Let's go then

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Diana wanted me to replace a light bulb that was flickering. So I do,I get up on a stool and change two light bulbs for her. I'm on the second one when I realise Cyrus is staring at me with conviction,his mouth twisted into what's supposed to be intimidating and his eyes narrowed. I wonder what he's mad about..
"He's angry because he's too short to do this kind of thing."Diana supplies and Cyrus gasps as though it's an extremely low false accusation. He opens and closes his mouth a couple of times before he just turns away with a scowl on his face. I finish with the light bulb and jump down from the stool,
"Anything else?"
"No... I'll call you from where ever you are if I remember."
"Okay,grandma. Can I call you that?"
"Of course dear,you and Cyrus are married which makes us family."she explains with a smile and I know understand why she's so special to Cyrus. Getting complimented by her feels like walking through a spring field. The way her hands touch your shoulder,or her long white hair that kept in this neat braid. I wonder how she keeps it so long too. I notice that she has a nose that looks just like Cyrus'
"No it does not."like a glow stick our sweet moment is broken by Cyrus,
"By law it does Cyrus."Diana explains and it seems she knows his head strong attitude better than anyone,
"Law shlaw."he mutters,
"Before you two take off why don't you carry some cookies?"
"Oh we couldn't possibly-"
"Just take them Aaron."she hands me a giant container of cookies and I dread in the fact that Cyrus is going to eat a million of these. Not like I can comment on his dietary preferences. I have no intention of getting a strike,"Oh and don't go forgetting the little guy."she says carrying the sleeping puppy into Cyrus' arms,he takes him and we wave goodbye to Diana together before we get in the car.
"How was your stay?"I ask while finding the best route out of this neighbourhood. Cyrus places the puppy into his lap instead of the carrier. He maneuvers around him to put his seat belt on and surprisingly he sits obediently in his lap.
"It was fine."he says simply and I sigh,I wish he would give me the details already,
"You didn't want to leave did you?"
No response.
"Are you ignoring me?"
"Cyrus."I pull-up on the side of the road,my indicator lights are flashing. I lean in to Cyrus while simultaneously popping my seat belt open,within a second only a couple centimetres separate out faces,
"What do you think your doing?"
"There's a piece of pancake on your face."
"You could've just told me you over dramatic- seriously."he rubs his hand around his mouth turning away from me and I think to myself about how I couldn't have told him because that's not what I went in to do. Although I don't think he's ready for that yet.
"Have you come up with his name yet?"
"Lucky. I want to call him Lucky as generic as that sounds."
"I have no problem with what you want to call our son no matter what you call him."he doesn't correct me and turns his head to the window,his hand lazily petting Lucky. Our dog. "So it Lucky Manalo or Lucky Mclain."
"Lucky Clairmont,he's a royal descendant don't you know?"of course he is,I laugh to myself because I get the feeling that he's being serious about this and if I laugh he'll skin me alive,"Why do you do that by the way?"
"Do what?"
"Call me Mclain instead of Brown?"to his question I shrug my shoulders up,
"You told me that's not your name,so I respected that."I explain and he grunts like he doesn't understand,
"You said you would never get me a candy bowl."
"I did say that."
"But you got me one anyway once two days had passed."
"Is there a reason we're having this conversation?"
"No,not really."then he keeps quiet for the rest of the ride home.

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