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I take a couple of steps into the serene grass of the park. My brain can't comprehend that I place like this is just open for public use. The parks back home were half the size and the air sure as hell didn't smell this fresh and clean. The grass is greener than envy,the sky is as clear as it can be and there's a squirrel walking around. You know what they say,if there's one there's another.
"So? You like it here?"Preeti asks and I nod,I also can't sit with the fact that she actually dresses in normal clothes and not her uniform. I almost didn't recognise her in the peach coloured maxi dress,and her dark curls let down instead of high up in a bun. I felt under dressed because all I wore is a jungle green crochet sweater and soft cream pants,what I have left of my old wardrobe
"Yeah,it's nice."I say looking for a bench to sit on as I take in another calming breath. It's especially relaxing considering me and that idiot Aaron stayed up nearly all night dancing- until we realised were going to be late for the season final premiere of love in a lab. I couldn't believe it,Aaron's couple won. But its whatever tonight I'll get him started on the past seasons,hopefully he'll like them. But by the time we finally went to sleep we woke up on the couch and I had chocolate smeared around my mouth,he had a piece of caramel popcorn stuck on his cheek. And we were both late for our days. I'm glad no one saw us running around the house like I bunch of fools.
Then he had to insist he was taking me to work. I refused but he forced me. I feel bad because,he was already really late. We all know what happened the last time Aaron didn't show up to work. Nevertheless I still have to thank him because he's complete ignoring of basic street laws made sure I got to class on time. I guess I'm the one who owes him now,
"Well there's another one just across town."Preeti explains,amd when I turn to look at her,her expression is tight,like she's forcing her smile,
"Is something wrong?"
"No. I just- the guy. He wanted me to give you these flowers."she hands me a bouquet of bright flowers tied in a pink ribbon. The letter reads... sorry about last time,hopefully you forgive me if I give you these,the scent reminds me of your smile. And a heart at the end. I take them from her and leave them on the bench,I curl up and sigh,
"When will this end?"I ask in a muttered breath,I can feel Preeti tense up beside me,"When will my room stop piling with all this stuff?"I gesture to the flowers,I nearly want to rip them up to stomp on them and hope this creeper some where somehow feels it in his soul. Because of him people are calling me a cheater,saying I'm having a secret affair,making life hard for their golden boy. I'm not. I am not cheating on Aaron . I'm not an adulterous husband,or all the other things people have to say about me. When will people stop calling me a piece of work? When will I not be a spoiled brat in their eyes?
Before I even realise it I lift the bouquet and smash it on the ground. I lift my foot and stomp on it,hard. And again. And again. I really put my strength into it,like it's that jerks heart. I'm panting by the time I'm done,and yet I don't feel any better. I still feel terrible,
"Cyrus."Preeti asks,
"I'm calling security. I'm sending this demon to jail-"
"I'm not going to stand for some guy who thinks my ring is ugly,who thinks he can look down on me because some filthy little designer shirt-"
"Cyrus! I have something to tell you!"Preeti yells,and turns a few heads in the process,I calm down a little and face her,"The person sending you all these letters and gifts is your husband."
"It's Aaron."this can't be happening I chant in my head,but it is and I'm perfectly now aware of how well this makes sense. How I told Kate about my liking to chocolate cake,he was there. When I said I love flowers that smell nice and remind me of spring,he was there. When I said I love slim necklaces with symbols he was there. He was always there and yet I never thought- even once that it could be him. That all this time it was him,I finally know what was on his laptop the day he hid it from me and Nana. I finally know why he won't let me look at his phone. Why he didn't care when I told him I wanted to call the cops. Why he said he would handle the security of who this person was. Suddenly I'm asking myself if perhaps he wanted to lie to me- if he wanted to tell me he had handled the situation. I'm remembering our silly swaying and dancing in a new bitter light,
"Back when you got the first package,he came to me and told me to take the package and not tell you it was him. I thought it was some sort of prank so I went along with it."she says as though the words are costing her years off her life, "then they kept coming,cakes,love letters and notes. Candies and chocolates. I thought perhaps it was some sort of surprise for you but then- you told me you were scared. That you wanted to call the police. I- couldn't watch anymore."she says dully,
"Did he tell you why he did this?"I try not to sound like I'm demanding anything from her but I can't help it I'm lost. Confused and simply put spiraling.
"No- he just told me to keep it a secret,to not tell you anything."the world is slowing down,like it's highlighting the moment I made a fool out of myself. It's my turn to be a meme then. I lift my foot off the stomped,beaten up bouquet and whine miserably when I see the way it looks,I pick it up and immediately I notice that the sweet smell is gone. Its been replaced by the smell of dirt and grime. The petals can barely hold on and in that moment I realise it wasn't I jerks heart I was stomping on it was his. It wasn't a jerks heart I was tossing into the trash,it was his. But was it really his heart or something else? Something different,something malicious?
"I need to go,like right now. Bye."I storm off,the beaten flowers in hand headed for the apartment complex,

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