kraken vs town with dumb name

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Andri and his new mother had built a boat for them to travel on. His mother was home cooking while Andri was getting the last few things ready. Andri decided to continue after dinner and he walked back home. However when he got home his house was burning. Andri sprinted towards it and saw his mother's corpse on the ground. He shook her, trying to wake her up but she was already dead. He heared laughing and turned towards the noise. There he saw 7 people who were members of the same group his three attackers were leaders off. They were left behind to take care of the ones who the brothers couldn't be bothered to kill. He had another mental breakdown and tackled one of them. Then he started eating him alive. The others tried to pull him off but he stabbed one with his horns and clawed the one more with his claws. One of them grabbed him by his thick white hair and tried to pull him off the one he was eating. Andri turned around and breathed ice down his throat, freezing him from the inside. Then he created a mountain of ice that reached the clouds to kill the rest. They were crushed under the mountain as Andri started to try and calm down.

He just started sobbing as he made a grave for his mother. Then he got on the boat and saled away. It would take a while as he was on the very top of Greenland and iceland was to the right. Andri was sailing for a while and decided to take a top at the town of  ittoqqortoormiit. Andri didn't know what morron decided on the name but he was too sad too care. He stopped to take a break from sailing but then a few villagers came to him. (Uh excuse me. You need to leave.) They said, sounding worried. (Hmm?) Andri responded. (You need to leave before the kraken show up! it know who comes and who leaves by going on boat and its on its way! You need to either leave or stay cause as soon as you get on that boat its gonna kill you!) They continued. (uh huh. Dont care, leave.) Andri responded. Andri took a nap on a bench that was overlooking the waters. When he woke up he got back on his boat but as soon as he stepped on it people rushed inside and shut their doors and windows. shops closed down and everyone did their best to hide. (fools.) Andri muttered to himself. as soon as he got within 15 meters away from the shore, a massive tentacle came out of the waters. However Andri was prepared, he froze the tentacle with ice and also froze all the water around him into thick ice so that the kraken couldnt break through. However the ice wasnt strong enough and another tentacle burst out and smacked his boat. the boat was sent flying into the beach, crashing and breaking. Andri looked around and saw a bigger boat that looked like it could carry atleast 10 people, while the boat Andri had made was only big enough for 2. However the waters were still covered in ice so he couldnt use the boat to chase down the kraken.

However the kraken then started to break the ice into smaller pieces and threw them at Andri. (asshole.) Andri muttered to himself. then he felt somebody grab his arm and pull him away. Andri turned around and punched whoever was pulling him but then he saw that it was just an old man with an eye patch. (stop that boy! come quickly! the bastard has shitty ears and eyes and can bairly smell! if we leave its gonna think it got us now come here!) the man yelled as he continued to pull Andri. the old man pulled Andri into a house with a large basement. in the basement were lots of drawings of giant creatures the size of mountains. however Andri had never heared of any creature being even close to the size of a mountain. (now stand still! i dont know how but if we move to mutch its gonna know we are alive and its gonna keep throwing shit! but if we stand still then its gonna think it got us with the ice and leave!.) the old man said. however Andri bairly understood a word. he knew how to speak but still not very good. So instead of standing still, Andri pointed towards the drawings on the walls. (Dont you know how to stand still boy!? stop moving! and why do you care about these paintings!? You have nothing to do with them!) the cranky old man yelled.

However Andri still didnt understand and kept pointing with a confused look on his face. (fine if you inscist! well you know dragons right? and other types of giant monsters and beasts, well they all have eyes on the side of their head. Know a morron like you who dosent know how to keep still might not know what that means but ill explain it to you. All predator animals have eyes at the front pf their face, like humans as an example, we hunt almost everything except for giants like dragons and krakens and what not. but pray animals like goats as an example have eyes at the side of their head. this is because they need eyes on the side to see incoming predators better while the predators need eyes at the front to hunt pray better. so that just leaves me with one question, why do dragons and other giants have eyes at the side of their heads? because there are things bigger that hunt them. however nobody has seen anything like that right? wrong! i have found ancient cave paintings of creatures the size of mountains! and you want to know what makes it even more interesting? they all have eyes on the front of their face! now as to why they are not around anymore i have one explanation, hibernation! they are all hibernating!

Andri just looked at him like he was stupid. not because he didnt beleave him, but because he barely understood anything. (Now i think the kraken left. and since there is no way in hell you can beat the fucker by yourself i will be helping you!

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