Sleeping Arrangements

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I nearly have to hold my jaw from hitting the floor when I see my Nana in her fishing gear. Which is a hat and pants all in camouflage except her shirt which is orange and crocheted. No she didn't make it her self,stop with the grandma stereotypes. She has a bag on her shoulders and a container in her hands,
"What do you mean what am I doing here?"she asks with a smile on her face,
"As in how did you get here,Nana."I let her in as Aaron blank stares from where I left him,liked he's glued to the floor or something,
"You told me where you live,Cyrus."she says her eyes flying around the apartment,I think I looked alot like her when I first came here too.
"Mrs Mclain."Aaron,finally,says.
"Oh my,I didn't even notice you there."She wastes no time hugging him. And you're probably like,why would she do that after everything and her not even knowing him too? She hugs everyone and hates no one. I don't like the policy very much but it makes her happy so I'm happy.
"Yeah,yeah enough of that."I push Aaron away from her because long hugs are for me and not him,"Nana,about the bag."she pinches my cheek as soon as I say that,
"You little child. Don't you ever change? I'm here to stay with you for a couple days because I remember that you told me someone was being a jerk again-"I silence her with my finger so she doesn't go on a tangent about what I told her concerning Aaron. He'll kill me if he hears all that.
"Shhh- tell me what this is?"I ask with a smile that's only spared for her taking the container from her hands,
"Your favourite,Lasagna."my heart does a little back flip because it is my favourite. So is everything else she makes,
"Are you here from a fishing trip?"Aaron asks getting close to her,
"Yes,I am. I'm also pretty tired because I had to go home first because of the catch."
"Oh,then take a seat on the coach while I put this away."Aaron takes her to the coach then mysteriously disappears from my sight as I find a way to place the lasagna in the fridge full of all of Aaron's meal plans.
A couple minutes later I hear things opening around me. "Nana,didn't I tell you to rest?"she shrugs me off opening our plate cabinet in the process
"You've spent your whole life with me and yet you don't know that I hate to rest."she says shaking her head and I walk over and hug her,
"One day you'll love it."one day the burden of having to take care of me in your old age. One day I'll fix all this and I won't need anyone's help to do it.
"No,I won't. Anyway nice house here."she looks around again and I see the glint shining in her eyes,it almost takes me off track,
"I know you never would've come here no matter how much I complained,fess up."
"I came because- I was worried... and I had a dream."I furrow my brows waiting for her to continue. She's always had dreams,dreams that told her about the future she says to me. She's believed that ever since she had the dream of my mom fading into the dark,dark horizon. Leaving me in her arms. "It was about you and Aaron. You got married."
"Yeah,we did that in real life,Nana."I explain,
"I know... but then you two were happy and smiling at each other."I nearly drop the glass in my hand,
"Nana."I grunt and she clicks her tongue as I hand her the glass of water,
"I saw it. You two were happy. Besides it's coming true anyway,you've been really quiet for a couple days."my cheeks flare and I scramble to defend myself,
"Because he's been busy with work and leaves me alone now."I stammer and she smirks leaning on the counter,
"I doubt you can stay with a man that handsome and not have ideas brewing."I huff and find myself leaving it as it is. Yeah,sure,Aaron is tall,wears glasses,is smart,has two adorable moles and some- but he's not my type. People can be handsome or good looking but not for you all the time. Nana sure thinks differently.
"Wait- where are you going to sleep?"
"In the guestroom."Aaron answers and I'm sure he's lost it,
"Guestroom? We don't have a-"
"The room right here."he puts his hand right on my door and makes sure to pat it a couple times. That's not a guestroom and I don't get to tell Nana that before she nods and urges me to come watch her favourite show with her on the coach,I'll tell her I'll be right by.
"We don't have a guestroom."I snap at Aaron and he raises a brow at me,
"We do now."I don't wait to ask him more and I go to check my space only to find the bed empty and clean. My room flipped upside down,desk cleared,floors wiped,amd my laundry bin also empty. I can hear the washing machin running smoothly in his bathroom. He even changed my curtains.
"What did you do to my stuff."I say pointing to my bed that was once unspread and dirty that is now clean and neatly done in white sheets and blankets,
"I washed them."he says,simply as he leans on the wall still in his work clothes. Which are the usual,a white button up that hug his figure and muscles a couple of buttons down just to show the easy rise amd fall of his chest. A peak of his golden skin that's even all over. Silk black pants that fit with one of his custom suits,that's why it's holding on to his waist and painting masterfully down the length of his legs. Top to bottom he's covered in that aura,surrounding him and the space around me. An aura that I'm used to but now it's different... has more power over me by the element of surprise its easy going. Like he's stopped holding himself high and loosened up. Let his tie drop. Literally.
"If you washed my sheets where the hell am supposed to sleep?"I stand infront of him and realise that this is bad idea. Coming to close when he's making his eyes look like that. Deep and having to good of a kick out of me panicking so obviously. His colonge filling my lungs,diving in and burning my lungs in the most annoying yet sweet way possible. The scent is crisp as it's always been,laden with a spice of some sort.
He crosses his forearms over his chest making his muscles and veins pop,"With me."he whispers and I nearly shudder. Curses to whatever god or spirit that gave him this baritone,
"Why would I sleep with you?"
"Because your grandmother is here,we need to be making an effort here."he fidgets carefully with his fingers,
"My Nan knows I hate you. No need."
"I already told her that there's a guestroom."
"Yeah but-"
"I already put your blankets in the wash too."he adds and I feel like stomping my foot on the floor like a caveman and yelling. But I won't. No need to panic when faced off with Aaron like this,it doesn't take long for him to break under pressure-
"Cyrus! They're about to announce the winners hurry."Nana yells and I hear her dig her hand into the bowl of popcorn so hard I hear it from here,
"Saved by the bell."I mutter begrudgingly and he scoffs at me,
"No worries,we'll keep pick up from where we left off in the bedroom."no mirror needed I'm blushing. Luckily he'll only know that if he touches me. Which he will not be doing in this life or the next. I intentionally bumb into him as I head to the sitting room to the coach.

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