This is going well

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The flight took us eight and a half hours.
Eight hours I spent wishing they had put some space between us. Being so close to his smile,his adorable rambling tone and an outfit he had no right being so cute in. We talked forever,so time went fast but so insufferably slow at the same time. It's already night time when we get to our hotel room. I've been in this hotel once before back when I had just started out.
I get myself settled in nicely and find Cyrus sitting on the huge bed absorbed in his phone,all curled up,not bothering with turning on the lights. Even in the dark I notice his shirt which he always sleeps in,the butterfly logo. It's started to peel and crack and it barely fits him since it's so big. I'm so busy looking at it that I don't realise he's wearing shorts,
I mean that's fine. But I didn't know he also had freckles on his thighs. Does he have them else where? I stop myself because my mind starts wandering to places it shouldn't be treading. Turning on the light I walk up to him and sit down with him,
"What are you doing?"he doesn't look at me and Instead stares directly at my chest which is kind of bare because of my loose buttons on my shirt. I blush at his direct eye line. Then he buttons it up for me making my heart pound,he pats it afterwards,
"Nudity is a public offence."he tells me with a tight lipped smile. Exasperated I scoff,
"Three buttons down isn't nude."
"It is,what would the people think if they saw the vice president of Aurum group wearing such?"
"Oh so it's that game now? What would people say if they saw the vice-chairman's husband wearing your shorts?"I point to his bare legs and he snorts,
"My shorts are decent- in fact they're beyond decent,they're perfect. And you're only saying that because you were looking,weren't you?"I'll admit the glint of mocking in his eyes makes me blush,the realisation that we are in fact very close makes my heart pound. I don't want to run,I don't want hide that's because I'm enjoying myself. I love this,love when we get like this,
"I was not."my voice is suddenly hoarse as I struggle to keep my stubborn eyes on his eyes and not his lips,
"Yes,you were. I saw you."he places a finger in my nose tapping a couple of times,
"You did not."I push my face closer and he scowls,
"How else would you know that I was wearing shorts?"he says in a sing song tone,I scoff hard like I'm chocking,
"I have eyes Cyrus,like a normal human."
"Of course you do,extremely perverted eyes."I break out laughing and he bites his lip probably struggling not to laugh himself. He uses the hand that happens to be on my chest and shoves me a little,
"Oh you're good,Mr secret agent."
"With what?"
"At provoking me. Not a pervert by the way."I explain placing my hand over his waist to make sure he doesn't fall off the bed,
"Something a perv would say."he mutters and I chuckle,the type that makes him look at me with his pair of gorgeous green eyes,I've gotten lost in them more than once. Often didn't wanna leave. Then we get quiet and stare at each other and sadly- his smile starts to falter,slipping from his face,desperately,I want it to stay. "What's good to eat round here anyway?"he laughs awkwardly letting go of me and by extention I have to let go of him as well,
"Cyrus- we already ate."
"Oh yeah."
"Come to bed with me?"
"Something a perv would say."
"Goodnight you absolute dork."I say with a smile that feels a little fake because I wish we were still laughing and holding each other,


9:37 am in Paris,in our hotel room. I woke up hours ago to study the damage control files. Which cannot get anymore ridiculous by the way. First the thing with Cyrus that considering his reaction isn't true. I mean shouldn't we be paying more attention to the biggest embezzlement case of the year?
"Morning."Cyrus' footsteps sound behind me along with his groggy voice and a yawn.
"Would it kill you to wear some socks for once?"he ignores me and closes the bathroom door and I sit in on couch waiting for him to out. Sunrise is potent,the huge window spares no amount of darkness. That and the lights,which are everywhere- you don't even have to turn them on they come on for you,it might be the instilled clocks. Or something else.
A colour scheme that quite bland,giving the air of a controlled feeling. A measured amount of blues,golds and whites. Paintings on the wall that probably cost a fortune,all for the picture of a landscape that seems so familiar but far off at the same time. Overall its nice,not going to pay to much attention to it though. We're only here for the weekend,back by Monday.
The door bell rings and I remember what I forgot. The suit.
I'm handed the suit by one of the hotel attendants,muttering a thank you. "What's this?"Cyrus asks as I throw the clothes into his hands,
"The clothes you'll be wearing."
"Wrong answer,want was expected of you is to go change into the base of your suit come out so I can finish the rest."I say shoving him back into the bathroom and I can hear him roll his eyes.
About five minutes later Cyrus comes out wearing the white button down and black pants,his red tie strung over his neck undone,"Let me guess,the suit is from the fashion line?"
"No,it's custom made by one of our designers especially for you. Just like the tuxedo you wore for our wedding."the image of him and that cursed ensemble pops up in my mind clear as day. It took a lot for me to get through that day and that was one of the reasons I almost failed,
"I didn't know we were doing that for me."he walks over enough so I can get my hands on his tie and start working on it,"I can do this for myself."
"I'm sure you can."I say pushing him to the mirror after I'm done with his tie,
"Is this your way of supervising me?"
"Maybe."slowly I take his vest and have him wear it,so I can busy myself with lacing the back,
"Is there a problem with my waist?"he asks and I look at him through the mirror raising a speculative brow,"You stared at it for fifteen seconds."
"I was tying your lace Cyrus. That takes time if you were unaware."does it need fifteen seconds? No,did I stare at his waist? Yes,yes I did. Am I telling him that? No,I'm not.
Once I'm done I let him finish the rest on his own so I can go dress myself and we can get thus Paris fiasco out of the way.


"Do you always do that?"Cyrus asks once we're in the limousine. Running a carefully hand over my hair I ask back,
"Do want what?"
"Carry that air of confidence everywhere."he drawls,seeming bored with me and the conversation,which he started,as he tinkers with the car,
"Well,I don't want to be become a meme again."at this he laughs under his breath,"What?"
"Nothing,it's like you read my mind."

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