Perhaps you'll forgive me {2/2}

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That exam had me with my head down and legs up,face flat. I hope I don't get below a C- I'll crawl in a hole and die if I do.
I've been sitting on the couch looking at the door every two minutes,it's eight already and he's not home. I mean I want to say I'm not waiting on him but I kind of am. What in the world is he doing that's taking him so long anyway?
I decide to take a peak out of our window. It gives a full view of the city as well as the parking lot. Maybe his car is already around,when I take off just a bit of the curtain I find him getting out of his car. Two huge bags in hand,his hair even from here looks a little more relaxed than usual. So does his clothes,he's not wearing his blazer or his vest. Just his light blue dress shirt and pants,AND no tie. What's going on?
He closes the doors to the car- just then he looks up and catches me peaking. I think. I ducked just in time (I think). I let a sigh of relief but the moment I do,my phone starts to ring. I inwardly curse,I pick up but I don't say hello,the moment stretches making my face heat up even more,
"I saw you silly."he says finally,and I can almost hear him grinning,"Were you waiting on me?"
"No."A pause,"so what if I was peaking at you."I mutter and he chuckles,even from there it belongs to this mellow space that has all his touches to it. I've noticed more and more that he isn't all a colourless minimalistic frog. That doesn't mean I won't be decorating things around here,my cartoon mugs are staying.
"So what indeed,come out so I can see you."
"Stand infront of the window."I make a face even though he can't see me,
"That parking lot doesn't belong to you,there's other people down there and-"
"Just this once."A pause of disapproval,"Please?"
"Whatever."I get up and show just a little bit of my head and eyes and as soon as I do all I see is a tiny flash from his phone hundreds of feet away. It take me a second to realise he just took a picture of me,I scream into the phone,"You're the worst Manalo."
"Aye,easy there no need to call upon my fore fathers."he's laughing his head off and I curse him in my head a couple of times before I can function again,
"What's in those bags? It better make sure I don't do my murder plans on you."
"Oh that? Don't worry it'll fix a lot of things."I want to ask him what he means but he stops me,"I'll be right there,so don't peak out the window."he'll never let me live this down christ. A second later there's knocking on the door,I look through the small hole and it's him. By some dark magic he knows I'm looking at him and he offers a smile,
"What sort of weirdo knocks on their own door?"I say as I open the door and when I look up all I see is his phone screen with my face zoomed in on the picture. He mimics my mannerism in the picture and I want to smack him but it'll wait for when he's put what I'm sure to be food down,"Jerk."I mutter as I try to take one bag off of him he keeps his grip,
"Take this one instead."I give him a look and shrugs,"it's lighter."
I walk away into the kitchen with the grocery bag he gave me start unpacking it. I smile ear to ear,soda is the first thing I land upon.
"Are you still mad at me?"he asks out of nowhere and I look at him as he takes off his shoes with the help of the wall. Then it clicks,the secret admirer thing.
"Yes."I say simply,smile fleeting like unwatered flowers,"I'm still mad at you,and I will be for a long time. I doubt you asking me will change anything. And me talking to you doesn't mean I've forgiven you,I'm just choosing not to spend mental energy on the matter,I have things to do."I say taking out more stuff from the bag,which is candies,chocolate and more stuff Aaron never gets but I will gladly eat.
"Okay."he says with a tight lipped smile. I take out the last thing out of the bag and it's a white box. When I open it a chocolate cake with happy birthday Cyrus written on top stares back at me. The aray of toppings and sprinkles that have been skillfully placed on- don't be mad,even I didn't know someone could do that until now. It looks delicious but I have to steal a glance at Aaron first,
"Why did you- when did... where did you get this?"
"A bakery,like you would most. It is your birthday after all."he explains and I stare at the cake and back at him a couple times. I had totally forgotten about my birthday today. I had the exam and all,I had to go look for a dry cleaning and Zahir to tell him about the dry cleaning for the outfit he gave me. I've been busy so I forgot it was my birthday,and Nana didn't text me cause she always confused it with another date sometime in November. "Did you forget it was your big day?"he teases and I slap him in his arm cotton candy fists my foot because he says ow.
"Yeah... I was a little busy-"I take out the cake an attempt to cut it but he pulls my hand away,
"We'll get to that in a minute... come sit here."I realise that all this time he's been putting a soft blanket all over the floor and in the centre of the cotton pool is this huge black bag. He sits down and urges me to come sit next to him,I shake my head a couple of times but he's adamant that I come sit on the floor beside him. He gives me a small smile,and this might be the first time his hair sits happily over his forehead. It's silly really,he looks like if two thousands Justin Bieber got older but never replaced his hairstyle. He must've noticed because he runs his magical hand over his hair and it makes it wavy. I swear it's like a spell or something. I can't say he doesn't look adorable though. After much persuasion I sit beside him,
"You better tell me what all this is about Mister-"my southern twang slips out like a gosh darn wet bar of soap,but you know what? I don't care,I've known Aaron for around a couple a'months and what I've learned about him is that he doesn't care where you're from. You just have to be nice and respectful that's all. That and he also thinks my twang is cute and I somewhat choose to believe him.
He ignores me and decides he's going to open the big mystery bag. It zips open and  I start to hear ruffling on the inside of the miniature cave. Then Aaron whistles softly and tap his thigh in a rhythm,"Here boy."he says and my jaw falls on the floor as a tiny golden dog that sheepishly peaks out of a pet carrier. He has a red collar on his neck and his ears flop clumsily all over the place as he whines because the place around him is unfamiliar.
The well-behaved little guy comes around and starts sniffing Aaron's lap over and over. His big beady eyes shine as he looks between the both of us his tail begins to wag and he whines. I want to scream. I'm gonna scream,UGH! I DON'T want to scare him though. I gently take the little golden fur ball and place him on my lap,I pet him like its some disease of mine one of the symptoms is: I can't stop touching him,"Where did you get him? Wait- is he? Mine?"
"Who else could he be for Button?"I start screaming,but gently so I don't spook the little puppy in my lap. He's adorable,like he's actually the cutest thing and he cannot get anymore- he just got cuter by falling asleep on me. "Happy birthday."Aaron says simply as he leans back into the floor and watches me try not to make any sound as I lose my mind over what's happening right now. I have so many questions. When did this become a plan? How did you know I love dogs and- "it's obvious that you love dogs Cyrus,you literally have a dog calender on your desk. You have a book explaining dog years. It's clear to see."he explains having somehow read my mind,
"But what about-"
"As for the why's of this situation,I thought it would be nice to get you someone to keep you company-"he extends his hand and pats this adorable puppy's head,"While I'm away so you don't peak out windows looking for me."I want to smack him for the last comment but I can't,this is one of the best things I've ever gotten for my birthday. I've lived getting gifts at some random time in November curtesy of Nana. So this- this means a lot to me. He knew this would move me and I hate that I love him a little more for it. The dog stirs in my lap and I keep petting him. I'm going to spoil the world out of him,
"Maybe if you want he can help move into an actual house. A house,we can make a home."I love how he gestures to ALL of us even Mr puppy over here. I smile,then I'm grinning then I'm crying from pure joy. I start sobbing and both of the people around me (yes puppy is counted as well,) give me looks,"Why are you crying?"he gets up and holds my shaking shoulder in concern,I barely bite back my big wet tears to form even the smallest of words,
"I've always wanted a dog and you- you got me one and when I was a kid I couldn't because Nana and grandad were allergic to fur so I couldn't keep pets. And now I have a-"
"A dog,yes I know. Please stop crying,"He takes out a paper towel and tries to wipe my tears,
"I'm not crying,I'm just really happy because I have my own dog now."I bring the puppy closer to me and try to get him comfortable,
"Yes,yes I know. But I want you to stop crying anyway."
"It's cause I'm an ugly crier right?"I scoff and he exasperated,mutters something,
"You still look handsome but that doesn't mean I should be okay with you shedding tears."he dabs the cloth all around my eyes and I successfully stop at least for now. "Do you know why I did all this?"
"No,I also don't know why we're whispering."I whisper back and I laugh at his tired reaction. He better get used to it,I'm going to joke all night. Then all morning after that. Then the day after that. All because I'm so happy,and I'll be so happy for a long time,
"One because its clear you wanted a dog. Two-"he takes my hand in his and squeezes,"I wanted to say sorry. This isn't me saying it's a must you forgive me now. Take your time and see how long it will take for that to happen IF its happening at all. But this is me,owning up to my wrong doings and saying sorry because you mean a lot to me."
"Here's me saying-"I take my hand and place it on his other hand,"I accept your apology and I also want to ask you one last time,why did you do it... hopefully this time you answer me."the air grows serious,I await his response,
"I just wanted us to be closer. The decision was made on a high of impulse and Austin convincing me it would be a great idea. I never thought that you wouldn't like it to that point,and when you told me you're uncomfortable I was going to stop. I promise I had no malicious intentions."
"Wait,what? Let me get this straight- you thought it would be a great idea to get me all those gifts so I can become your friend? So we can be closer? That's a horrible idea."
"Why? I mean the part about us being closer."
"I mean,when we're close or friends things go wrong,and we hate each other. It's not a good idea to-"
"I don't hate you."he remarks cupping his cheek and resting it on the floor like he could never be more bored,
"Yes you do."
"No I do not."
"Yes you- new clause! You can't lie about not hating me,and vise versa."
"I disagree to the clause."
"We hate each other- it's a bad idea to not hate each other."
"What are you worried about?"
"I'm not worried about anything,I just think that we shouldn't-"
"Are you worried about change? Are you anxious because you might want to kiss me again?"my face heats up as I recoil away from this demon who dare suggest that I-
"I never wanted to do anything with you."I yell to the unbothered man infront of me,the annoying little voice in my head says that I did. And I shove the memories of the night back into hell where it belongs,
"Whatever. But as you can see I'm fine,no rashes. No pains,no aches no nothing."
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm saying I don't have any negative side effects-"he brings his face closer to mine and my breath hitches. His skin looks- nice under this light,the orange hue highlights the gold like shade of his,time slows down and all I can hear is slight muffles of the noises in the city below. This house has always been like this when we go quiet it goes quiet with us. It feels hollow because its almost always filled with the sounds of me and Aaron fighting and bickering. I wonder if it ever gets tired of us,because I get tired of him going quiet because whatever he'll say next is going to be absolutely ridiculous.
I hold my new found furry protector as in case this gets ludicrous,"From loving you."okay this just went to fever dream level. I look at the clock on the wall and it confirms that I'm in reality. I look back at him and wait for him to say just kidding. Spoiler alert he doesn't.
I need to get out of here. Like right now. He opens his trap of a mouth again before I can run away prison break style,"Nothing except you being annoying of course."how is he saying this? Why is he saying this? FORGET THAT! I'M OUT OF HERE. I imagine myself jumping out the window but instead I use the last of my fried brain cells to say whatever comes to mind,
"I think the ovens on. I'm gonna go- and turn it off."
"You can't ignore me Cyrus."
"I'm checking the oven!"even the oven gives me a side way glance as it sits in its 'holier than thou' stillness,not even looking like it could be a fifth percent on,
"What's his name birthday boy?"
"I'm checking the oven and also I don't know."
"You have as much time as you want,think about it."he gets up and leaves me to face the oven. Which isn't on thank you very much.

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