Plan for Us

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I come back to the house at eleven,straight from work. My stiff muscles protesting about how I'm abusing them- little do they know this is only going to get worse. I know this is only the preparations for the launch,and the thing itself is probably going to murder me. That or send me into atleast ten hours of sleep.
All the lights are off which mean he's asleep. I walk into the kitchen and find dirty dishes on the counter. His dinner plates- I look at the plate then the trash and groan. This is the third time he's eaten plain ramen for dinner in my house. I end up in deep thought about whether he was eating this when he was alone. It strangely makes me sad to think about. So sad I want to make it a rule that he can't eat something like this.
I pull out the Google doc from my phone and type the rule that instant ramen is not allowed because person B hates the smell. "AHH!"
"AH- Cyrus! What are you doing pointing that in my face."I nearly drop my phone looking at this deranged man point a rolled up text book in my face,
"What are YOU doing coming in here this late? I thought you were a burglar..."He says and I notice the flash of guilt on his face. Note:he is in fact capable of guilt,he just has no intention of giving some to me.
"I told you I would be busy and come by late. I want to make a new clause by the way."I say walking through the kitchen ready to get what I had planned for dinner out.
"What kind of rule?"I'm about to answer him when I open a cabinet and find the entire box of donuts he told me he ate. I give him a smug look and he looks away,embarrassed,
"Nice to see you valued your husband's opinion."I say getting my leftover rice and soup I made into the microwave. He grunts unable to say anything back to me. This is the problem,I'm a good person who doesn't tease much or bully anyone but when it comes to him- I act like I'm someone else. Someone childish. Someone who will never to forget this and never let him live it down,
"Come sit down I'll explain some rules I thought of today."He sits down across from me on the kitchen island and I face him,"I wanted to ban ramen,because I really hate the smell,"he stares at me and blinks a couple of times,
"What if I don't want to?"
"Then we have to get rid of your question clause."he frowns his cite little frown where he mutters something about me under his breath. The microwave goes off and I get my meal,I place it infront of me,"Incentive two,we have to follow my meal plan system."
"Why are you trying to control my life?"he grumbles,
"I'm trying to give us order in our household so we can be more organised."I say and his brows pinch.
"I feel like your putting all your control freak on me."there it is,that slip of his accent that only comes out when he's angry or unaware.
"What makes you think I'm a control freak?"I say taking a spoonful of my warm soup,
"All that-"he gestures at my shelves and I laugh,"What you find your tendencies funny?"
"No. I just like being right about my hunches about you."I say and I don't let his question about what I mean go further than the surface of his lips that I have way to much fun paying attention to. "So,because of this I want to make sure you like everything I make so you don't go behind my back and make anything. We'll have to go grocery shopping together."he let's out a loud groan in protest, "You can't keep eating the way you're eating its not good for a working college student doing a hard course. If you fail we can't let you take over the company."all that I just said? A load of horse manure,I'm just worried about him. Worried he's going to get some sort of stomach disease. Not about him failing or the company. But I can't tell him that over the course of a week I'm starting to care about him and what he does.
"Fine."he says cupping his face with his hands,and I notice his extremely bare ring finger,
"Where's your ring?"almost immediately he hides his hands under the counter,"Cyrus."
"I- I forgot to wear it."I'm not buying it and he notices it,"Ugh,fine. I lost it."I let that information sink in for a second,
"Cyrus the wedding is in three days."
"I know! That's why I didn't want to tell you because I knew you would act like this."he gloats and does a thing I just noticed about him,he pouts his lips just slightly when he's upset. I ignore his accusations and open my phone,"What... are you doing?"
"Getting you a new one."I say and he presses his mouth into a line,"For the time being you have to wear mine,so come here."I'm surprised by the fact that he actually comes to me and gives me his hand. I place the ring around what I'm now realising to be delicate fingers,"Don't lose it."I whisper into the small space between us,
"I wasn't going to."he mutters back,my hand still holding his,
"Oh really now? Are you a hundred percent sure about it,button."
"Last warning to stop calling me that you dork."There's no way this type of feeling that's going on right now is just a me thing. I know he can feel it too,feel this tension that's rolling over both our skins. Strangely it's not scaring me,I'm in a way- excited even? My heart thrums in tune with the thoughts dancing in my head,responding to my skin being on his. I don't want to stop looking into his eyes and getting lost in that pure hue of olive green-
But then he looks away. Like a spell being broken,I'm back to myself. Away from the fairy tale land- and I'm sad,sad that it's over. I want it back,I want to touch one last time,savour the feelings but I know that's not possible- not with the way he's looking at me. Like I just committed a crime against him. How dare he give me that look when I know he felt that too. I swear he did.
Crap,this sounds like I'm begging isn't it?
He holds his hand right where I was caressing it without realising. Covering it like I burned him,the only sound in this silence is both our slow,calculated breaths. Waiting for the other to move. He does first heading to his room,he stops right at the door I think. I wouldn't know,I can't see him. I hear him though,"If there's nothing else I'm going to bed."I don't answer him. Too busy trying to fix this emptiness that's brewing where I once had him near,"Also I want a new rule we can't touch each other when it's just us."then his door shuts. And I'm all alone with a half cold bowl of soup on my counter and I feeling I don't know if I'll ever get to experience again.

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