This is nice

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Hot water runs over my naked body as Aaron kisses me.
If you can't tell,this is less of a shower if anything. Soon he stops,eyes clouded with lust as he burns a trail of kisses down my torso,he keep going until I hear the soft thud of his knees hitting the floor. I yelp when his hand wraps around me,he smiles shamelessly and takes me in his mouth before I can object.
Not that I would.
His tongue works some dark magic around me. I watch as he has me whole in his mouth,his head bobbing lightly. Water is rushing over his body,which mimics that of a Greek god. Chiseled and perfect. His hair is wet and falls over his face and he watches me watching him happily,like he knows I'm thinking about how pretty he looks,
He keeps up the pace and my body heats up as he does what he does. I don't think I can find a word for how his mouth takes me. Soon I climax,my body goes boneless as I cum harder than I ever have in my life. I look down once some of my pleasurable high subsides. Aaron kneeling one eye shut from my cum going all over his face,"Is this your way of claiming me?"he asks with a mischievous smile on his face. I knock his head back with snap of my fingers,"Ow,"he whines getting up from the floor. He yanks me closer and I shriek from the suddenness of it,
"What is your problem?"I demand his hooded eyes blink,
"You."A pause,"You're my problem."


The bathroom door bursts open and me and Aaron stumble out in a fit of giggles.
Clumsily,he walks with me while also kissing me,deeply. The only thing wrapped around him is a towel and I'm the only clothed one between us. He takes me all the way to his bed and puts me on my back and kisses the hell out of me,his wet hair dripping around my face. Then he pulls away,and smiles,"We should probably stop."he says simply,and I begrudgingly nod. He slides off of me and walks to his wardrobe and changes infront of me,
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking at his butt while he did that. He has one fine butt to be honest,it has dimples just like his smile.
He walks out once he has clothes on (by clothes I mean only a pair of pants)and steps into the kitchen. I pull on his hoodie and follow him,
He's cooking while he's shirtless. Talk about free eye candy. If you told me two months ago that I'd be ogling a half naked Aaron as he makes us a meal,I would laugh in your face and smack you upside the head.
Either way,I watch him in his pair of sweatpants that hand low over his waist and reveal a strip of his Clavin Klein briefs,
"What are you making?"I ask and Lucky who was sleeping all this time seconds me on that asking his father what he's making,
"Something that you can eat without complaining,why you hungry?"
"Yeah... feed us?"
He chuckles at this and mutters something about hurrying and I watch as my walking eye candy roams around the kitchen.
About ten minutes later he comes out with noodles. But since Aaron Manalo is extra as hell he makes it with veggies and cheese because he can't stand not doing something unnecessary to food just to make it prettier.  We start eating,that includes Lucky and his bowl of dog food. I open my phone and find myself scrolling through photos of us at the arcade,yep I was right,I knew I was gonna wonder what I was doing once the moment had passed. I look at us smiling and having fun.
Come to think of it Aaron got the picture question wrong. I love the cotton candy one,it's like I can still remember the sweet taste in my mouth even now. "Do you already miss me?"
"No,I miss the candy."
"For godsake just admit you'll miss me like crazy and I can move on with my life?"
"No,I won't."I lie slurping up a fork full of noodles,even Lucky gives me the stank eye,
"Why not? I'll miss you,I'm not ashamed to say that."
"Neither am I because I won't miss you in the first place."
"If your the first person to call you have to take it back."
"No. Way."I laugh and he furrows his brows and sighs,
"Fine,but you'll miss me eventually."
"Keep dreaming,Aaron."


I stare at Cyrus using his phone and conclude that I've never seen someone as beautiful as him. He's scrolling through something important it seems. His big brown eyes glow from the light on his phone that shines through the dim room. He should've gone to sleep by now. Idling,my fingers dip into his thick curls,he startles and looks at me,"I thought you were asleep."he whispers,
"Same here,I was about to get rid of your cup noodle stash."
"I was about to plan your murder."I make a noncommittal sound my hand still deep in his hair,playing with the strands.
"I thought you'd be tired after... you know."
"It's nothing big,so don't get ahead of yourself. Normal couple stuff."my heart flutters as I move closer to him,the stupidest of grins on my face,
"Couple? Us?"I ask and he furrows his brows at me,"Is that what you said?"I urge shaking him gently,
"You heard me Manalo."he grunts and I lay my head onto his chest,
"I'm pretty sure you said couple."
"Say it again."
"No- get off me."he says trying to shove me to the side,
"I can do this all night you know? Say it again and I'll be out of your hair,Button."I tap his nose with my finger and he makes a disapproving face at me,
"Aaron."he warns but I ignore him and snuggle deeper getting ready to annoy him all night if that's what it takes,"Aaron if you don't-"
"What are you gonna do? Count to three? Call my mom?"I tease and he huffs,exasperated with me,
"You know what?"
"We're a couple. There get off now."I smile and kiss him on his cheek to which he mutters something about me. I couldn't care less,because I'm in a relationship. A couple. Just got confirmation into the taken club,my marriage is no longer an agreement. I have the strange urge to go to a rooftop and yell like they do in the movies. Who wouldn't want to date Cyrus? Wait,we're not dating- we're married.
"Can I give you a kiss?"
"Go away."
"Come on just this once? Pretty please?"I tilt my head to look at his expression,he nods begrudgingly and I peck him on his lips. Victory.



Aaron: did you block me?
Me: For a while,yes.
Aaron:What the hell???
Me:Meh,I knew you'd blow up my phone so I just did what I had to,
Aaron:I literally had to email you... do you think this is funny?
I smile at my phone. How is it possible for him to nag while simultaneously being hundreds if not millions of miles away?
Me:Yeah it kind of is
Me:Look Lucky's laughing-
Me:*Picture of Lucky in the park*
Aaron:Don't bring our son into this.
Me:When did you get to the Philippines?
Aaron:Why are you... missing me??
Me: I'll block you if you don't stop.
Aaron: ...

November 15th

Aaron:Just chilling,
Me:you sound like a frat boy... is that a picture of you on a bike?
I stare more closely at the winking picture of him in a windbreaker jacket. On what seems like a gated community,
Aaron:Yep,my old one. Never hated my long legs more than now.
Me: haha,karma for calling me short.
Aaron:sending a sideways glance your way,
Me:sends it back~~
Me:He keeps whining. Should I take him to the vet?
Aaron:He probably just misses me,like you do too. But the vet would be a good place to start.
Me:Don't try being a smart mouth.
Aaron:you're right,I can't try.
Aaron:I just do~~
Me:Your being cringey as hell today Aaron. I might block you for an hour or two.
Aaron: Don't,I'm too handsome to be blocked...
Me:Not handsome enough it seems,I've already blocked you twice. :3
Aaron:Please don't make it a third. I'm your lawfully wedded husband,I have the right to blow up your phone.
Me:Go to hell,
Aaron:Love you too,sweetie

November 16th

Me: How do you make you omelette?
Aaron:Oh my gosh? Is this you saying you miss me?!
Me:No its me saying I miss your cooking.
Aaron:Looks like you won't be getting that recipe..
Me:Aaron Manalo.
Aaron:Cyrus Mclain.
Me:that was a warning,not an invitation to a game.
Aaron:it's a game if I say so. I'm the guy with the recipe no?
Me:You're replaceable,
Aaron:Why do I get the feeling that you just failed already because you tried to look for my replacement?
Me: Shut up.

November 20th

Aaron:Why are you at Austin's barn?
Me:How did you know that??
Aaron:Don't answer my question with a question,
Aaron:Also its on your story
Me:You follow me on Instagram?
Aaron:Yes,don't you?
Me: No <3
Aaron: Can you be serious? Now answer my first question,
Me:I wanted to see his big horses,he's teaching me how to ride one.
Aaron:You're probably gonna fall,
Me:I can't fall,I have Lucky here with me.
Aaron:Guess that makes it better,

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