What I know about you

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The door to Aaron's bedroom is massive. Well,so is everything here. I'm having a hard time understanding how people actually live here and spend their lives in such a place.
Perhaps it's because I've spent all my life in cozy,tiny places. Places I can coup up in and put all my pillows and blankets in,not where going to the kitchen is field trip. I can't help but think what it would be like for me if I had lived here as I child. When I was about five or so that was when Mr Brown made his first appearance.
All I know since I can barely remember is that he threw money in my Nana's face and asked her to give me to him. Being the dignified and strong woman she is she told him no,and she was still upset about losing her daughter to reasons even she didn't understand. He left and only came back when my grandad died. He was met with no yet again. When I was going into my first year of college he came again and asked me to go to a better college. I told him no. So in total four times and on the fifth I gave in.
"How are you liking it so far?"he asks me and I roll my eyes inspecting his pristine baby blue walls. Books everywhere. A window right at the centre honing in all the light the sun has to offer. I notice a collage of framed photos on the front of a desk I can imagine being rusty.
As I walk up to it my mind presents me with images of young Aaron studying late into the night. He was the top of his class,I assume he did studying sessions. Just like me,although I'm a bit futher off the top,I still pass.
The pictures of him when he was a boy. Then with people I assume to be his siblings. There he is,little tween Aaron with glasses and braces. I guess he's always worn them. "What are you smiling at?"Aaron asks me humour dancing in a light tone,
"You were young once."I say looking at all the pictures wondering if they were taken in the Philippines or here.
"What you think I just spawned one day somewhere at the exact age of twenty four?"
"No... I just never considered you in all your life. The fact that you've jad similar life experiences to me. Stuff like,eating comfort foods,having a favorite show. Getting yelled at by a guardian."he nods at my words,
"I guess I never thought of you like that either,Button. But trust me,I'm finding out slowly."
"That sounds like a threat you know- by the way where did you take these pictures?"
"Back home."he always says that,like he never thought of this place as his home. Not even for a second,
"When did you come here?"
"When I was in my third year of high-school."It's like he reads my mind for my next question,"I met Mr Brown through passing some exam and being a good student. The first thing he said to me was- I see a heir in you,I want you to come with me."
"Sounds like him."We both sigh at the common memory,I sit on his desks chair and he leans on it. He rolls up his suit sleeves revealing forearms I'd rather he hide,but then again his veins are impressive,
"I went back with him after that. It was a tough decision though. Having to leave my mom and siblings as the eldest."
"Your the eldest?"
"Yes,I am."I stare at him for long while realising how much that makes sense. With how much he nags and has an addiction to cleaning its entirely possible. The cooking too. How could I forget the cooking.
"Did you like living here?"
"Oh no,it was dreadful. I hated it."I laugh at this and feel an urge to find out more. All the details and more.
"Why? Was Mr Brown too much of jerk?"he chuckles that warm air moving laugh. The one you want to get to know more like its a person or something,
"Yeah. Not too bad sometimes,terrible. He had his moods. Sometimes I wished I  could run away from him. And I did,eventually. I went to my now apartment after I graduated."he says and I nod approaching his old bed. It's still spread,still looks clean. I imagine he kept it that way when he lived here, "When Mr Brown came for you... why did you refuse? Do you hate him?"he asks and I weigh what it would mean between the two of us if I told him about all of it. Today he found out the truth about my mother and his first reaction was to defend him,to say that it's not true. Would he do the same again if I told him where all this started?
"What make you think that?"I ask instead of answering,
"Well... all these years and from what I know- he's taken care of you even while you were away from him."he supplies and I feel like throwing something on the ground. Learning that all this time he's done nothing but lie about our relationship to other people. To propagate all this nonexistent information about how much of an angel he is. It makes me hate him more. The fact he will never accept his mistakes of the past.
"Hmmm,then that was a stupid question,you owe me."he sucks in a breath and starts massaging his head,
"I want a new clause,one that deals with the definition of a stupid question."
"Oh come now Aaron. I thought you said you understood me last time."
"Yes,I did. But now you're changing the rules to fit whatever circumstances you need to utilise. It's wrong and confusing. In fact let's read that clause right now to really zero in on how crazy it is."he whips out his phone and starts reading the rule,"Both parties are not allowed to ask each other,silly,irrelevant or unnecessary questions. If the question is in nature preying or meant to provoke the other party... this action will receive penalty."
"And? I deem your question,silly,irrelevant and most of all preying on my personal life."
"This clause favors you more than me unfairly. Therefore I am going to change it to fit a democratic standard. I'll add some stuff to make it more clear,instead of so... androgynous."
"Like what? What are you going to add? Something clever amd sneaking turning the clause into something that only favors you?"I sneer and he gives me a smug look,
"Oh? Is that Mr Brown admitting to the fact that the clause is unfair?"Ugh. I guess this is what having such an argument with a man who has a business degree looks like. Trying to get the most out for himself,well listen here you dork I have the same contract knowledge as you. "I'll have you know that we can change it to,it's only stupid if both parties agree that it's stupid."
"What? No- that's terrible. If we do that then your always going to say that it's not."Then I can never use it to get free donuts out you. Don't be a jerk Aaron,
"I'm still writing it in."
"If you do then- then you have to get rid of the wedding ring rule."yes that's it. He'll never give that one up,
"Fine by me."he shrugs. What in the living hell?!? I'm out of options,what do I do? I rake through my brain trying to find another counter and he has the audacity to laugh at me."Even if you don't where the ring and you parade around... you still belong to me. By law and the wedding papers you signed. Do you need to see them again?"this pompous jerk- "Or are you moody again?"he takes my chin with two fingers forcing me to look him in the eyes,
"Careful now. You never know what will happen if you get too close to me."I whisper. I'm saying that but in truth my heart is pounding,my cheeks are flaring and worst of all I can feel a flutter in my stomach. Relax,relax- I tell myself. Maybe this is what happens to the human body when you want to punch them so bad. Leave alone punching- I have a better idea.
"And what might that be?"I back away from him slowly and only then does he realise I snatched his phone. "Give that back."he mutters into silent air. So quiet,like lions pacing around each other waiting to see who strikes first. He hangs up his arms ready to catch me I end up running from him,
"Only if you promise to leave the rule as it is."
"You petty little- I'm giving you three seconds to forfeit and hand me my phone. You'll be in trouble if you don't."he watches my every move and I wonder how much it would take to run away from him. "One... Two... Three."an extra fourth second floats between us and I stride ready to get out of the room. My plan is to go downstairs where he's powerless and can't cause a ruckus infront Mr Brown. If only he wasn't blocking my way.
He catches me almost immediately,"Ha! Caught you. Now give me my phone-"
"No."he screams and lets me go after I stomp hard on his foot. He's dealing with the pain as I make for the door,an evil laugh on my lips. I get out into the hallway and I hear him following me. So close to the stairway. So close.. right here- one more step.
No that's not the sound of me succeeding,unfortunately. That's the sound of Aaron trapping me with his arms,my back to the wall. He panting,I'm panting. When he finally catches his breath he looks up at me,his once perfectly set raven hair falling into his face,
"Do you always fight unfairly like that?"I scoff at his words,rolling my eyes,
"Fighting isn't fair,Aaron. In case no one let you know."
"Well then- I suppose you'll be okay if I find my phone off you myself?"
"Don't you dare-"he doesn't wait for me to finish and his hand goes into my pockets. I'm struggling and fighting to get off of this barbarian creature,"Aaron."I breath out,he gives me a smug look,
"Yes?"he's about to continue pestering me when we both here a gasp. Collectively we stare at the maid whose eyes are agape looking at the both of us. Only then do I realise what this seems like. Aaron having me pinned against a wall,both of his hands all over me and my pockets. My hand conveniently on his chest pushing him off of me.
It looks like were doing things the church my Nana goes to would condemn.
"Young master."she says,blankly with a tray of what looks like a train set shaking in her hands,
"Oh,Ann. I- sorry you had to see that."she stares silently at Aaron as he takes the tray from her hands living me to peel myself from the wall. Embarrassment is the thing holding me to the wall by the way.
"You're being summoned downstairs."as soon as she says that she runs off and we follow her.
"I told you to leave me alone,you dork."
"How dare you I told you so me right now. You're also in this with me,dear husband."he whisper-hisses back at me and I huff.
"What were you two doing up there?"Kate asks the both of us when we arrive,
"Nothing of importance."Ann,the maid,coughs into her elbow,"Where's Mr Brown?"
"Oh... he left for an important meeting and I'm about to go on set right now. I want to get there early."she explains with a dull expression,"So I thought it was necessary to tell you two so that you can leave now unless you want to stay?"
"Ah- I'm afraid not. I have to drive Cyrus back to campus. I also have some work that needs to be done."I nod in agreement with Aaron stepping closer to him so our distance doesn't seem suspicious only for him to wrestle his phone back from my hands.
"Well.. okay. Cyrus,I just wanted to let you know that Simon isn't like that every time. He's a good man at heart. Aaron knows that,I'm sure he'll tell you."I give her a tight smile and nod my head.
As we head outside I ask Aaron not facing him,"Do you believe that Mr Brown is good at heart."I don't know what's driving me to ask this but like intuition,like instinct. Something drives me to ask him,to find out to know. The underlying problem is that I might be crushed by his answer,like it matters to me. Why should it matter to me?
"After today,I don't know anymore. I wish I did,but not now. Maybe I will when we redefine what a stupid question is."
We stay silent for the ride back home as I wonder what answers will make or break his decision. And will they come from me?

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