The ball

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Lights are on,crimson curtains dress the room. It's as large as a museum,ancient but standing tall with the commanding power of a god. Detailed paintings lace the high ceiling,and at the centre a diamond,otherwise the chandelier. Adorned in a million tiny jewels and gems shining like the moon in the sky. The floor is its own master piece the tiles look like what cinderella and her Prince danced above,the ambience is unmatched. Instantly I feel out of place like I'm a puzzle piece that fell into the wrong box.
Even in the outfit Zahir got for me. He's the one who seems more qualified to be here as I glance at his coal black get up,with white pants and bangles for days. The jewelery takes the crown,because literally he's wearing a head band that mimics a crown. Then his glittering red velvet cloth,he seems like and elegant angel that's having a tiny visit to earth. He smiles as he looks around the slightly crowed place with waiters with champagne I won't be drinking.
As we walk in I catch sight of myself in a glass wall,I look over my snow white suit with a fabric that flows freely as well as the cape that mimics a train. Yes you saw that right a cape,welcome to dramatic if you've ever seen it. That as well as the gold and real diamonds. If you can't really get it,it's a suit with a huge cape that I should've never allowed Zahir to let me wear,
"Well be yourself and tell him what you told me,think of it as a subscription to a healthy marriage"he sings,
"Wait- where are you going?"oh no he better not leave me here alone with all these people,
"To look for a handsome man to dance with what else? What are you the only one allowed to have a pretty man around?"he says,
"Well,no. But you can't go,I'll be alone-"
"You'll find Aaron in no time. Beside I don't want to be a third wheel."
"Fine! I'll find you later. Promise,"
"Promise."then he runs into the middle of a crowd and disappears from my sight. I sigh and take a soft drink from one of the waiters,it makes me aware of my gloves again. I fidget with them in a fruitless attempt to make them a little more comfy. As I sip on my soft drink that I have to make sure isn't alcohol. Then music floods the room,live music of course. A classical playlist Aaron would probably be able to name in his sleep. I have to admit it's a nice little melody people start to join the floor and sway with each other,I bop my head to the tune until I feel a startling tap on my shoulder,
"May I have this dance Sir Brown?"the tall figure in the black mask with rose molds around it asks,his hand extended to me,revealing a pair of white gloves that fit long fingers well. I study his long sturdy face for a second,it's neatly decorated by fancy raven like feathers on his detailed mask. It kinda makes mine look like I failed experiment. His suit isn't from this era,it's in an old style that makes him look like a Prince from England. Except he went for something very black with a couple red accents. Even in the small slits of his mask his eyes remind me of someone though....
"Pardon me,but may I ask who you are if not just your name?"
"Goodness don't you know how to defeat the entire purpose of the mask-"he comes closer,with each step I come into contact with a scent I know by heart now before I can think to say his name he lifts the disguise by just a calibre. Aaron's amber eyes greet me with as much softness an assassination attempt would it's victim. "Hey."is it  normal to like the way certain words sound when their from his tongue? Wait no- I'm currently properly angry with this man no matter how much he knows how to flaunt his looks.
"You could've just told me your name or who you were. Sir Manalo."
"Where's the fun in that? Besides you should know me by the way my feet strike the earth,not by my face alone."
"Whatever."silence falls upon us again as the music plays in the background. I try not to have my voice with a tremor but I can't save myself from it,"Where'd you go last night-"
"Let's dance before this song is over,I ask you again do you want to dance with me Sir Brown?"his gloved hand extends again,but this time he doesn't wait for me to take it he places it there himself and takes me to the dance floor.


My lungs decided to stop doing their job the moment I laid my eyes on Cyrus.
Everyone was looking at him anyway,as he nonchalantly took sip from his glass. It was less about people knowing who he was under his white mask covered in pearls and small dried flowers,almost like a matured spring field is how I can explain it. He was less of a Prince but more of a king in his outfit. Even if I'm mad at him it's hard to say that I don't think Cyrus is the most beautiful man I've ever had the liberty of of seeing with my mere mortal eyes. If that's not insult to injury,I don't know what is.
I position him in front of me and I'm about to start dancing with him when he stops me,"What?"
"Nothing,I just-"
"Yeah,I mean this isn't our living room where I get to step on your foot and stuff."I can't help but laugh a little,
"Just let me lead you go-"
"Where you go,I know."he says as though he's bored with me. I give him one last smile before we start to dance. "Where were you last night?"
"The office,I had work to do."I lie,it's already hard enough trying not to show how nervous I am,
"Is that something you normally do?"he seems genuinely keen and concerned about me,which is strange as I replay him saying I only gave him gifts to mess with him. It's like an aching thorn in my heart and I just want to yank it out.
"Sometimes yes."another lie,I stopped sleeping in the office two years ago when I finally got promoted to vice-chairman. As you can guess the position wasn't handed to me on a sliver platter.
"Next time just let me know,okay?"
"Of course,we can make it a clause is you want- watch your step there."I say guiding him through I difficult dance number. Silence plagues us as we sway around the small invisible circle we created for ourselves,I can't help but ask,"How's your grandmother?"
"She's fine. I'm going to visit her soon."
"Oh..."are you gonna use it as an excuse to stay away from me forever? Is what I want to ask but I'm in my coward era so no. The music speeds up and I take the opportunity to pull us out of the baby step phase and head into the real stuff. He laugh in surprise when I hold him tigher,despite myself I smile and we dance.
When the music stops and our breaths are heavy,we stare into each other eyes as though we're both deep in a spell,or perhaps not. I've always naturally loved his eyes,they way they glow under any light. So deeply entranced that we barely hear the slow applause that's rising amongst the crowd. We were the only couple left on the ball room floor,
I doubt our performance warrants this,I take Cyrus' hand in mine and lead him off the floor. I can't help but notice how he shuffles under everyone's gaze. I wonder how he didn't notice that that was the case the moment he walked through the door. The shocked murmuring,the jealous glares from those who tried being the centre of attention. He stole the show without even trying,and now it's evident that his identity as Mr Brown's son doesn't contribute to his popularity because its all been covered by his mask. A lovely one I might add,
I take him somewhere a little far from the crowd so we can relax a little. I offer him a small smile once were here.
"That was... Nice."
"I guess you could call it that."I feel nervous again once my veins aren't pumping with adrenaline. I would describe it as I'm a nerd he's the most popular boy in class and I'm embarrassing myself,
"Can I be frank with you?"He asks I nod in return,"I honestly thought you wouldn't show up."he admits with a nervous smile that I can't help but think is cute as hell. Then I slap myself back into reality and dread upon what he just said,
"What?! Why would I do that?"
"I mean you didn't come home and I thought maybe you'd ghosted me..?"
"Cyrus,you had to send me a text to call it that and you didn't. I would never in a million years leave you high and dry."I don't miss the look of hesitation that flashes across his face,it pains me. Like a lot,deep inside my soul a confirmation that whatever we had is gone. It seems so unfair that even if I do manage to clear this up it won't be the same. That's unfair,because it felt so good. It felt like us,it started to feel like home but it got taken away so easily,
"We still need to talk about what went down nonetheless- ah!"he holds his stomach mid sentence his face flashing with pain,he momentarily holds my arm as support.
"Oh my gosh Cyrus. What's up,"I plead with him to tell me as I help to hold him up,
"I might have has one to many cup noodles..."he says with a guilty smile,I groan,
"I this what happens when I let you off for more that two seconds?"
"It was thirty five hours actually-"
"You counted?"instantly he pushes me off of him and stands by himself,flustered.
"What? No,I need to go to the toilet."
"Oh... are sure you don't want me to take you I can-"
"No,Aaron. I'll be fine,not a baby remember? Just go talk to your business friends alright?"He says to me,I raise my hands in defeat,
"Be back soon then Button."I see the urge to correct me on his face but he instead scrunches his nose up in the most adorable way possible. I'm melting like butter left out on a summer day,I hope no one notices. I watch diligently as he heads for the restroom still wondering if I should follow.

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