One,bed again

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"So this is like a government rule? Is it a safety issue?"I ask and Zahir nods,panic is evident on his face as he stands infront of us. I'm getting worried myself,but that's for later right now though I need to handle this situation,
"So where are we gonna stay?"Cyrus asks,he looks the most scared among all of us,I want to hold his hand but he'll probably get even more scared and Zahir will definitely see his reaction to my touch. I can't let that happen,
"Here."I say simply and they both give me a look of confusion,"Technically this place is also a hotel so we can just stay upstairs."
"There's an upstairs to this place?"
"Yeah,beds and all. One of my closest friends Austin wants to sign a business deal with the people who own this place so he told me about it."I supply with a nod,
"Wait,where is he? Austin I mean,"Cyrus asks,the concern on his face makes it clear how much he cares about him. Inwardly,I smile at his show of concern for Austin,like he already grew on him.
"He's probably somewhere safe and sound. Either here or on the road,don't worry about him."I assure him,and he smiles,
"What about... that guy,Victor?"
"Meh,he didn't come as usual. Parvati probably has something going on."
"His daughter."both Zahir and Cyrus make oh sounds at the revelation,and I sigh,"let's go look for our rooms now."


Of course the entire place would be packed. Not even that many people had left the party. I mean I couldn't even get a separate room if I wanted,the attendants might see and say that our marriage is already on the rocks.
I open the door and it creaks letting us into a small room with a normal sized bed with only one window. The floor is the same as the tiles on the floor below,the night stands mimic the architecture in the ball room,as well as the small lights that illuminate the space. The only way to describe it is quaint. The question is will I be able to stay here with Cyrus?
Me and my lawfully wedded husband over here have only slept together in King sized beds,meaning we have enough space to not touch each other the whole night. But this bed is normal,nice and cozy. But I don't want to get all cozy with him right now.
"Where are the towels?"Cyrus asks as he uses his hands to shovel through the closet,
"Why are you looking for a towel?"
"Aaron don't be silly with me right now. Your hair got wet-"He frowning at me as he takes his newly found towel,he gets close and runs it through my damp hair. I hadn't even noticed it was still wet. He uses his hands and the cloth to dry my hair,the contact soon has my heart pounding in my chest. I'm pretty sure I'm blushing,"What if you get a cold? Then what?"he asks his brows throughly furrowed at me,it takes me a second to realise he's scolding me,I open my mouth ready to talk back but he stops me,"Don't you dare say that you can handle it yourself."
I open my mouth again then close once I realise that I have no defence left. I try to sit quietly as he does his work. All my blood is rushing into my face,like bees to pollen,I'm blinking slow when his fingers touch my scalp and make circles,gentle and soft circles. I want to fall asleep like this right here but as soon as it came it goes he retracts his hand and leaves the towel over my shoulders.
"Try changing your clothes as well,they're wet too."he says diving back into the closet,"Although you don't have a change of clothes here- looks like you'll have to get used to impromptu life for a minute."he jokes and I can't help but grin,
"I used to live in a slum like house Cyrus,I can handle this."
"I keep forgetting that you grew up without money. You play the rich boy role well."he teases as he takes out another towel and starts taking off some of the layers of his clothes,he takes off his cape and stares at a stain he probably got when he was with that good for nothing. I watch how he bites his lip as he stares the smudge down,visibly he's upset. The rage from earlier bubbles to the surface again,I hate seeing him upset. Soon he puts it away but the sulk is still on his face,"Where did you live?"
"The Philippines."he laughs at this,
"I know that silly tell me more about the area."He says still laughing,I crack a grin and I try to remember the details of where I was. No one has ever asked me this question,
"It was this area,that used to flood. Once it flooded and we lost our house. We didn't have the money to build another one so we just rented this one bedroom house. It looked like a cubicle."
"We stayed there me and my siblings and my mother of course."
"And your dad?"he asks and when he sees my face he slaps a hand over his mouth,"I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"
"It's alright. I've gotten used to the facts of what happened. He left with some prostitute,left my mother high,dry and pregnant with his baby."A pause,"She went to live back home after that then the flood happened. Nearly killed all of us. I kept hoping would hear from my father,I never did."
"So,you had to do a lot of things around the house?"he sits on the bed to listen to me tell this story,only then do I realise I never thought I would,especially to him,
"Yeah,I was cooking meals by the time I was twelve,paying bills by the time I was sixteen. All that jazz,"without thinking I sit beside him on the bed. I look around as I do this,I realise just how small this room is,like the walls are closing in on me. Or maybe I'm just saying that cause I can smell Cyrus' shower gel that makes him smell like a tropical flower and sometimes I just want to plant my face into his neck and take a shot of it like its a drug- but there's no need to talk about that right now.
"Kinda reminds me of when I was a teenager,Nana always says I was head strong and was such a pessimist. Looking back I was,"he offers me a smile,
"Yeah,but she raised a good person. I'll let tell you that for free,"he breaks our eye contact and shift nervously,like he's not used to being complimented. It makes me want to do it over and over until there's no quality he doesn't know about himself.
"Where did you go to school? I went to a normal public school back home people were the worst down there."
"Same,it was normal but people were the worst. I mean people are bound to make fun of you if you lived where I lived when I was younger. When an impoverished person realises that you're worse off they vent through looking down on you."he nods in agreement,then he gets up,
"What are you looking at? I'll have you know I'm nothing like you and I enjoy changing in private."I flush and turn my head around,my heart starts going a hundred miles per hour when I hear the soft ruffles of fabric dropping off of flesh onto the floor. I need to use my every last bit of self discipline to not imagine what's going on behind me.
"You- you don't have a change of clothes though."I tell him and I hear him grunt,
"Yeah,I'll sleep in my undies,your not planning on sleep in your suit right?"he supplies and I blush yet again at the thought of being that unclothed infront of him,
"I'll figure something out."I rub my neck that's started to cramp up,
"Alright."I hear the sounds of something getting under the blankets of the bed and I turn hesitantly to find Cyrus in a black undershirt. I inwardly thank the heaven's that he's not naked,at least not fully. His lower half is covered by the blanket and he's still sitting upright resting his head on the bed. He lazily looks me up and down and the simple action send shock waves through my skin,my eyes are unable to not focus on his long fluttering lashes. "Are you not gonna change?"I don't know about him but those words change the air around us. It makes it heavy like its being weighed down by a fog of tension,a tension that screams to be relieved,beckoning me by suffocating the life out of me. The devil on my shoulder whispers for me to inch closer to him,to listen to my hearts desires.
I tell him to shut the hell up because sometimes your hearts greatest desire is meant to be kept to yourself. In miserable exhaustion I take off my blazer and unbutton the top most buttons of my shirt letting my muscles breathe,
"Hmm."The world goes quiet for a moment,I wait for him to tell me what it is he wants to say. I turn my hear to look at him but he's already half way closing some of the distance between us. Whatever happened before this wasn't tension. This is,this feeling that's making my chest hammer. This feeling that has the surface of my skin buzzing with some strange form of anticipation. This feeling is what we had that night in the kitchen turned to one hundred. I feel like whatever was holding me back just drove off a cliff and now all I have is sheer will power. And that too,is also running thin.
He places a hand slowly on my hair,I don't look at it. My eyes are glued to his face,the movement of his eyes you could get a pair of pliers and not be able to take my gaze off of him. It might be because he's also looking at me,not breaking not even once. Soon he takes off his hand and smiles tightly,
"There was something-"
"In my hair?"I ask,my voice is glowering,close to being some deep hellish sound spawning at the back of my throat. I rake my gaze over him yet again,I wonder if his skin always looked so soft. Like a pillow or something I'm supposed to be sinking my teeth into. I drop from his freckles onto his lips. Full and pink,like some sort of marshmallow. He sees me staring at him or moreover his lips and he reciprocates. In the world's most cutest and hottest way possible. Its official,I've lost it.
"Here it is,"he says turning to whatever is on his hand. I don't care to find out,all I know right now is Cyrus. Like reciting his name like a chant,singing it like its my religion. Like I've lost my godforsaken mind. I take his chin into my hands and turn his eyes back to me,I slide that hand over his jaw until I've fully cupped his cheek. I run my thumb over his face,right and left like a wind mill. Back and forth. Whatever I can do to feel it,because good god it's soft. Like a pillow. I'm edged on by how he doesn't refuse my touch,he leans into me. I know for a fact that he wants this just as badly as I do.
This has got to be a spell of some sort,being this obsessed with one person like this isn't normal. I've dated before yes. But no one and I mean no one has made me feel the way Cyrus makes me feel. This level of pathetic desperate yearning is a foreign concept I am now inflected with. I can't help it any longer as I dip my head down slow and place my forehead to his,then I dip down in one swoop ready to kiss him. My nose is right there bending into his but then out nowhere he pulls back just slightly and says,"Tell me about your family."out of the thin air.
I pull back fully with shock,my eyes are wide as I stare at the very serious Cyrus. Asking me about my family when I was about to kiss him. Is this a fever dream of some sort? There's no way in seven realms of hell that I imagined what just happened. I was holding him,caressing him and nearly cradling him in my arms like a precious antique. I didn't imagine anything,then out the blues in the middle of my imagination playing jazzy music he asks me that.
"I mean you never told me how many siblings you have."he says to me and like the same magic he used to unknowingly seduce me he's already far far away from me. Reopening the distance. Okay forget what I said because I think THIS IS IT this is the where I lose my mind because there's no this is happening.
"I'm the oldest of five."I say to him,
"Oh okay."that's it? No explanation,no nothing? He hides back into his covers and looks up at me and says,"You should go change so we can wake up tomorrow early."I get upnoff the bed and turn away from him my jaw is still hanging open like I can't close it.
"Goodnight."he mutters to me,
"...night."I sit in bed wondering what the hell just happened to me,but I can't seem to find the answer.

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