This isn't going to work

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I stare at the damp bug looking thing in my room with as much hatred I can muster. Not hard I've gained a lot of it just for him after all these years.
The collar of my suit feels like it's chocking me. I've never had a problem with my four piece suits,but right now I'm burning up. And sweating. "What in the world are you doing in my room? You know this one isn't yours don't you Cyrus?"I grunt and he scoffs like this is some sort of joke. Is him snooping around my room a joke? When I thought it was quite clear that we won't be getting in each others business. Given our unfriendly history.
"Don't get you panties in a bunch,I know which one is mine-"I've been in his presence for two seconds. Two people,amd I'm already livid. I don't think this is going to work at all,Mr Brown needs to think this through again.
Who am I kidding? I practically begged him to get anyone else for me to marry. But he was all like my son is perfect for you,really. Completely ignoring how we acted towards each other the first godforsaken day we met.
"Then why are you in here- dragging whatever this is with you?"I gesture to the trail of copper looking liquid that leads right to him like a blasted bullseye.
"What? You never since water before? How pitiful."I absolutely hate how his cute faded southern drawl almost distracted me. Almost. That along with the eyes,three different shades of green and right now their all bubbling with anger.I grunt and stalk towards him,my shoes striking against the tiles. I rip the picture frame out of his grip careful not to drop it and place it back on my desk. The back facing foward no way in hell am I letting him really know me. And any of my secrets for that matter. Who knows what he'll do with them if I ever did,
"And to think I was here to apologise to you."I already sound exhausted. Looks like I only have a couple days to explain to the Chairman that I cannot marry his son,
"Oh yeah? What for leaving me in the rain for two hours after telling me I better not be late? For not returning a single one of my call or the a million texts I sent? Are you gonna pick? Or just both."He's trying to make me feel like a jerk. It's working. I didn't mean to forget about what we had planned. My schedule got packed and a huge meeting with one of the companies major clients came out of thin air. I turn off my phone during meetings,I never never touch it. So when I did finally when the meeting was over- okay fine it was after that. For good reason! I was exhausted I feel asleep in my office so an hour later when I woke up amd saw all those missed calls. I panicked. I violated thousands of traffic rules just to get here as quick as I could. But is he going to believe me? No. He's always been hard headed like that or maybe that's just him with me.
"I forgot it was today,I'm sorry-"
"Sorry? Maybe you should have waited until there was more time in you busy businessman schedule."
"Don't be like this-"
"Like what? Like a stuck up rich boy telling me I can only have five boxes and I have to pack all my belongings in forty-eight hours flat,when you know I'm in college and I have jobs too."jobs? What jobs? What in the world does he need jobs for?
"Jobs? Isn't your dad paying for you tuition."
"That's none of your business,he's more concerned with his spare son anyway."I hate that nickname. I hate how proud he looks when he chucks it out,like he's all in yelling home run in his heart. I despise it. All of it. And he's right- it is none of my business.
"Listen,I'm sorry about forgetting about this. But that doesn't mean you can just come into my room like this."Silence swings over us. He comes closer to me,his green eyes burning like two little infernos,his brows knitted together the way the do whenever he sees me. He get so close that I get a full view of his freckles that dust the adorable tip of his nose. It's distracting. He's distracting. I hate being taken off my tracks,being taken off my chase. This is why this simply can not work.
My breaths start coming in short,like they're on the brick of being hiccups. My heart beating against my chest so fast I feel like I might pass out,
"If it matters so much then get out of my way,pretty boy. I'll see myself out."He strides out of room letting the door bang behind him. As soon as his foot steps fade I nearly fall,I hold onto the chair and let out all of my held breath. And did he just call me pretty?

Thanks for reading :3

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