While you slept

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I wake up and sit upright the moment I hear Aaron snore and breath deeply with his full chest. He's asleep. I wake and start to kick my feet in the air like its the thing that's fighting me and I have to win.
I don't care call me crazy if you want. Maybe I am,because there's no way that this entire series of events is real. No way.
First he messes with me by getting all those gifts,just to mess with me. Then I tell Zahir,Zahir laughed and implied that I'm crazy. Then we go to the gala and he's sticking to me like a sticker,doing everything with me not even flinched when I stepped on his toe,wanted to go the restroom with me and punched a man is his face for me. Then- here's the kicker ladies and gents,he tried to kiss me. Like he bent down and tried to kiss me,he gave me that look that he gave me that night when I slept his room for the first time. One that harbours desire,a burning one. I didn't imagine any of it. But if I didn't none of it is making sense.
He hates me,but he nags me all the time.
He hates me but will break his rules for me.
He hates me but he cooks food he doesn't like for me because I like it.
He hates me but sits and watches shows he hates because I want to.
It makes zero sense. I know who I need to call now. Someone who can give me a second opinion.
The phone rings and on the third she picks up,as soon as it goes through I get up and cover the speaker and yell-whisper,"Nana! I got to tell you something'"my accent comes full and through when I'm panicking and when I'm talking to someone who can't make fun of me for it.
"Calm down sugar,what is it?"she chuckles into the phone and I loosen up a bit when I hear her voice,
"It's just I- I have this friend and-"
"This is about you and Aaron,isn't it?"she asks and I can imagine her raising her brows at me,
"Fine!"I hiss,in embarrassment I add,"it is... so there's a problem."
"There's always a problem with you two."she laughs again,
"So,you know that guy that's been sending me gifts? Well he's actually- Aaron."
"Meh,figures."she says simply,
"Wait-"I stop to lower my voice,"Did you know? About him doing it? Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because it was obvious sugar. How he hid his laptop the same day? Please! That man wasn't hiding crap."her hotty voice kicks me it hurts,what am I supposed to do? Was I supposed to know?
"You could've told me it was him messing with me."I pout in hopes that maybe she'll feel it at the other end of the line. Except the line goes dead,for the longest time. "Hello? Hellooo-"
"Cyrus. Are you serious?"
"Yes,he did all that just to-"
"Are you telling me I raised an oblivious man?"
"Cyrus honey why don't you look inwards why could Aaron possibly do what he did? Did you only come up with one possibility?"
"I already really thought about this,and I can't-"I've gotten comfortable with walking around the room seeing as Aaron is dead asleep,"I can't think of anything,grandma. I can't."
"Hmmm,try one more time darling. All those gifts your favourite chocolates,jewellery and all that good stuff he went through the trouble of getting you with his busy schedule. All of it,what could it mean if its from a man who does everything to look after you. And it seems you caught him when he had plans to keep going too,I wonder. Don't you too?"she supplies and I hear her yawn,
"I- I'm sorry I called you late Nana,I'll call tomorrow. Goodnight,"
"Alright,night sweetheart. Come with answer tomorrow,"then the line goes dead. I stare into the darkness and thoroughly rethink what I was just told. He couldn't have done it for anything else,if he did he just would've told me that. I asked him,
I can't help but sit next to him the bed and watch as his chest rises and falls,his hair is perfect type of messy. In the running to become a cute bed head. His scent is flooding the small space around us,I can't help but wonder what he's hiding from me. His hand peaks out from the covers,the hand he used to hit a guy not because he knew him or anything he just saw me uncomfortable and didn't care about what happened next. He couldn't have been faking it because if he was there would've been cameras to take the shot but there wasn't a single one. Except me,I took the shot and I hate to admit it because that would mean I let Aaron save me. And I don't mind that. That hand is bruised around his knuckles.
Accidentally I touch the bruise he shifts in his sleep and wearily groans. Tucking himself deeper into the covers. I too,go to bed.

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