really going to die? No, not yet, he still needed his revenge, but what about the people? Time seemed to slow down as he pondered on what to do. (Wait, he say sell me to them. He willing to work with them? No, no he not good person. The people, they agree with the brothers? That mean, they kill monsters! Not good, these people, peice of shit!) Andri though to himself as he managed to dodge the attack. He had realized that these people are just like the brothers who had attacked him. They were peices of shit who kill creatures like his adoptive mother. He had made up his mind. He was going to kill the brothers and everyone who agreed with their ideology. Weather if takes several life times, he was going to get it done.

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